2016 Presidential Election Astrology

2016  Presidential Election Astrology
2016 Presidential Election Astrology | 2016 Presidential Election Astrology Predictions| us presidential election astrological predictions

I received numerous requests from people to write about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders astrology charts, in this article on 2016 Presidential Election Predictions. I would have written about Hillary and Bernie long time ago if I knew their accurate birth times from their birth certificates with AA rating. A friend astrologer contacted me on facebook and provided me their birth information, and assured me it is  accurate. The friend astrologer also motivated me to give my thoughts on Hillary and Bernie’s astrology charts. I couldn’t say no to him, so I am writing this analysis. FYI, I have independent views. I am neither Democrat nor Republican. My astrology analysis is always unbiased, whether I have written about Donald Trump’s astrology chart in the past or I am writing about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders astrology charts now. So here is my analysis on Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders astrology charts. My predictions will be accurate only if the birth times provided to me are 100% accurate, otherwise I cannot guarantee the accuracy of my predictions. This is my disclaimer.
                           Hillary Clinton born, October 26, 1947 at 8.02 AM (rectified to 7:50AM), Chicago IL is a Libra ascendant according to Vedic Astrology. The ascendant degree is 26 degrees 45 minutes in Libra sign. Hillary Clinton is in Sun mahadasha / Mars Bhukti until April 15th this year, next she enters Sun mahadasha / Rahu Bhukti. The current mahadasha lord Sun rules the 10th house of Career, as Leo sign falls in the 10th house (placidus house system). Sun is in the 12th house and is in the nakshatra of Rahu and Rahu represents 8th house, 12th and ascendant lord Venus, by being in Taurus sign. The current mahadasha lord Sun is not a very auspicious planet, having connection with 8th house, 10th house, 12th house and 1st house, that is why she has the email server investigation going on at this moment. But Hillary Clinton is still able to score big victories over Bernie Sanders because Bernie is going through a very difficult period according to his astrology chart at this moment.
                             Bernie Sanders born, September 8, 1941 at 12:27 PM, Brooklyn Heights NY is a Scorpio ascendant according to Vedic Astrology. The ascendant degree is 14 degrees 12 minutes in Scorpio sign. Bernie is in Jupiter mahadasha / Saturn Bhukti this year. Both Jupiter and Saturn are very auspicious planets in Bernie’s astrology chart. But Mahadasha lord Jupiter is badly afflicted right now. Transit Jupiter is retrograde in Leo sign, in conjunction with Rahu and badly aspected by Saturn. Saturn from Scorpio sign is also aspecting the natal position of Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus sign. Bernie Sanders time is difficult until September this year. But after September this year Bernie will be in a much stronger period then Hillary. Bernie can easily win the General Election on November 8th with a landslide victory, whereas Hillary will have a very close race. According to Hillary Clinton’s astrology chart, her email server classified information investigation will be over either between May 15th and June 15th, before the Democratic Convention or between August 1st and September 30th, after the Democratic Convention. It will happen so close to the Presidential Election date, can weaken her chances of Presidential Hopes. The danger for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, even if she avoids criminal charges, is that it could play into the perception by some that the former secretary of state can't be trusted. For conservatives hoping to defeat her in the general election, that's good news.  
                            But in Astrology they say it is all about timing. The time between now and September this year is a difficult period for Bernie Sanders and may not be able to win the Democratic Nomination. But still we should pay attention to the period from May 15 to June 15 this year, this will be the time when Hillary can lose her momentum and it can help Bernie in the Primary race.  
March 15, 2016

As I have mentioned before on March 15th update, if Bernie can somehow win the Democratic nomination, he will win by a landslide on Nov 8th against any Republican candidate. Bernie will be in the golden period of his life after September this year, but the time between now and September is a difficult time for Bernie, will have to put in lot of hard work for any positive results. I also mentioned that Hillary can lose momentum between May 15th and June 15th.  
March 27, 2016

Now we know Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for the General Election. The ascendant lord Sun’s transit through Aries sign from April 15 to May 15, under Jupiter’s auspicious aspect helped Donald Trump seal the deal for the Republican nomination. Trump’s opponents Cruz and Kasich threw in the towel so quickly, did not even try to stop Trump till the end of the Primaries, June 8th. Trump is in auspicious Rahu mahadasha, and Rahu is strongly placed in the 10th house in his natal astrology chart, that is why every time when Trump lost momentum for few weeks, he quickly regained momentum, and started winning again. But unfortunately for Trump this auspicious Rahu mahadasha is coming to an end on Oct 4th this year, one month before election date. Trump will be entering 8th house lord and Badhaka house lord Jupiter mahadasha starting October 4th. Jupiter is the worst planet in Trump’s astrology chart. On the election date on November 8th, Trump will be in Jupiter mahdasha, Jupiter Bhukti, and Jupiter Anthara. Jupiter planet is coming at all three levels, in the dashas. In the month of August and September the ascendant lord Sun will be transiting through Leo sign with Rahu and badly aspected by Saturn, not good at all. I feel that Trump’s challenging time starts August 1st onwards, when Democrats will start running anti Trump ads, and Trump will also need to find his VP Candidate. I see lot of Republicans have supported Trump and endorsed him, but I doubt they want to be Trump’s VP Candidate, because they are not going to be sure which Donald Trump version they will be working with, he is not going to listen to anybody’s advice but himself, and Trump is so unpredictable. Also Trump has some difficult transits in January 2017 as well, when Saturn will transit his natal moon in Scorpio sign and aspect natal position of Sun in Taurus sign, that is never a good transit whether you follow Western Astrology or Vedic Astrology. Lot of things can happen between now and October 1st, especially the months of August and September are very challenging. We still don’t know for sure whether Hillary or Bernie will be the Democrat nominee, and there is also a possibility of a third party candidate by Anti Trump Groups. Things will become clear and we will know by first week of October, who is going to win the Presidential Election. In my opinion Donald Trump is going to lose the General Election.
May 4, 2016

Donald Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee by adopting extreme right positions on all major issues during the Republican Primaries, even though in my opinion he does not personally believe in many of those positions, because he was a liberal most of his life. Now Trump will try to become a moderate Republican in the coming months to woo independent voters before the General Election, and also please the Republican Establishment. The guy is a shrewd business man, who understands what his client wants to hear. Now we will see a different version of Donald Trump in the coming months before the General Election. Today Trump said I love all Hispanics. I will not be surprised if tomorrow Trump says I love all Muslims.
May 5, 2016

The family feud between Donald Trump and GOP Establishment has already started last week, when House Speaker Paul Ryan mentioned that he is not ready to endorse Donald Trump. Donald Trump as well as House Speaker Paul Ryan are in a very awkward positon. If Donald Trump tries to make any compromise by backtracking from some of his extreme right positions, such as ban on Muslims entering the US, building a wall, and deporting undocumented aliens etc., then Donald Trump will lose support from the 10 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump. If GOP Establishment will try to make any compromise with Donald Trump then they will be labeled as the extreme right party, who will have support only from the extreme right GOP Base, but will also alienate moderate Republicans, independent voters and other minority groups. Either way Republican Party is in deep trouble. As I have mentioned in my previous updates, Donald Trump will again go through a challenging period between May 20th and June 15th. I am pretty sure this family feud between Donald Trump and GOP Establishment will not be resolved soon. This is the next chapter of Donald Trump’s reality show. The reality show never ends, and there is never an opportunity to have any serious discussion on policy issues. I also mentioned in my previous update that Donald Trump will have hard time finding his VP Candidate. We have seen Dr. Ben Carson who endorsed Donald Trump couple of months ago, declined to be Trump’s VP Candidate.
May 7, 2016

Everything according to Donald Trump is negotiable, because he knows how to negotiate the deals. Trump had gone to the extreme right of all other Republican candidates on almost all issues during the Republican Primaries, that is why Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee. Going forward, he will negotiate his positions on certain issues, and go to the left of Hillary, to bring the independent voters and other minority groups to his side. Trump is going to create so much confusion, that will make people wonder if he is a Republican or Democrat. People won't know what actually Trump stands for. In the end even his supporters are not going to like him. Trump wants to negotiate his way into the White House. I have received numerous requests from Astrology students to explain my analysis on Trump loss on  November 8th. Donald Trump is in auspicious Rahu mahadasha (Rahu in 10th house in Trump’s astrology chart), which is coming to an end on Oct 4th. Next Trump is entering 8th house and Badhaka house lord Jupiter mahadasha, which rules evil houses in his astrology chart. Jupiter mahadasha will be malefic for Trump, that is why I boldly predicted Trump’s loss on Nov 8th. Mahadasha / Bhuktis tell you what is going to happen, good or bad. The transits are used only for timing of events. Just making predictions using transits alone does not make sense. You can have great transits, but if the person is going through bad mahadasha and bhuktis, the person cannot expect good results. If Trump was in Rahu mahadasha in the month of November, then I would have predicted victory for Trump on Nov 8th. You will see Jupiter mahadasha will bring some legal troubles for Trump. Trump already has Trump University Fraud Case lined up for him on November 28th. This is my analysis. I hope it helps the students of astrology.
May 9, 2016

I had mentioned on March 15th and March 27th updates that Hillary Clinton can lose momentum between May 15th and June 15th. Now the time has come. We will see if Bernie can pull off a miracle and turn the tables over Hillary in the coming weeks. But we all know Bernie has a very narrow path to win the Democratic nomination now. 
                       We also need to remember that Hillary still has the email investigation going on. In my opinion Hillary should be okay if she can survive next four weeks and then the period from August 1st to September 30th. It will be devastating for Democrats if Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic nomination in July, and then faces indictment in August / September this year. This will be a perfect opportunity for the Vice President Joe Biden to parachute into the race at the last minute, and steer Democrats to victory in the General Election. Vice president Joe Biden would be the Democratic establishment’s best hope of keeping the White House if the indictment came down on Hillary Clinton. His blue collar roots could also help counter the growing fear that Donald Trump could steal away working class voters in the General Election. Vice President Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are Scorpio ascendants in Vedic Astrology and they both are in auspicious Jupiter Mahadasha. But their golden period starts after September this year. As we know Jupiter in Leo sign right now is badly afflicted by its conjunction with Rahu, and Saturn aspect. This affliction is not helping Bernie Sanders so far this year. Despite Bernie’s victories in the Democrat Primaries, he still cannot win the Democratic nomination, because the system is rigged against Bernie. 
I received numerous messages from people saying that I had predicted Donald Trump loss on November 8th, in my last update, but who will be the next President of the United States? In my opinion we may have to wait until October 1st to know the answer to this question. If Vice President Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders is the Democratic nominee, then Democrats will win by double digits in the General Election. It  will be a very close race, if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee. In my opinion Democrats are taking some risk, if Hillary is the Democratic nominee, whereas landslide victory is assured if Vice President Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders is the Democratic nominee.
May 18, 2016

The Free Trade Agreements have cost the US, millions of jobs, that are shipped overseas. Donald Trump talks about these Free Trade Agreements, and blames China, India, Mexico for stealing jobs from US. In my opinion this is not completely true. These Free Trade Agreements are put in place to help the top 1% rich people in the US make more money and maximize their profits by sending jobs and shifting business operations overseas to take full advantage of the cheap labor. There is no doubt, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have identified the problem with the Free Trade Agreements. But Donald Trump is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Donald Trump, himself has taken full advantage of these Free Trade Agreements to make more money. Then how can one expect Donald Trump to make changes to these Free Trade Agreements that will help American workers. A vast majority of the Americans have realized that Capitalism in US right now is only working out for the top 1% rich people. A vast majority of the Americans are also buried under credit card /student loans debt, struggling to pay their bills, and have no job security. When people will realize that Capitalism is only working out for the top 1% people, they will naturally cling to Socialism. This is the main reason why Bernie Sanders, a Socialist is beating Donald Trump by double digits in all national polls.
May 26, 2016

During Republican Primaries, and then again in my update on May 7th, I had predicted that Donald Trump will go through a very challenging time between May 20th and June 15th, as ascendant lord Sun will transit through Taurus sign, and come under Saturn’s direct aspect. It is happening right now. First Trump declared war on the press, when they asked him questions about the fundraiser, he held 4 months ago, on behalf of veterans’ groups. Now Trump continues to claim that U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University, cannot possibly render a fair verdict due to the judge’s Mexican heritage Trump also claimed that a Muslim judge would also be biased against him due to Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States. Trump is alienating voters very fast, and even losing support from the Republican Establishment as well. The Republican Establishment has distanced themselves from Trump’s remarks over the weekend. Trump has done enough damage to his own Campaign, that his victory in the General Election is impossible now, as I had already predicted from his astrology chart on May 4th, 2016 update. Trump is also damaging the Republican Party, by his absurd comments. This is not Republican Primary anymore, and Trump is unprepared for the General Election. In my opinion Trump is in deep, deep trouble.
June 6, 20116

During Republican Primaries back in March / April this year, I had predicted that Trump will go through a very challenging time between May 20th and June 15th. I even predicted at that time that Trump will not be able to reach the magic number 1237 delegates, and we will be heading to a brokered Republican convention. But then we saw Cruz and Kasich threw in the towel, so quickly, and Trump won the nomination. Now you have seen how this evil time from May 20th to June 15th is playing out for Trump, but in a different way, since he already won the Republican nomination. Republican Establishment may even abandon Trump before the Republican Convention. Sometimes in astrology you know the time is very evil for an individual, but it is very hard to predict how this evil time will play out in an individual's life. Astrology always works, but sometimes it is difficult for us to understand the God's plan.
The months of August and September are very challenging for President Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as well. President Obama has done very well in the final year of his second term and his approval ratings are above 50%. But this may be the period when President Obama may face some challenges due to Saturn and Mars conjunction in Scorpio sign in the last week of August this year. The months of August and September will have a very powerful influence on the General Election, and our Political Leaders may face some challenges during this time, because the planetary energy is very negative during this time. We have Saturn and Mars conjunction in Scorpio sign during this time, then we have Venus, Sun, and Mercury transit through Leo sign, in conjunction with Rahu, and under Saturn’s aspect.  There are two eclipses also in the month of September.
June 9, 2016

Seems like Donald Trump missed another great opportunity to look Presidential after this horrible Orlando shooting incident. Trump is still not talking to all citizens of the United States in his speeches, but rather limited to his Republican base.
June 14, 2016

Violent and Criminal Tendencies in the Orlando Shooter's astrology chart (Learn More)
June 16, 2016

I missed the golden opportunity to make the prediction on BREXIT, but now it is too late. David Cameron's horoscope clearly indicated loss of position and no support from the public. The voters would have done the opposite to what Cameron wanted. He wanted to stay in EU and his astrology chart indicated loss. So the voters decided to leave the EU. The future of EU and other European countries depend on the astrology charts of their President / Prime Minister. If I can know the accurate birth time of each President / Prime Minister of these European countries, then I can tell what they will do. The future of Britain with EU now depends on the astrology chart of the new Prime Minister, since Cameron already resigned. I don't see any impact of BREXIT on the US Presidential Election.
June 26, 2016

“No criminal charges, but careless and reckless” this is what the FBI Director James Comey said this morning. This can still hurt Hillary in polls with the independent voters. Fortunately for Hillary Clinton, this FBI recommendation came through in July, astrologically which is still a good month for Hillary Clinton, not in the challenging months of August and September, which could have been a bad news. Now it is almost certain that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. As I have mentioned before, the months of August and September will be very challenging months for President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Donald Trump is bound to make some big blunders between August 15 and September 15, that can put him in some deep trouble. The “Never Trump” movement is still very active behind the scenes, to abandon Trump at the convention. Expect some big surprises during the challenging months of August and September.
July 5, 2016

The Democratic Convention is still 18 days away. These 18 days are very sensitive for Hillary Clinton. If her poll numbers plunged during these 18 days, due to the outcome of her email investigation, then that will make super delegates very nervous. If the Super delegates feel that Hillary cannot win then she can still be replaced by Bernie Sanders or Vice President Joe Biden at the convention. Hillary Clinton should be okay, if she still has a steady lead in poll numbers over Donald Trump, between now and the Democratic convention date.
July 6, 2016

As I have mentioned before couple of times, the months of August and September look very difficult for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and President Barack Obama. Both Hillary, and Trump's nomination could be in jeopardy in August/September, even if they both become the nominee at the conventions this month. August and September are the months of big surprises.
July 7, 2016

As I have mentioned so many times in my previous updates, we are going through challenging times since Feb 1, when we witnessed Jupiter and Rahu conjunction in Leo sign under Saturn’s aspect. Also we have Saturn and Mars conjunction in Scorpio sign that is going on right now. The planetary energy became more negative in June and July because both Saturn and Mars were retrograde. We have seen number of shooting incidents in the United States during this time. This negative influence will be felt by us until end of September this year, when the Saturn and Mars conjunction will be finally over, as Mars leaves Scorpio sign and moves into Sagittarius sign. We all need to be extra careful until end of September. The months of August and September are very challenging months, as I have mentioned in my previous updates. The exact Saturn and Mars conjunction will take place on August 24. I offer my deepest condolences and support to all, who lost their loved ones in these tragic shooting incidents.
July 11, 2016

Back in March this year I had mentioned that Bernie Sanders is going through difficult time until September this year, but after September Bernie will be in the golden period of his life. But in astrology they say it is all about timing of events. July so far has proven to be a very auspicious month for Hillary Clinton, as I have mentioned in my previous updates. First the email server investigation got over, and now Hillary Clinton received endorsement from Bernie Sanders this morning. But we still want to see how the challenging months of August and September will play out for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The ‘Never Trump’ movement is still active behind the scenes, and the GOP is still trying to re-open Hillary Clinton email investigation. August and September are difficult months for Hillary, Trump, and President Obama as well.
July 12, 2016

Donald Trump is trailing in almost all major polls against Hillary Clinton since May 4th this year. If Trump fails to get any boost after the RNC convention and still trails Hillary in polls next week, then this election in my opinion is over for Trump.
July 18, 2016

Get ready for big surprises on both sides of the aisle, as we are approaching the challenging months of August and September. It is already happening now. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is resigning as DNC party leader. Julian Assange is releasing some Hillary emails so close to the DNC convention that is a bad news for Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump will be in deep trouble between 8/15 and 9/15 that will end all his hopes of victory in the general election. President Obama will face some challenges during this period from 08/15 to 09/15, due to Saturn and Mars conjunction. Bernie Sanders will be entering the golden period of his life in September this year. Sanders will be respected like a fatherly figure in Democratic Party. 
I have predicted Donald Trump loss in general election long time ago. But I will predict the next POTUS in first week of October. I want to see how the challenging months of August and September will play out for Hillary Clinton. I will post the three Presidential Debates Predictions around 09/20.
July 24, 2016

Donald Trump is already in lot of trouble for his attacks against the family of slain Muslim American soldier Humayun Khan, who was killed serving the US during the Iraq War. The sacrifices Donald Trump made according to many twitter users are hilarious. Now Donald Trump is getting ready to back out of debating Hillary Clinton. Things are going from bad to worse for Donald Trump so soon. As I had predicted on July 24th update, Trump’s hopes for a victory in the general election will end between 
August 15 and September 15. His supporters who have supported Trump so far, despite many blunders, may have a second thought about supporting Trump in the general election.
Aug 1, 2016

I have received numerous messages, phone calls, emails from people asking me this very important question, that I have boldly predicted Donald Trump loss on November 8th, then why I want to wait until October 1st, to predict Hillary Clinton victory in the general election. The reason why I want to wait until October 1st, is that what happens if Trump drops out of the race in end of August or early September. We all know Trump is very unpredictable. Trump can drop out, if he thinks he cannot win. In Trump’s world not losing equals to winning. This thing can happen around September 1st, because the solar eclipse on September 1st, is falling on Donald Trump’s ascendant. Sun, Rahu, and Moon will be together in Leo sign, badly aspected by Saturn. There is no doubt Hilary Clinton is in a very strong position right now. Hillary can win the general election if she does not make any major blunder, between 
now and Oct 1st. If Trump drops out at the last moment, because he realizes he cannot win, then we will need to compare the astrology chart of the new Republican candidate with Hillary Clinton’s astrology chart, to predict who will win the White House. In my opinion, it is more favorable for Democrats if Trump stays in the race, because Democrats will win for sure in this case. This was the reason why I was not in a hurry to predict Hillary victory. But one thing is certain that Donald Trump is not winning the general election this time.
August 4, 2016

It seems like Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is already in deep trouble, as we are approaching the middle of August, as predicted by me in the past updates. Donald Trump is trailing by double digits nationally and in some battleground states. The list of Republicans who have revoked their endorsements of Donald Trump or who will not vote for Donald Trump, is growing by the day. Many prominent Politicians and newspapers are urging Donald Trump to end his Presidential campaign, after Trump made his recent 2nd amendment comment, and a long list of gaffes in the past couple of weeks. My assessment is that either Trump may voluntarily drop out or the Republicans may dump Trump in the first week of September, soon after the September 1st solar eclipse, that is falling on Leo sign in Trump’s ascendant. So expect some big surprises during this period and let us see if Trump surprises everybody, by ending his campaign.
August 10, 2016

We have seen a big shake up at top level in the Donald Trump Campaign team, to make a last ditch effort to boost his polls, and make Trump a comeback kid. But in my opinion, in Trump’s case the problem is not with his campaign team, the biggest problem is Trump himself. In politics you will always find people who don’t like a particular candidate, for example there are people who don’t like Hillary Clinton, and 
there are people who don’t like President Obama. But Trump’s case is very different, because there are lots of people who know Trump doesn’t like them. That is his biggest problem, and that is why Trump is trailing in polls by double digits.
August 17, 2016

Donald Trump only apologized this evening because it was written for him by his new campaign team, and on a tele-prompter. At this moment Trump will say anything to get elected as the POTUS. I’ll bet Trump does regret it now, because he is losing by double digits in all polls, as predicted by me in my past updates, and he will not be the POTUS. Have you ever wondered who Trump was, who Trump is now and who Trump will be in the future? No one can answer this question because Trump is so unpredictable. As I had mentioned in my past updates that the period from August 15 to September 15 will end all Trump’s hopes of victory in the general election. The solar eclipse on September 1 is falling in Leo sign on Trump’s ascendant in his astrology chart.
August 18, 2016

For almost a year and half, Trump was talking about building the wall, deporting undocumented aliens, and ban on Muslims entering the US, etc., that helped him win the nomination during Republican Primaries. But now when Trump is trailing by double digits in all polls in the general election, he is flip flopping on these issues. Trump is begging for votes from Blacks, Hispanics and Women, whom he insulted during Republican Primaries. Trump’s supporters must be wondering what actually Trump stands for, because Trump is not talking about the wall, ban and deportation anymore. So let us see if Trump drops out or the RNC dumps him in first week of September after the solar eclipse on September 1. Otherwise Trump faces a humiliating defeat on November 8th. If Trump drops out in first week of September, his name will be still on the ballots for at least 30 states, as the GOP nominee. The biggest worry for GOP would be that the wrong name would be on the ballot in that case. The reason why I have a strong feeling that Trump will drop out at some point before November 8th, if he realizes that he cannot win, because Trump’s entire history as a businessman is dumping out of business ventures once they start failing. Trump will never accept defeat and embarrassment of that kind. He is already planning whom he can blame for his loss. He will write a book about the “rigged system” and make more money after the election is over. I will publish the three Presidential Debates predictions on September 20th.
August 21, 2016

As expected Donald Trump has changed his policy on immigration and deportation of undocumented aliens. Now Donald Trump sounds more like Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and John Kasich. Donald Trump is trying to have it both ways on the immigration issue, because Trump cannot improve his poll numbers without support from Blacks, Hispanics, and Women. Now it is apparent Trump has duped his most loyal supporters on the issue they care about most, immigration. We all know now that all Trump promises come with an expiration date. According to Quinnipiac University Poll, Hillary Clinton’s 10 points lead is further proof that Donald Trump is in a downward spiral as the clock ticks, and it is happening in the time window (August 15 to September 15), predicted by me couple of months ago in my past updates in this article. My Vedic Astrology prediction is right on the target. I am waiting for the solar eclipse on September 1st, that is falling in Leo sign on Trump’s ascendant in his astrology chart. We are going to see some big surprises soon after this solar eclipse in the first week of September. Donald Trump is going to lose some of his most loyal supporters soon after this eclipse, because they will realize that Trump is trying to have it both ways on the immigration issue, and cannot be trusted. At the same time Trump will fail to improve his poll numbers among Blacks, Hispanics and Women, because according to the Quinnipiac University poll, the vast majority of voters have already made up their minds, and there are very few undecided voters left. According to this poll, Trump loses this election to Hillary Clinton, even if he gets all these undecided voters. So let us see if Trump drops out between now and November 8th, and goes on vacation or faces a humiliating defeat on November 8th.
August 25, 2016

Donald Trump has flip flopped number of times on his position on Immigration and deportation of undocumented aliens, during past week. Trump’s new position on immigration is similar to Mitt Romney’s self-deportation position in 2012 Presidential Election. The only difference is Trump is not using the word ‘self-deportation’ this time.
August 28, 2016

The immigration speech that Trump is giving this Wednesday, is just to energize his Republican base. The only way Trump can improve his poll numbers at this moment, is by releasing his Tax Returns, but he won’t do it.
August 29, 2016

The solar eclipse is at 2 am pacific, this Thursday (September 1) morning. Donald Trump is trying to do too many things tomorrow, just a day before the solar eclipse. First Trump is traveling to Mexico on Wednesday morning to meet with the Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto and then later on the same day giving his immigration speech in Phoenix Arizona, just hours before the solar eclipse. It is not going to work out in his favor. Trump sounds very desperate, as he is trailing in all polls, and is running out of time, because the early voting/absentee voting by mail starts on October 10th. Trump’s whole Presidential Campaign can fall apart, if the Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto refuses to pay for the wall during this meeting tomorrow, because Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign is primarily based on ‘Building the wall, and Mexico will pay for it’ slogan. Donald Trump adopted extreme right positions on all issues during Republican Primaries, that helped him win the nomination. But now Trump is finding it very hard to come to the center, because he runs the risk of alienating his own loyal supporters.
August 30, 2016

We were waiting for the solar eclipse surprise for Donald Trump. I made a bold prediction in my past updates, that Donald Trump will get screwed during this solar eclipse on September 1st. In my opinion the timing for this Mexico trip was so wrong, just hours before the solar eclipse. Donald Trump’s Mexico visit ended with Mexico basically accusing him of lying. Trump said they “didn’t discuss who would pay for the wall”. The Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto said “I told Trump Mexico wouldn’t pay for the wall.” As we know Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign is primarily built on “Building the wall, and Mexico will pay for it” slogan. Now we will see what mistake Trump will make in his speech in Phoenix, Arizona, this evening, as we are approaching the solar eclipse.
August 31, 2016

Donald Trump’s decision to go to Mexico, and look Presidential was the right one. However, the timing was terribly wrong, as it was so close to the solar eclipse that is occurring at 2 am pacific on September 1st, morning. Since the Trump’s Mexico visit was so close to the solar eclipse, so he was unable to negotiate any deal on ‘building the wall and Mexico will pay for it’ with Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto, and Trump came back empty-handed. Rather Trump was accused of lying about ‘who would pay for the wall.’ So the Mexico visit did not yield any concessions to Trump, and he has gone back to his original hard-line position on immigration, which may sound appealing to his Republican base, but will not help him get moderate Republicans, Hispanics and other minorities support during the general election. Now his chances of losing Florida, Arizona and other swing states are even higher than before. I had predicted in my previous updates that this solar eclipse on September 1st, is not at all good for Trump’s Presidential Campaign.
August 31, 2016

Many Hispanic Leaders who had endorsed Trump earlier, are withdrawing their support after Trump's hard-line speech on immigration, yesterday evening. It seems like Trump does not need Hispanic vote.
September 1, 2016

I’m perplexed how this race is close according to some recent polls. Trump is losing Hispanics, Blacks, Women, college educated whites, the young, and all other minorities by historic levels. There are just not demographically that many angry old white men to have it be this close. It seems like the polls are oversampling Republicans.
September 2, 2016

Please read my July updates and the August 4th update. I had clearly indicated that August and September are challenging months for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as well. I had mentioned that I want to wait until October 1st, to predict Hillary Clinton victory in the general election, because I saw troubling times for Hillary Clinton in end of August and the month of September, because Hillary is in Sun/ Rahu / Mercury period from August 23, 2016 to October 8th, 2016. This Mercury sub / sub period in Rahu bhukti is a troubling period for Hillary Clinton, as Mercury is a Badhaka planet in her chart. Let us see how this challenging period will play out for Hillary. Hillary Clinton survived so many investigations, this is the last challenging period before the general election date, November 8th. I have used Hillary’s rectified birth time. 7.55 am in my analysis. I will be posting the three Presidential Debates predictions on September 20th.
September 3, 2016

At Commander-in-Chief Forum, Hillary Clinton did an excellent job and looked Presidential. Donald Trump looked un-prepared and nervous. Some of the answers from Trump were funny and laughable. Trump is heading to a humiliating defeat in the general election.
September 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton this morning abruptly left a ceremony in New York marking the 15th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. The incident was related to pneumonia and dehydration, according to her physician. As I had mentioned in my previous updates that August and September are challenging months for Clinton. I have recently explained with astrology analysis on my September 3rd update as well. October will be excellent month for Clinton. We wish her a speedy recovery.
September 11, 2016

Recent polls show Donald Trump’s momentum has stalled for now. According to fivethirtyeight polls only model Hillary Clinton has a 71% chance of winning and a 69% percent chance of winning according to polls-plus. The main concern at this moment is Clinton’s health, and how soon she can recover from pneumonia, as the Presidential Debates are only two weeks away.
September 12, 2016

Donald Trump has this momentum going on for few more weeks. The auspicious Rahu mahadasha in Trump's astrology chart is coming to an end on October 6th. Next mahadasha is Jupiter, which is evil mahadasha for Trump because Jupiter rules 8th house and Badhaka house in Trump’s astrology chart, as I had mentioned in my previous updates. 
Hillary Clinton's time is also not very good until first week of October, because Clinton entered Sun / Rahu / Mercury period from August 23rd to October 8th. Hillary Clinton’s current problems are caused by Mercury Anthara because Mercury is a Badhaka planet for Clinton. You will see momentum will again shift in favor of Clinton by October 15, and then she will maintain that momentum until November 8th, to win the General Election.
September 15, 2016

The million-dollar question that everyone is asking is, which Donald Trump will show up in the Presidential Debates. Are we going to see the Donald Trump who showed up in Mexico or the Donald Trump who showed up in Phoenix Arizona to deliver the hardline immigration speech or the Donald Trump we witnessed during Republican Primaries?
Donald Trump has no plans to solve important issues that US is facing at this time, and most of the time he is thinking of an answer for the first time when a moderator asks him a question, because Trump has not done his research and is unprepared on most important issues. Trump could not answer some very simple questions on abortion issue during Republican Primaries, Trump took 5 different positions on abortion issue in 3 days. Recently, Trump flip flopped his position on immigration and deportation of undocumented aliens at least four times. Trump changed his Campaign Managers three times in the past two months. Trump threatened to change the Military Generals if elected as the POTUS, because according to Trump, he knows more about ISIS than the Generals do. All principles and policies according to Trump are negotiable, and his answers have no substance and change depending upon who 
his audience is, when a question is asked. It took Trump 5 years to believe that President Obama is born in US. Trump believes in things or sees things that have never happened or are not true. Even Trump’s supporters have also admitted that they have no clue what Trump actually stands for. In Fox News recent poll, most Americans think Trump is unqualified for the White House.

As we have seen Trump’s poll numbers have improved in the past couple of weeks in some battleground states, because Trump used teleprompter to read the speeches written for him by his new Campaign Managers, and stayed on script. But in Presidential Debates we will again see the same old unscripted Donald Trump, because teleprompters are not allowed in debates. Donald Trump is a candidate who 
does not play by the rules, In Presidential Debates, Trump will avoid policy questions. Trump will change the subject or hurl insults at his opponent to distract and confuse the audience and the moderator, by calling his opponent ‘low energy’, ‘no stamina”, ‘crooked’, ‘bigot’ and ‘crazy’ etc., if Trump does not know the answer to the question asked by the moderator. This is the golden Trump rule for success in debates, and he won all Republican Primary debates except the one, where he did not show up, the IOWA caucus debate. Usually a candidate loses a debate when they stumble answering some policy questions or they look nervous. But in Trump’s case it will never happen, because he will change the subject, hurl insults at his opponent or even the moderator, if Trump does not know the answer to a policy question. The goal is to look confident and assertive for 3 to 5 minutes even if Trump does not know the answer to the policy question. The frustrated moderator never gets the answer from Trump, and moves on to the next question, because they have limited time for the debate. This is the main reason why it is difficult to defeat Trump in a debate. Trump knows how to win a debate without answering a single policy question and turning the whole debate into entertainment / reality show. This is a special Trump skill, and Trump does not need any preparation for the Presidential Debates. Trump’s opponent may be very knowledgeable on a particular issue. But Trump will interrupt his opponent and will not let them complete their answer to the question. The bar for Donald Trump is so low, that in a gutter fight, his opponent always ends up losing the fight. This is what happened to Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, and Ted Cruz during Republican Primaries, and they all lost the debates and eventually the nomination to Donald Trump. The only person who succeeded so far in beating Donald Trump in a gutter fight was the gold star father Mr. Khan. 
My prediction is that the first debate is anybody’s ballgame. A lot will depend on the moderator. If the moderator is able to keep the debate focused on important policy questions, then Clinton will win the first debate easily. Trump will win the first debate, if he is successful in turning the debate into entertainment / reality TV show, and hurl insults at Clinton. Clinton will need firm and strong responses to Trump’s insults without getting into a gutter fight with Trump. If Clinton can get under Trump’s thin 
skin during the first debate, that will be the turning point, that can help her win the first debate. The best strategy for Clinton would be to attack Trump and piss him off first, before Trump attacks her with insults. Trump has thin skin and will make more mistakes, and lose the debate, once he is pissed. This is the best strategy and a safe strategy for Clinton to win the first debate.In the Commander-in-Chief forum Clinton and Trump were not on stage at the same time. But things will be a lot different in the Presidential Debate, as they will be together on stage at the same time. It will be a lot easier for Trump to hurl insults at Clinton and distract the audience and the moderator this time. Again the first debate is anybody’s ballgame.

The second presidential debate on October 9th will be a town meeting, where half of the questions will come from the participants, and the other half from the moderators. Donald Trump may find it difficult to hurl insults and change the subject in a town meeting because Trump cannot hurl insults at the participants who will be asking questions. At the same time Trump will be at the beginning of his 8th house and badhaka house lord Jupiter mahadasha, which is malefic for Trump. Clinton will be in Sun / Rahu / Ketu period, which will give her favorable results because Ketu is in auspicious 2nd house in the astrology chart. The Sun / Rahu / Mercury period in the month September was very troubling for Clinton, as Mercury is her badhaka planet. So Hillary Clinton will be the winner of the second debate.

The third presidential debate on October 19th, will have the same format as the first, with six 15 minute segments. Hillary Clinton will give her best performance in the third debate, and the momentum will be strongly in favor of Clinton at this time.
September 20, 2016
This was my prediction given on October 8th, 2012 after President Obama lost the first debate to Romney in 2012 Presidential Election. The full 2012 Presidential Prediction article is available on my website.
First debate was won by Romney as his mahadasha lord Sun was transiting in Virgo sign and received benefic aspect from transit Jupiter in Taurus. This is a good time for Romney. But things will change before next the two debates, as Sun will enter Libra sign on Oct 15th, and will collide with evil Saturn. So Romney will not be able to do well in the next two debates as mahadasha lord Sun will be conjunct Saturn in Libra. In President Obama’s case his 7th house lord Moon which represents the people of United States who are going to vote in the Presidential elections, was afflicted with Ketu in Taurus sign by transit. So his performance in the first debate was not good, and his approval ratings went down. But Obama will do very well in the next two debates. President Obama’s performance in third debate on Oct 22nd will be his best performance when he will be able to seal the deal with the American people because Moon on that day will be in Capricorn and it will receive 9th aspect from the transit Jupiter in Taurus. ( Prediction given by me on Oct 8th, 2012)
September 21, 2016

Trump’s Campaign Team might be able to keep him on script for a speech written by them, but not for an entire debate. The problem is if Trump stops being Trump for 90 minutes, he will lose to Clinton based on experience and the policy issues. Remember Trump’s biggest enemy is his own mouth. His Campaign Team speeches and the teleprompter will not be there to protect Trump in the Presidential debates. The 90-minute debate with no breaks is a long time, we will definitely see some Trump gaffes in the debate. Donald Trump will try to do something crazy during this first debate, to make sure the talk of the town will be something else rather than ‘Trump fails to state any of his policy positions clearly’. If Trump loses the first debate, he’ll blame the “rigged system” and “crooked media”. A good way of reminding voters is that Donald Trump is just playing a character on stage for the audience present at that moment, to make fool of them, to get their votes. Clinton will have to be prepared to face different characters that Trump plays in front of different audiences. As I have mentioned before we don’t know which Donald Trump will show up in the Presidential Debates. We hope the moderator, Lester Holt will maintain some discipline, keep the debate focused on Policy questions, rather than surrender to Trump’s insults. Again as I have mentioned before the first debate is anybody’s ball game.
September 23, 2016

Hillary Clinton looked Presidential and clear winner tonight. Donald Trump, looked tired, sleepy and angry, as if Trump did not want to be there in the debate.Donald Trump was completely outplayed by Hillary Clinton in the first Presidential Debate on all fronts yesterday night. My prediction given on September 20th update was the following:
“My prediction is that the first debate is anybody’s ballgame. A lot will depend on the moderator. If the moderator is able to keep the debate focused on important policy questions, then Clinton will win the first debate easily. Trump will win the first debate, if he is successful in turning the debate into entertainment / reality TV show, and hurl insults at Clinton.”
The moderator Lester Holt did an excellent job in keeping the debate focused on policy questions. Trump looked unprepared, very angry, nervous, tired, lost his composure, and interrupted Clinton number of times during the debate. I cannot believe the number of times Trump sipped water during the debate. Then at the end of the debate Trump gave the most PATHETIC excuse for his loss by saying that his microphone was defective. I keep hearing again and again that Trump is very strong on Trade Agreements and will bring jobs back to US. We all know Trump has taken full advantage of these Trade Agreements to make more money, to ship jobs overseas, hire cheap foreign labor, then how can one expect Trump to re-negotiate these Trade Agreements and bring jobs back to US.  

I also said the following on September 20th update:

“If Clinton can get under Trump’s thin skin during the first debate, that will be the turning point, that can help her win the first debate. The best strategy for Clinton would be to attack Trump and piss him off first, before Trump attacks her with insults. Trump has thin skin and will make more mistakes, and lose the debate, once he is pissed.”
Hillary Clinton was able to get under Trump’s thin skin and piss him off yesterday night, that is another reason why Trump lost the Presidential Debate yesterday night.
September 27, 2016

Yesterday night Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson had another ‘Aleppo Moment’, when he was unable to name his favorite foreign leader or any foreign leader he admires, in MSNBC town hall hosted by Chris Matthews. This shows how unprepared and unqualified Johnson is for the position of POTUS. At this moment Gary Johnson is siphoning off about 9% votes and these are mostly Bernie Sanders millennials. If Democrats can play a Gary Johnson TV ad highlighting his two 'Aleppo Moments' in battleground states, it will definitely help them bring back the Bernie Sanders millennials, whom they need to defeat Donald Trump.
September 29, 2016

Donald Trump is again in a downward spiral, as he is about to enter the 8th house and badhaka house lord Jupiter mahadasha next week on October 6th. We are hearing ‘Trump is unfit for Presidency’ from all directions. Jupiter mahadasha cannot give victory to Trump and my fear is that Trump is not going to accept defeat gracefully. Trump was engaged in a tweeter attack at 3 this morning, against former Miss Universe. The funny thing is that Trump still thinks he has the best temperament to be the POTUS.
Hillary Clinton will be unstoppable in October / November, as I had predicted on September 15th update. Clinton will maintain the momentum until the election day November 8th, to win the Presidency. Remember they say when a person is going through a lucky period, their opponents will make silly mistakes, that will expose their weaknesses or they will throw-in the towel. Clinton’s opponents, Donald Trump and Gary Johnson have made some silly mistakes during past week. Trump lost the first debate to Clinton, followed by his twitter attack at 3 this morning, Johnson had his second ‘Aleppo Moment’, that makes both of them look unqualified in the eyes of independent and undecided voters. This is the main reason why we have seen a big surge in the polls for Clinton in the battleground states, after the first debate.
September 30, 2016

As Donald Trump is about to enter 8th house and Badhaka house lord Jupiter mahadasha, his tax records obtained by New York times reveal that Trump declared $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax return, that could have allowed him to legally avoid federal income taxes for up to 18 years. Trump calls himself ‘I am smart’ for not paying federal income taxes during the first presidential debate. Rudy Giuliani this morning calls Trump ‘absolute genius’ for not paying the federal income taxes. The 8th house in the astrology chart represents taxes, hidden things, and legal troubles. As Trump is entering 8th house and badhaka house lord Jupiter mahadasha, American people are getting the answers to Trump taxes. Jupiter mahadasha will also bring lot of things that Trump is hiding for decades, to surface, as the 8th house in the astrology chart represents taxes, hidden things, and legal troubles.
October 2, 2016

I am unable to make prediction about the Vice Presidential debate because I only know Tim Kaine’s astrology chart. Mike Pence’s birth time is unknown.
October 4, 2016

In my opinion Kaine did well attacking Trump policies. But Pence gave a good glimpse of how the Pence 2020 or 2024 will look like, instead of defending Donald Trump. The Clinton / Kaine team will do much better than Trump / Pence team, because Clinton and Kaine are on same page, but Trump and Pence are not on same page. If you agree with this thought, then Kaine is the winner. 
If we see the individual performance, Kaine interrupted Pence a lot during the debate. Pence gave a good glimpse of how the Pence 2020 or 2024 will look like, but did not care defending Donald Trump. You can also declare Pence as a winner on points.                                  There is no knock out victory for anybody, and this debate will not matter much in the presidential election. In my opinion, Trump lost today, because there was no knock out victory for Pence, that can change the momentum in Trump’s favor.
October 4, 2016

Today is October 6th, and Donald Trump has entered 8th house and badhaka house lord Jupiter mahadasha. Trump is heading for a most humiliating defeat, as predicted boldly by me on May 4th update this year. See what is happening right now, almost all swing states are turning blue, and Trump has no path to victory. Now Trump cannot even drop out, it is too late. Astrology always works, but you need the right astrologer for astrology consultation.
October 6, 2016

Thanks to everybody who sent me email messages, text messages, voice mail messages, appreciating my accuracy of Donald Trump predictions. As you know the 8th house and Badhaka house lord Jupiter mahadasha started yesterday, October 6th and Trump is already in deep trouble, when Trump was caught on tape bragging about groping women. Now House Speaker Paul Ryan disinvited Trump to campaign 
event, says he’s sickened by tape. I don’t understand how Trump can survive these new events that took place today. In my October 2nd update I had mentioned that Jupiter mahadasha will bring lot of things that Trump is hiding for decades, to surface, as the 8th house in the astrology chart represents taxes, hidden things, and legal troubles. I have already predicted long time ago that Trump will lose the second 
and third debate
October 7, 2016

Now the $64000 Question is that will Donald Trump step aside or continue as the Republican Presidential nominee. Can Republican party force Trump to step aside? I cannot imagine that Jupiter mahadasha will be so detrimental to Donald Trump.
October 7, 2016

Donald Trump has never apologized for anything. But in Jupiter mahadasha, first time we have seen Donald Trump apologizing to the American people for lewd and sexually aggressive remarks he made a decade ago. Many Republicans are withdrawing their endorsements for Trump, and asking Trump to step aside. There is lot of uncertainty right now. If Donald Trump does not perform well this Sunday, there is a chance he may drop out. In Trump's world not losing equals to winning. But you should also remember that early voting has already started in some states, and Trump's name is on ballots. But if Trump drops out on his own, then RNC will need to find his replacement. I do not know Mike Pence and Ted Cruz's birth times. But anyone who will replace Trump will be at a disadvantage, may not get support from Trump supporters. The Republican party is badly fractured right now; they cannot win the White House this time.
In my opinion the wiki leaks will not change anything for Hillary Clinton. Clinton survived so many investigations, she has this strong momentum going on, which will last until the election day. In Town Hall meeting this Sunday it will be difficult for Donald Trump to discuss Bill Clinton's love affairs. People are worried about social security, terrorism, economy, jobs, trade agreements, and national security etc. If Donald Trump brings up Bill Clinton's love affairs, he will hurt himself even more politically.
Hillary Clinton will end up becoming the next POTUS, as the momentum is in her favor and she is the most qualified and the best candidate to lead US at this time.
October 8, 2016

Please read the last line in this article on opednews website, published on May 2nd, 2011. I had clearly mentioned that politics will bring Donald Trump's downfall. I had advised Donald Trump to stay away from politics in this article. This prediction was given by me more than 5 years ago.    

October 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton was the winner of second presidential debate, as predicted by me on September 20th update. Donald Trump looked angry, tired and sleepy. Trump did not answer any questions, and at one time even threatened to put Clinton in prison, if he is elected as the POTUS. Donald Trump was on fire, just remember how many times Trump used the word ‘disaster’ during the debate. I also mentioned on September 20th update that Hillary Clinton will give her best performance in the third presidential debate. We can expect a knockout victory for Clinton in the third debate. Trump right now is trailing by double digits in national polls, and all swing states have turned blue. This election in my opinion is over for Trump.
October 10, 2016

People should take the words Donald Trump says very seriously. We have heard him saying on tape that he can grope women and kiss them without their consent, and can get away with it, because he is a star. Past week, number of women have come forward and accused Trump of sexual assaults. Just imagine the kinds of things Trump can do if he is given power, that in my opinion will be the end of democracy in 
US. We will have a different type of system in US under Trump Presidency. People who say they can’t vote for Hillary Clinton should have a second thought, because we all want to protect democracy in US. But the good news is that Trump is not going to win because Trump entered Jupiter mahadasha on October 6th, prediction given by me on May 4th update. So people don’t need to worry about Trump.Hillary Clinton should not try to win the third debate on points, but rather go for a knockout victory. Again Hillary Clinton will need to get under Donald Trump’s thin skin, and prove to the American people that Donald Trump is unfit to be the POTUS, to win the third debate. Donald Trump knows he is losing this election. In the third debate Trump will be like a wounded Tiger, very dangerous, and nothing to lose. We will see unshackled Donald Trump in the third debate. The unshackled Trump has opened war in three fronts, against Democrats, mainstream Republicans, and the media. I have predicted on September 20th update that Hillary Clinton will give her best performance in the third debate.
October 15, 2016

Donald Trump is portraying himself as a victim, and claiming the election is rigged, as Trump is preparing himself for a landslide defeat in Jupiter mahadasha. Now Trump cannot even drop out, it is too late.
October 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton is the clear winner tonight, as predicted by me on September 20th update. CNN’s poll scores the debate for Clinton with 52%, Trump at 39%. Hillary Clinton is now in a commanding position, her lead over Donald Trump is even going to grow bigger than before. Donald Trump again made silly mistakes, as expected by American people. During tonight’s debate Trump denied suggesting he couldn’t have sexually assaulted his nine accusers because they weren’t attractive enough. Trump also called Hillary Clinton a nasty woman. Trump again praised Putin and Assad in this debate. Trump is suggesting the outcome of the election is rigged against him, and will not accept the election results on November 8th, if he loses. In my opinion Trump did not get any new voters tonight. Trump refuses to acknowledge that he is a failed candidate and does not have the temperament to be the POTUS, that is the reason why he will lose the election on November 8th. Again Trump entered 8th house and Badhaka lord Jupiter mahadasha on October 6th, will suffer a landslide humiliating defeat on November 8th, as predicted by me on May 4th update.
October 19, 2016

We are approximately 17 days away from the election date. Hillary Clinton is heading for a landslide victory on November 8th. Hillary Clinton should be little bit cautious around October 29th, because of Saturn and Venus conjunction in Scorpio sign. But her road to victory looks very clear and easy.Donald Trump on the other side, continues to have problems with women. Today the eleventh woman accuser came forward with the allegation that Trump inappropriately touched her 10 years ago. Trump is sliding in polls big time, even red states are turning into battleground states, and Trump has no path to victory, not even a narrow path.


I remember some traditional vedic astrologers were predicting Donald Trump victory few months ago. According to them Donald Trump will be in auspicious Rahu mahadasha until November 18th. As natal Rahu is in 10th house in his astrology chart, so Rahu mahadasha on November 8th should give Trump a victory in the presidential election.
Now as Trump is performing so poorly in polls, so close to the election date, some Traditional Vedic Astrologers are predicting great things for Donald Trump after November 18th, because according to Traditional Vedic Astrology (Lahiri ayanamsa) Trump will enter Jupiter mahadasha on November 18th, and he will be getting his Jupiter return as Jupiter will be right on his natal position in the second house. So according to them some miracle will happen after November 18th, and Trump can still become the President of the United States, as Trump will be getting his Jupiter return and transit Jupiter will be in Virgo sign in his 11th house from his natal moon in Scorpio sign, a very favorable transit according to Traditional Vedic Astrology. Also Jupiter from Virgo sign will be aspecting his ascendant lord Sun’s natal position in Taurus sign. Sounds great to Traditional Vedic Astrologers!!
Now please understand my analysis as I use KP System branch of Vedic Astrology which is far more accurate than the Traditional Vedic Astrology used by most Vedic Astrologers in the west. KP System uses KP ayanamsa which is far more accurate than the Lahiri ayanamsa used by traditional vedic astrologers, the difference between the two is approximately 6 minutes. According to KP system, Trump already entered 8th house and badhaka house lord Jupiter mahadasha on October 6th this year. We have seen that Jupiter immediately gave malefic results to Donald Trump on October 7th, when Trump tape in which he was bragging about groping women without their consent was released, followed by alleged sexual assault allegations by eleven women so far. Trump is already in malefic Jupiter mahadasha and sliding in polls and having problems with women right now. You have seen how you can get accurate predictions with KP System Astrology. The traditional vedic astrologers had no clue that Trump’s bad time is starting on October 6th.
Jupiter cannot give favorable results to Trump. you can talk about Trump’s great Jupiter return, and Jupiter aspecting his natal Sun in traditional vedic astrology. Donald Trump is going to lose in a landslide, so there is no chance of rigged election. If Trump will take this matter to Supreme Court, he will lose again, because Trump is in 8th house and badhaka lord Jupiter mahadasha, and Jupiter cannot give Trump victory in this election. Now you know how accurate KP System Astrology is, the system I follow.
October 22, 2016

In my last update on October 22nd, I had indicated that this Saturn and Venus conjunction is not good for Hillary Clinton. I had advised her to be cautious around October 29th when the exact conjunction will take place in Scorpio sign. I was wondering what could go wrong when we are just days away from the election date. Then we see the news about Obamacare broke out yesterday. The cost of insurance 
premiums for those in the nationally run Obamacare exchange would soar 25 percent on average in 2017, even as the number of plans to choose from would shrink drastically. This is certainly not a good news for Hillary Clinton.
On the Republican side, Donald Trump does not understand the problems with Obamacare, and how these problems can be fixed to make it work for everyone. Trump wants to repeal and replace Obamacare with something better. No one knows what that something better is. Trump has failed to provide solutions to national problems that US is facing at this time.
Hillary Clinton should be okay, after this Saturn and Venus conjunction will be over in first week of November. This is just a small bump in this race that I saw coming for Hillary Clinton, that is why in my last update on October 22nd, I had advised her to be cautious during last week of October.
October 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton will win the election on November 8th in a landslide. The Saturn and Venus conjunction this week has resulted in this Obamacare issue.
October 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton's lead shrinks to 3 points in national polls due to Saturn and Venus conjunction in  Scorpio sign as predicted by me on October 22nd update. Clinton will be fine after November 5th as Venus changes sign and moves into Sagittarius. As I have mentioned before this temporary bump is caused by Saturn and Venus conjunction, when the Obamacare issues came up and the national polls lead shrinks to 3 points. No worries Clinton will win on election day.
October 26, 2016

The Saturn and Venus conjunction this week is creating so much confusion. Now Hillary Clinton is again ahead by 9 points in another national poll by NBC. Things look very good for Clinton after November 5th.
October 26, 2016

As I had predicted on October 22nd update, that the Saturn and Venus conjunction in last week of October is not good for Hillary Clinton. FBI has again re-opened the Hillary Clinton email investigation today. The investigation may take some time to complete. We are so close to the election date, and there are not that many undecided voters left. Hillary Clinton will win the election on November 8th. But the 
period from December 20th this year to January 10th 2017 again looks very difficult for Hillary Clinton due to Mars and Ketu conjunction on December 26th this year and Venus and Ketu conjunction on January 8th 2017. We will see how this period will play out for Clinton.
October 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton will regain momentum by November 6th, as Venus enters Sagittarius sign at 9.20 pm pacific time on November 6th evening., and the Venus and Saturn conjunction will be over. Donald Trump’s more difficult time starts November 5th evening. So the polls will look very much in Hillary Clinton’s favor, the final weekend before the election date, November 8th. I repeat again Hillary Clinton will win the Presidential Election on November 8th.
October 30, 2016

I received numerous requests from people to post another update before November 9th. So I decided to talk about the Trade Agreements and here is my message to people who believe Donald Trump is strong on Trade Agreements and will bring jobs back to America. Please look at the sticker on your ‘Make America Great Again’ red cap, it was made in China by one of Trump’s companies, not in Ohio or Pennsylvania. Sometimes it is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
November 3, 2016

According to me Donald Trump's difficult time will start November 5th evening. Trump will make some mistake on November 6th and 7th, that will cost him this election. Hillary Clinton's time will improve November 6th evening. In my opinion the voter turnout for Clinton will be much higher on the election day. My prediction has not changed. Hillary Clinton will win for sure, but it may be a close election.
November 3, 2016

I received numerous messages from people today, and they all wanted to know if Hillary Clinton will win in a close race or a landslide? Clinton is already rebounding now as we are approaching the final weekend before the election date. In my opinion we will know by Monday (November 7th) afternoon, if it is going to be a landslide victory for Clinton or a close win.
November 4, 2016

The polls now are not reliable because their polling model does not take into account early voting. I have confirmed Trump's loss from Rudy Giuliani's astrology chart also, who is Donald Trump's top surrogate. Giuliani is also in badhaka lord Jupiter mahadasha.
November 5, 2016

Please read my updates on October 30th, and November 3rd. I had clearly mentioned that Hillary Clinton's good time will start November 6th evening, and Donald Trump’s bad time will start on November 5th evening. My prediction again came true. According to FBI Director: “Clinton email review over. We have not changed our conclusions".
November 6, 2016

I have confirmed Hillary Clinton’s victory from Chelsea Clinton’s astrology chart also. Chelsea Clinton’s astrology chart indicates a very favorable time for her mother Hillary Clinton this week.
November 7, 2016

People want to know how I am able to confirm Hillary Clinton’s victory from Chelsea Clinton’s astrology chart, and Donald Trump’s loss from Rudy Giuliani’s astrology chart. Please understand if a candidate wins the race, it indicates joy and happiness to their loved ones and close surrogates also. On the flip side if a candidate loses the race, it indicates depression and grief to their loved ones and close surrogates also. So I found the birth time details with AA rating of people close to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to see if they will be happy or sad this week. The astrology charts of people close to Hillary Clinton, such as Chelsea Clinton, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders indicate excellent time this week. So I can smell victory for Hillary Clinton. On the other side I found Rudy Giuliani’s accurate birth time, who is Donald Trump’s top surrogate, to see what is happening in his astrology chart this week. I found Giuliani is in a difficult Jupiter mahadasha, which is also his badhaka planet, does not look good this week.
In my opinion Hillary Clinton will win comfortably with 320 to 340 electoral votes. In Hillary Clinton’s astrology chart the 7th house lord Mars, which represents American people who will vote for her, is transiting Capricorn sign and is under Jupiter’s aspect from Virgo sign. So the voter turnout will be high for Hillary Clinton on the election day. Donald Trump is going to lose this election because of the nasty things he said about women, Hispanics, and other minorities. These are self-inflicted wounds that will make him lose this election.
In my opinion it is hard to get accurate polls once the early voting starts. I stopped paying attention to polls after the early voting started, because their polling model does not take into account early voting. In my opinion people who cast their votes early will be reluctant to participate in polls that are done after they have already cast their vote. So you cannot get accurate polls after the early voting starts.
November 7, 2016

There are three different birth times available for Hillary Clinton on internet. Some astrologers are using 8.02 am, some 8 pm and some came up with 2.18 am birth time last month. Nobody knows Hillary Clinton's accurate birth time with AA rating from her birth certificate. I used 8.02 am as it appears to be correct birth time to me. But I think her astrology chart appears to be very weak today compared to Donald Trump's astrology chart, as we don't know Hillary Clinton's correct birth time with AA rating. Many times astrologers are under lot of pressure to make correct predictions about celebrities when their verified birth time with AA rating is unknown. In the very first paragraph of my article I have clearly mentioned that I am using unverified birth time for Hillary Clinton.
November 8th, 2016

Some people are curious to know why with an unverified Hillary Clinton birth time all along, I had gotten all previous predictions spot on but not the November 8th result based on the same unverified birth time.According to me, the previous predictions were all correct because I always used Donald Trump’s birth time most of the time in calculationss, and his birth time is pretty accurate. But no one knows Hillary Clinton's birth time with AA rating. The morning 8.02 am birth time appears to be accurate to me. But now after she lost election today, I am convinced that none of the three birth times available on internet are correct. It seems like the Hillary Clinton’s true birth chart with correct birth time must be very weak compared to Donald Trump on November 8th, so she lost today. Trump is no doubt in a difficult Jupiter mahadasha and will face lot of hardships and challenges in the coming years. I have a long list of accurate celebrity predictions on internet. (see below)
November 9, 2016

No matter what the accurate birth time for Hillary Clinton is, the Saturn and Venus conjunction in last week of October was very devastating for Hillary Clinton when the issues with Obamacare, wiki leak emails, re-opening of fbi email investigation announcement, Clinton foundation etc., came up and she lost momentum in the final two weeks before the election date. Her time improved after Nov 6th, but the damage was already done, and she lost the election. In my opinion Hillary lost this election on October 28th, but we came to know on November 8th evening.
November 9, 2016

I think this election is stolen at the 11th hour by re-opening Hillary email investigation again, by releasing Obamacare issues, by wiki leaks emails, by Clinton foundation issues in the final two weeks before the election date. These issues hit Hillary Clinton like ton of bricks, and proved all pollsters, astrologers, political pundits wrong. Of course not having Hillary Clinton’s correct birth time with AA rating was another major hurdle this time.
November 10, 2016

Thank you to everybody for writing to me very encouraging emails. I would say 97% people supported me, even some Trump supporters were impressed with my astrology skills, and wrote encouraging emails to me. Some people even said there is nothing wrong with your prediction and Hillary Clinton's birth time, this election is stolen by Trump at the 11th hour just before the election date. Rather this election was rigged in Trump's favor in the final week, and Clinton had no time left to recover before the election date.
The month of December 2016 and January 2017 look very difficult and challenging for Donald Trump as Sun and Saturn conjunction will take place around December 8th, and later Saturn will transit his natal moon in the first two weeks in January 2017 and next Saturn will aspect his natal Sun in third week of January 2017. We are seeing these protests all over US. I do not see any improvement in the coming months, as the planetary energy is very negative in Donald Trump’s astrology chart. I have a feeling that sooner or later Mike Pence will end up becoming the President. I don't know his birth time, but I think he is going through strong period. This is just my intuition, not an astrology prediction. Happy Veteran's day to everybody.
November 11, 2016

Donald Trump's time is very difficult and challenging between now and January 20th, 2017. Anything is possible. All options are on the table. We have this re-count initiated by Jill Stein. The other challenge that Donald Trump may face on December 19th is that electoral College may reject Trump unless he sells all his companies and puts the proceeds in a blind trust. If somehow Trump becomes the President, then down the road there is a possibility of impeachment. You will see more details in my next update on January 20th next year.
November 27, 2016

As I had mentioned in my last two updates in November, that December and January are going to be very difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump. Donald Trump attacked Carrier company union leader Chuck Jones on twitter on December 8th, when Sun and Saturn conjunction took place in Scorpio sign. It did not go very well for Donald Trump, when Trump said the deal between Carrier and the state would keep more than 1000 jobs in Indiana. The company confirmed it would retain only 730 union jobs. Also during this Sun and Saturn conjunction China lodged complaint with US over Trump’s Taiwan phone call. Donald Trump also insulted Mitt Romney by inviting him to dinner couple of times, then not considering Romney for the Secretary of State position, during Sun and Saturn conjunction. Another bad news for Trump is that a bipartisan group of senators had on Sunday called for an investigation into the intelligence community's finding that Russia attempted to influence the election. Donald Trump blasted the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia interfered in the presidential election “ridiculous”. This was Donald Trump’s biggest mistake and this investigation is not going away. All these incidents are making electors very nervous that they are calling for intelligence briefing on foreign intervention in the presidential election before electoral college vote on December 19th, as transit Saturn is approaching natal moon in Trump’s astrology chart.
Saturn at this moment is at 25 degrees 11 minutes in Scorpio sign, and the natal moon in Donald Trump’s astrology chart is at 28 degrees 11 minutes in Scorpio sign, only 3 degrees away from natal moon. This is a very difficult transit according to Vedic Astrology. Donald Trump will be in Jup / Jup / Jup / Moon period from December 15th to December 24th, if we use KP Ayanamsa. Transit Saturn will be right on natal moon on January 7th, 2017. Donald Trump will be in Jup / Jup / Sat / Sat period from Jan 14th, 2017 to February 2nd, 2017. Transit Saturn will be very powerfully aspecting natal Sun in the astrology chart until January 25th, 2017, when Saturn moves into Sagittarius sign. 
Donald Trump has already made so many mistakes even before he is sworn in as the POTUS. Anything can happen before January 20th, 2017. Even if Trump becomes the President, Trump will either resign or be impeached before his term as President is up. More details in my next article on Jan 20th, 2017.
December 12, 2016

I think when Mercury goes retrograde on December 19th, the electors may suddenly change their mind and their vote as well. That will be a big surprise for everybody, including Donald Trump. Saturn is transiting his natal moon, and aspecting his natal Sun. May be Trump will not become President. Let us see how these transits will play out for him. There will be uncertainty, drama until January 20th, 2017 even if he gets 270 electoral votes on December 19th. Some other scandal or investigation will come up in end of December or beginning of January. That is why I have said anything can happen. In other words, there will always be a chance even until Jan 20th, 2017 that Trump may not become the President.
December 14, 2016

Seventeen US national intelligence agencies have unanimously concluded that Russia engaged in cyberwarfare against the US presidential campaign, and Russia’s hacking was intended to influence the election in favor of Donald Trump. Trump is dismissing a bipartisan call for an investigation of Russia’s hacking of the Democratic National Committee as a “ridiculous” political attack on the legitimacy of his election as president. This was Donald Trump’s biggest mistake so far, as Saturn is about to transit his natal moon, and aspect his natal Sun in the coming weeks. Please remember the inauguration day is still 35 days away, anything can happen. Trump has just made his biggest mistake when he declined to trust US national intelligence agencies. We will see if the electors will do their job on December 19th, and save us from this highly unqualified President Elect.
December 16, 2016

Donald Trump threatens a nuclear arms race in his tweet this morning. You can find out in my next astrology article on January 20th, 2017 when Donald Trump will take US to war.
December 23, 2016

Donald Trump mocks US Intelligence agencies, and at the same time praises Julian Assange, as Saturn is transiting Trump’s natal moon and aspects his natal Sun this month. Trump is trying to limit the power of US Intelligence agencies. This is scary because this is what a dictator would do. The inauguration day is still 15 days away, and Trump could be in deep trouble. Trump has this fascination about Putin and Russia, which American people find very alarming. Trump is making all these mistakes that will lead to his impeachment during his first Presidential Term according to his astrology chart. (More details in my article on Jan 20th)
January 4, 2017

Donald Trump now attacked the famous civil rights icon John Lewis during the Martin Luther King Day weekend, after John Lewis stated during an NBC interview that he does not see Trump’s presidency as “a legitimate president” and will not be attending his inauguration. The fallout has exploded all over the internet, as Saturn transits Trump’s natal moon and aspects his natal Sun. Donald Trump cannot control his instinct to hit back, even if this is to his own disadvantage. This is a very dangerous characteristic. Trump seems to have more respect for Russian president Vladimir Putin and KKK leader David Duke than John Lewis.
January 14, 2017


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