George Clooney Astrology Chart Analysis
George Clooney finally got engaged to Amal Alamuddin on April 22nd. Although the betrothed pair has not yet made an official engagement announcement, they let their joy and that emerald cut diamond ring do the talking.George Clooney born on May 6, 1961 at 2:58 AM in Lexington Kentucky is a Aquarius ascendant with ascendant degree at 17 degrees 36 minutes in Aquarius sign ruled by Saturn. Mars the ruler of 2nd, 9th and 10th house is in 5th house of entertainment business and is aspecting many planets, including the ascendant lord Saturn, from its position in 5th house, gave him celebrity status, and many relationships. The astrology chart is somewhat difficult for marriage as the 7th house lord Sun is in Bharani nakshatra ruled by 4th and 8th house (placidus house system) lord Venus. George was in Jupiter mahadasha since Sept 1998. Jupiter rules 11th house and is placed in 12th house, in 6th house lord Moon’s Shravana nakshatra and moon is in 11th house. Jupiter’s strong connection with 6th house and 12th house was not helping George for marriage matters as 6th house and 12th house negate marriage. Jupiter’s connection with 11th house and aspect from Mars from its position in 5th house gave many relationships, but no marriage, because Jupiter has no connection with the 7th house of marriage. During Jupiter mahadasha most of George’s relationships appear to be staged. The girl friend is there for 18 months, and then there is a breakup with no tears or emotional outbursts. The girl friends would leave as if they knew their time is up. They just made some good money through publicity and public appearances. In my opinion George has done the right thing by not getting married during Jupiter mahadasha, as the marriage would have ended anyway.
Now George is engaged during Jupiter / Rahu / Sun period (04/04/3014 to 05/18/2014), because Rahu is in leo sign ruled by 7th house lord Sun can give him marriage. Mahadasha lord Jupiter is transiting the Gemini sign, the 5th house in George Clooney’s astrology chart. But transit Saturn from Libra is aspecting the natal position of 7th house lord Sun in Aries. In mid July transit Saturn in Libra is going to stop right at 22 degrees, directly opposite the natal Sun, the 7th house lord in Aries. This will not be a favorable transit for George Clooney, and there can be some challenges in the current relationship until November 2nd this year, when Saturn enters Scorpio. There will be a mahadasha change also around this time. Clooney will be entering Saturn mahadasha. In my opinion Clooney can find happiness in marriage in Saturn mahadasha, because Saturn is in 7th house lord Sun’s nakshatra. I have not seen his girl friend’s astrology chart as I don’t know her birth time, but someone with Gemini or Virgo Ascendant according to Vedic Astrology will have a high degree of Love Compatibility with George Clooney.
Gurmeet Singh Astrologer
May 5, 2014
Date: May 6, 1961
Time: 2:58 AM
Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 84 W 30' 00", 38 N 03' 00"
Lexington Manor, Kentucky, USA
Altitude: 0.00 meters
Ayanamsa: 23-13-14.10
Sidereal Time: 17:12:55
Body Longitude Nakshatra
Lagna 17 Aq 36' 24.07" Sata
Sun 22 Ar 20' 04.85" Bhar
Moon 4 Cp 43' 36.85" USha
Mars 6 Cn 55' 50.98" Push
Mercury 27 Ar 32' 43.49" Krit
Jupiter 13 Cp 20' 38.71" Srav
Venus 19 Pi 51' 08.66" Reva
Saturn 6 Cp 37' 41.21" USha
Rahu 9 Le 29' 14.97" Magh
Ketu 9 Aq 29' 14.97" Sata
House Cusp Middle End Planets in it
1st 17 Aq 36' 24.07" 9 Pi 48' 47.51" 2 Ar 01' 10.95" As, Ve
2nd 2 Ar 01' 10.95" 17 Ar 18' 57.29" 2 Ta 36' 43.63" Su, Me
3rd 2 Ta 36' 43.63" 14 Ta 16' 59.81" 25 Ta 57' 15.98"
4th 25 Ta 57' 15.98" 6 Ge 46' 22.45" 17 Ge 35' 28.93"
5th 17 Ge 35' 28.93" 29 Ge 56' 12.91" 12 Cn 16' 56.90" Ma
6th 12 Cn 16' 56.90" 29 Cn 56' 40.49" 17 Le 36' 24.07" Ra
7th 17 Le 36' 24.07" 9 Vi 48' 47.51" 2 Li 01' 10.95"
8th 2 Li 01' 10.95" 17 Li18' 57.29" 2 Sc 36' 43.63"
9th 2 Sc 36' 43.63" 14 Sc 16' 59.81" 25 Sc 57' 15.98"
10th 25 Sc 57' 15.98" 6 Sg 46' 22.45" 17 Sg 35' 28.93"
11th 17 Sg 35' 28.93" 29 Sg 56' 12.91" 12 Cp 16' 56.90" Mo, Sa
12th 12 Cp 16' 56.90" 29 Cp 56' 40.49" 17 Aq 36' 24.07" Ju, Ke