Donald Trump Astrology | 2020 Presidential Election Astrology | Coronavirus Astrology

Donald  Trump Astrology | 2020 Presidential Election Astrology | Coronavirus Astrology
2020 presidential election astrology
donald trump astrology

Early Assessment by Gurmeet Singh (April 1, 2020):
If we look at the past US history, we had always gone through recession / war when we had a Republican President, and the economy always did better under a Democrat President. United States goes through recession every 9 – 10 years, when either Saturn is in conjunction with Ketu or Rahu in Vedic Astrology. The recession / war / stock market crash was imminent in this time period from June 2019 to April 2020, that I had predicted 3 years ago in my last Trump astrology article. During this time Trump came so close to going to war with Iran twice, but somehow was able to diffuse the war like situation. Donald Trump knew if he could somehow dodge war and recession in his first Presidential Term, it will greatly improve his chances of victory in the 2020 Presidential Election. The trillion-dollar tax cuts that Trump gave to Corporate America, were offered with the understanding that Corporate America will help him keep the stock market high, unemployment numbers low and help him delay the recession until after the 2020 Presidential Election. 
US economy was already in auto-pilot mode since President Obama left the office, and Donald Trump became the President. Corporate America was able to keep the stock market high, with surge in stock buybacks, with the tax cuts money they received. The unemployment rate was low, but more low paying jobs were created. People had to work 2 or 3 jobs to pay their monthly bills. Low unemployment numbers and a soaring stock market didn’t tell the whole story about the state of our economy. Low unemployment rate is meaningless if workers are trapped in low-wage jobs with little to no bargaining power. Wage growth has been stagnant for decades and the average American family is poorer than they were before the 2008 financial crisis. Underemployment and stagnant wages mean there has effectively been no economic recovery for a significant portion of the US labor force. The economy is only working for those at the top, while everyone else gets shafted.
I had indicated in my last astrology article on Donald Trump, published 3 years ago on January 20, 2017 and subsequent astrology updates that many important events will take place in the months of March, July and November in Donald Trump’s First Presidential Term, and this stock market crash occurred in March 2020. The stock market crashed between June 2019 and April 2020, as predicted by me three years ago. 3.28 million Americans filed jobless claims last week, just in one week. This is just the beginning of the global recession, also predicted by me 3 years ago. My astrology prediction on war between June 2019 and April 2020 also came correct. This time we are at war with an invisible enemy that is COVID-19. Now you know why 3 years ago, I had chosen April 1, 2020 to publish the 2020 Presidential Elections Astrology predictions, because astrologically the month of March 2020 was horrible, and I knew this 3 years ago. Nobody, that includes astrologers, political pundits, financial market gurus had any clue that we will be attacked by COVID-19, and stock market will crash in March 2020.
We’re now entering the most dangerous phase of the Trump presidency. American people will realize that Donald Trump is utterly unsuited to deal with the crisis like coronavirus, either intellectually or temperamentally. The COVID-19 attack is not Donald Trump’s fault, but the way Donald Trump responded to the COVID-19 attack, raises many eyebrows. Trump ignored repeated warnings from intelligence officials to prepare for a coronavirus outbreak, according to news reports. As early as January, officials from the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence sounded the alarm inside the White House. However, Trump disregarded them, fearing that news of an outbreak would hurt the stock market, and his chances of re-election. This has made the US lose valuable time, and plausibly increased the harm the virus can cause to Americans. The global coronavirus outbreak and the financial market crash might accomplish something that Mueller Investigation and Trump Impeachment could not accomplish. A coronavirus recession would likely end Trump’s Presidency. Coronavirus crisis has set off the ‘slow-motion collapse’ of the Trump presidency. This time Donald Trump cannot pay hush money or change the news cycle.
May, June, July this year are very difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump and the country. We will see full blown coronavirus during this period, many people will die during these months, before things get better after September this year. The coronavirus has something to do with Rahu’s transit through Gemini sign in Ardra nakshatra in United States astrology chart. Rahu was transiting Ardra nakshatra in Gemini sign during 9/11 attacks, when three thousand Americans were murdered by terrorists. Rahu and Ketu complete their transit cycle of the Zodiac in about 18 ½ years. Now Rahu has again come back to same position in Gemini sign, and we are witnessing Coronavirus attack this time. Since Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac, it rules lungs, respiratory system. Gemini is also an Airy sign, so the Coronavirus is transmitted through air by coughing or sneezing by infected person, and it affects the lungs / respiratory system. Transit Saturn and Pluto from Capricorn sign are already aspecting natal Saturn and natal Venus in Donald Trump’s astrology chart this year, and the American people are suffering.  In my opinion, astrologically we should have a complete shutdown of the economy, and Americans should stay at home until August 15 this year, only then we could contain this invisible enemy COVID-19.
Things will become even more difficult for Donald Trump after September 24 this year, when Rahu and Ketu will change signs. Rahu will enter Taurus sign, and Ketu Scorpio sign on September 24 this year. Rahu will transit natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign, and Ketu will transit natal Moon and natal Ketu in Scorpio sign in Donald Trump’s astrology chart between September 24 and November 3 this year, the election day. This will be the time when the 2020 Presidential Election will be tilted away from Donald Trump. So, Donald Trump cannot win the next election. Any foreign interference in the US Presidential Election will not succeed, because Trump’s time is so bad during this period. During this time Donald Trump will do his best to postpone the Presidential Election. Please remember October, November, December 2020 are difficult months for Donald Trump’s health and finances as well, due to Rahu’s transit over the natal position of the ascendant lord Sun in Taurus sign in Donald Trump’s astrology chart. The solar eclipse on December 14 is falling at 29 degrees in Scorpio sign, very close to Trump’s natal Moon, natal Ketu and opposite his natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign. 
I cannot make any comments about Vice President Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders astrology charts, as their birth times available on internet are unverified, and do not have AA ratings. The KP astrology system that I use works only if the birth time is accurate and has AA rating. It looks like Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee.
This is just an early Vedic Astrology assessment of 2020 Presidential Election. We will see whether Donald Trump succeeds in postponing the Presidential Election due to coronavirus. The final astrology prediction will be given in last week of October 2020. You will see astrology updates from me in the coming months. Please scroll down to go to the Latest Trump Astrology updates to see the latest astrology updates, after the date this article is published. 

Gurmeet Singh
April 1, 2020

Please Note: If the 2020 Presidential Election is postponed to some future date due to coronavirus, then there will be a new astrology prediction. That is why I am waiting until last week of October 2020 to give the final astrology prediction on 2020 Presidential Election.

Gurmeet Singh
April 2, 2020

Final 2020 Presidential Election Astrology Prediction: (Last week of October 2020)
I am not surprised that Joe Biden won the presidential debate today. I had mentioned in my September 27, 2020 astrology update that Joe Biden will win all three presidential debates. This was perhaps Donald Trump’s final opportunity to turn the tables on Joe Biden before November 3, that Trump missed today.
Donald Trump's October surprises for Joe Biden have not worked, because there is no evidence that Joe Biden has done anything wrong. Rather October surprises are working against Donald Trump. First, we found out that Donald Trump only paid $750 in Federal Taxes in 2016 and 2017. Now we find out that Trump has a secret Chinese bank account in China. The Obama Administration investigations by Bill Barr did not yield any indictments, so disappointing for Trump. This is not 2016, Donald Trump is not going to get the October surprise that Trump is looking for before November 3, the election day. So, Trump cannot win.
I had mentioned many times in my Trump Astrology articles that many important events will take place in the months of November, March, and July in Trump’s presidential term. We will know the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election in the month of November this year, most probably between November 3 and November 18, 2020. Former Vice President Joe Biden will defeat Donald Trump by a landslide in electoral college and popular votes. My guess is Biden will win by 8 to 12 million popular votes. This time it is not the economy stupid, it is the coronavirus stupid, that is why Donald Trump will lose the presidential election. Joe Biden will win but Donald Trump will not concede. Most likely Trump will try to cling to power. At this point Trump will accuse the Democrats of fraud and claim that he won. Donald Trump does not care about the Constitution and the laws of the country. Donald Trump wants courts not the American people to decide the presidential election. Trump is thinking the race will be close enough so they can sue their way to the victory. At, this point we will know what exit strategy Donald Trump will follow. There will be another major astrology update at this point. It ain’t over until it’s over. 
Oct 22, 2020

When the recession will end in United States? 
I will make astrology prediction on US economy in November 2020 after the Presidential Election, because the next US President's astrology chart will have a big impact on the US economy. (November 2020)

President Joe Biden Presidential Term Astrology Predictions article is live now.
March 1, 2021

From now onwards you will see my Donald Trump astrology updates in my Joe Biden Astrology predictions article. 
Please scroll down to go to the "Donald Trump Astrology Updates" section. (NEW)
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Thanks to all my regular astrology readers for all your support. I receive tons of encouraging emails from people all over the world who read my astrology article / updates on my ‘Donald Trump | 2020 Presidential Election Astrology’ article every day. If you think I am doing a good job and my astrology predictions are enlightening then please feel free to pay an optional fee by clicking the "Buy Now" button,  with your comments. Again this is completely optional, as my astrology article and updates are made available to you for free. Thanks again for all your support.
(Astrology article published by Gurmeet Singh on January 20, 2017)
Since President Trump is very unpredictable, so American people have sent me some questions that they want me to answer through this astrology article. People want to know how successful will be President Trump’s first Presidential Term, how will be US economy doing, when we will go through dangerous period in President Trump’s first Term, when President Trump will take US to next war, whether President Trump will face impeachment in his first term, if yes then when it can happen etc. I am giving you a bigger picture of the President Trump’s first Presidential Term through this astrology article, of course you will see frequent updates from me during next 4 years. I would also like to mention here that I am Independent, and I have independent views. I am not associated with any political party.
Donald Trump is an entertainer, and a performer. We have seen a different version of Donald Trump at different times. There is a campaign rally Trump, there is a board room Trump, there is a reality star Trump, and there is a politician Trump. But there is only one Donald Trump who tweets at 3 in the morning. One of the main reasons why President Trump will get into trouble is that he is not going to give up his habit of tweeting in the middle of the night. Another reason that will get Trump into trouble is his enthusiasm and anxiousness to normalize relations with Russia, and the alleged “Golden Shower” tape if it exists. Also Donald Trump will find it difficult to separate the Office of President from his businesses, because Trump is going to act more like a King or an Emperor, rather than a President. President Trump will be dealing with three very important issues soon after the inauguration ceremony, as Saturn transits his natal moon and aspects his natal Sun, Russia Sanctions/Involvement in US Election, Obamacare repeal, and Immigration reform. We will see many changes in President Trump’s cabinet team during his first term, hiring and firing will go on throughout his Presidential Term. Many cabinet team members will voluntarily resign from their positions during Trump’s first term because they will find it difficult to work for him. There is no doubt Donald Trump has some very powerful planets in his astrology chart. But the problem is Donald Trump became President in the mahadasha of the most difficult planet in his astrology chart, that is Jupiter the ruler of 8th house and badhaka house. So his Presidential Term will mostly be consumed by number of investigations, law suits, protests, and may be war as well, that will leave him with very little time to accomplish anything positive for the country or “Make America Great Again”. Many may even question the legitimacy of his Presidency. Honestly, the problem with Donald Trump is he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, because he has no political or military experience. So get ready for a really rough ride for next 4 years.

President Trump will be in Jupiter mahadasha during his first Presidential Term. So many important events will take place in the months of March, July and November during his first Presidential Term. Soon after Trump is sworn in on January 20th, Jupiter will go retrograde on Feb 5th, and there are two eclipses in the month of February, the last two weeks of February does not look very good. Donald Trump may face some delay in getting his nominees approved, as they are being grilled right now during the nomination process. But I am more concerned about the period from April 1st to May 15th, 2017 that looks very difficult and challenging. Saturn goes retrograde on April 5th, can bring setbacks. Rahu transiting the ascendant degree in Leo and Ketu transiting 7th house cusp in April/May can bring challenges in President Trump’s relationships with other people around him. In my opinion month of April and beginning of May looks really very difficult. Let us see how this period will play out for President Trump. Next President Trump will enter Jupiter / Jupiter /Mercury period on May 15th. The period from May 15th to end of June should bring some relief, as Mercury is one of the best planet in President Trump’s astrology chart. Retrograde Saturn will again enter Scorpio sign on June 21st, and will stay in Scorpio sign until October 24th. During this period from June 21st to October 24th, Saturn will transit President Trump’s natal moon in Scorpio sign, and aspect natal Sun in Taurus sign one more time, will be again challenging, can bring setbacks. Saturn will stop right close to natal Moon, at 27 degrees in Scorpio sign on August 25th, when Saturn will become stationary direct. Month of August looks very difficult and challenging because the solar eclipse on August 21st is falling at 5 degrees in Leo sign, right near the ascendant degree. Saturn will aspect the natal position of ascendant lord Sun in Taurus sign very powerfully from September 11 to October 24. Jupiter aspect on natal Sun will be over on September 11, as Jupiter moves into Libra sign. These are very difficult periods in 2017 for President Trump, especially the months of April, August, and September. Lots of people have the opinion that President Trump will get impeached very quickly, in his first Presidential Term. Trump will be in violation of the Constitution on day one of his Presidency, as Trump refuses to disclose his tax returns, divest his assets, create a credible blind trust, obey the constitutional prohibition of foreign emoluments. If Trump does not sell his businesses and puts the proceeds in a blind trust, then he exposes himself to impeachment and he will be in violation of the Constitution. On the flip side if he sells all his businesses and puts the proceeds in a blind trust, again he is making a big mistake, because Trump is going to be a one term 
President. Why Trump isn't doing enough to avoid conflicts of interest? He has made clear he wants to profit off his presidency. The chances of impeachment are high in April, August, and September 2017, but it all depends on the Republican Congress if they are ready to impeach Trump or not. I also think Trump may survive these challenging periods because the Republican Congress will not be able to stand up against President Trump at this moment because the Republican Base is with President Trump, not with the Republican Party. White working class Americans in the rust belt, who usually vote Democrat, are also with President Trump, not with the Democratic Party. This is the reason why Trump is holding rallies even after winning the election. It will be difficult to impeach Trump by a Republican Congress as long as Trump has support from the Republican Base and the white working class Americans. The million-dollar question is how long are the Republicans going to tolerate Trump before they impeach him? Many Republicans are already deviating from Trump on many issues, even before Trump is sworn in as President.

In 2018 the period from last week of January to middle of March and the months of June, July August September 2018 are challenging and difficult months for President Trump, and United States. There is Mars and Saturn conjunction in end of March and beginning of April 2018 that could be difficult also Saturn will go retrograde at 15 degrees in Sagittarius sign right on United States ascendant opposite natal Jupiter on April 17, 2018. The months of June, July, August and September is another period when Donald Trump may face impeachment. But I think he will survive this period also. The period from first week of October 2018 to end of December 2018 will be a good period in President Trump’s first presidential term after Jupiter enters Scorpio sign on October 11th, 2018. Donald Trump will enter Saturn Bhukti in Jupiter mahadasha on November 22, 2018. Saturn rules the 6th house of health issues, and 7th house of relationships. The period from November 22nd, 2018 onwards is not a good period for President Trump’s health, as Capricorn sign ruled by Saturn falls in the 6th house in the astrology chart.

The problem will start in Feb/March 2019 when Ketu enters Sagittarius sign, and collides with transit Saturn for 9 months. At the same time Rahu enters Gemini sign. During this time transit Saturn will be in last 10 degrees in Sagittarius sign, and aspects the natal position of Jupiter in Virgo sign in Trump’s astrology chart very powerfully by its 10th aspect. President Trump and the GOP party will be at loggerheads after June 2019 over some policy issues. During this time the country will 
be in recession. Since we are living in a global economy, so we will be dealing with a global recession, which will continue even into 2020. The unemployment numbers will be high. Americans will be angry. Donald Trump will feel isolated. Donald Trump will have very little public support after June 2019, when impeachment will finally be proposed. There is a possibility of global war during this time. This will be the time when President Trump may take U.S. to next war. Our national debt may even grow bigger, if our political leaders fail to control spending during this time. This could be the time when Trump’s tax returns may finally be leaked. Donald Trump will have cash flow problems in his personal businesses as well during this time. 2019 is certainly a difficult year for President Trump’s health also, as 6th house lord Saturn’s Bhukti is on in Jupiter mahadasha. These will be dangerous times after June 2019, when President Trump will find it difficult to complete his first Term. Things will get worse in 2019, and the voters will penalize the Republican party in 2020 Presidential Election. President Trump will either face impeachment or resign between June 2019 and April 2020.This is the most important prediction.

Let us see how this challenging time from June 2019 to March 2020 will play out for President Trump. I will post another major update in April 2020, and talk about the remaining 9 months of the First Term, and the 2020 Presidential Election. Let us hope President Donald Trump works for all Americans, rather than just his base as we move forward into his first Presidential Term.

Gurmeet Singh
January 20, 2017

PLEASE NOTE:Just for clarification, I have not studied the astrology charts of Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi and Paul Ryan. So, I do not know who will replace Donald Trump after his impeachment / resignation between June 2019 and April 2020. This is a correction to my 2019 Trump astrology predictions. I also posted an update on July 25, 2018 in this connection. 
December 12, 2018

Already published, please go to the top of this page. 
The astrology updates after April 1, 2020 will go below in the Astrology updates section.

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September 15, 2022

Donald Trump January 6 Committee Public Hearings astrology update
I had predicted Donald Trump’s indictment in my Trump Astrology update posted a year ago on July 3, 2021. I had mentioned in my astrology update at that time that Donald Trump’s time is very difficult and challenging until May 1, 2024, and Trump will face indictment any time before May 1, 2024. Now Donald Trump’s indictment is almost imminent after the Jan 6 Committee’s public hearings. The month of July and first two weeks of August this year and the time from October 20 to December 2 this year are very bad times for Trump. If Trump were to be indicted this year, then it will happen in these two time-windows. Let us see how these two time-windows will play out for Trump, and then we will make 2023 astrology predictions for Trump.
July 6, 2022

Donald Trump's time looks very difficult and challenging between May 1 and May 15 this year. Trump could be in some real trouble during this time with so many investigations open.
April 10, 2022

After March 1, 2022, all Trump investigations will move forward at lightning speed. Trump’s challenging time begins.
January 31, 2022

Republican Glenn Youngkin's victory in the Virginia governor's race Tuesday over former Governor Terry McAuliffe, clearly sends a signal to the Republican party, that Republicans can win the elections without Donald Trump’s blessings, if their message resonates with working class Americans and suburban moms. The day Republican Party will realize that Trump will become irrelevant. Trump is trying to become relevant by clinging to his shrinking base. 
Please don’t forget my astrology prediction given in my July 3, 2021, astrology update. Donald Trump’s time is very difficult and challenging between now and December 15, 2021, possibility of some Trump Organization indictments by December 15, 2021.
November 3, 2021

It seems like Donald Trump is in deep trouble now. Trump civil investigation was upgraded from civil to criminal on May 18, 2021. Trump Organization and a top-level executive were indicted by Grand Jury on June 30, 2021. My astrology prediction given on Feb 8, 2021, came correct. 
"But Donald Trump will be in lot of trouble between May 15, 2021, and June 30, 2021. Trump has many criminal investigations going on right now. Some of these criminal investigations will come to closures between May 15, 2021, and June 30, 2021. 
February 8, 2021".
Grand jury is continuing with the criminal investigation for another 4 months or so. American people want to know if Donald Trump will be indicted at some point. This is the million-dollar question on everybody’s mind. I am sharing my thoughts from Vedic Astrology perspective.
Donald Trump has an incredibly unique astrology chart. Whenever Trump is in trouble, he somehow survives the troubling situation, but his astrology chart brings bad luck to people around him. People around him suffer bad luck and end up going to prison. But even incredibly lucky people also sometimes run out of luck, and face downfall. In my opinion the period from Oct 1, 2021, to Nov 15, 2021, is slightly positive period for Donald Trump. The period from Nov 15, 2021, to December 15, 2021, is a very troubling period for Donald Trump. In life it is all about timing of events. The million-dollar question is when the Grand Jury will make decision about future indictments. I see more indictments between Nov 15, 2021, and Dec 15, 2021.
American People have also asked me if Donald Trump will be Republican candidate for 2024 Presidential Election and can Trump be President again. Donald Trump’s time is really very troubling and challenging until May 1, 2024, especially the period from April 2023 to April 2024 is an unbelievably bad period for Trump. Now here I will have to make a bold astrology prediction, like I always do. In my opinion Donald Trump will definitely be indicted before May 1, 2024. This is the most important astrology prediction.     
July 3, 2021

Will post a major Trump Astrology update by July 3, 2021 evening. I wanted to see what happens in the indictment today. The astrology prediction given on Feb 8, 2021 came correct.
July 1, 2021

Donald Trump criminal investigation astrology prediction given on February 8, 2021 is coming correct. I will post next Trump Astrology update on June 30, 2021, stay tuned.
June 7, 2021

Donald Trump is under many criminal investigations right now. I had predicted in my February 8, 2021 astrology update that many of these investigations will come to some closure between May 15 and June 30, 2021. The last paragraph of my February 8, 2021 astrology update is copied below for your reference. Let us see if my astrology prediction comes correct this time as well.
"But Donald Trump will be in lot of trouble between May 15, 2021 and June 30, 2021. Trump has many criminal investigations going on right now. Some of these criminal investigations will come to closures between May 15, 2021 and June 30, 2021. February 8, 2021"
May 7, 2021

President Joe Biden Presidential Term Astrology Predictions article is live now.
March 1, 2021

Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial is hours away. I received numerous requests from American people during past couple of months, to post my astrology predictions on Donald Trump second Impeachment Trial. I am doing it now when the impeachment trial is just about to begin. Here are my thoughts.
There is no doubt Donald Trump will have a close call this time with conviction in Senate Trial. Democrats are running the Senate this time. Mitch McConnell is not there to protect Donald Trump. Democrats are going to present very compelling evidence such as videos, testimonies from government officials / politicians with lots of credibility, who love the country more than any political party. It will be difficult for Republicans to acquit Donald Trump this time. But many Republicans may still acquit Trump because they can’t stand up to Donald Trump because of Republican Base. This is unfortunate but sadly true. In fact, many Republican Senators have no good options. If they convict Trump in the Senate Trial, then they cannot win the Republican Primaries. If they support Trump, then they can win the Republican primaries, but they will lose in the general election. Many careers of Republican politicians are going to end within next 2 years. Donald Trump is a brilliant salesman, just see even after losing the Presidential Election by a landslide, Trump still has control over the Republican Party. 
Astrologically looking at Trump’s astrology chart, I feel Trump will narrowly escape conviction in the Senate Trial, because Mahadasha lord Jupiter in Trump’s Vedic Astrology Chart by transit from its position in Capricorn sign is aspecting Trump’s natal Jupiter in Virgo sign, natal Sun, natal Rahu and Transit Rahu in Taurus sign. The Jupiter’s transit through Capricorn sign, especially in the last 12 degrees is a favorable transit for Trump. So Trump will survive the Senate Trial somehow.
But Donald Trump will be in lot of trouble between May 15, 2021 and June 30, 2021. Trump has many criminal investigations going on right now. Some of these criminal investigations will come to closures between May 15, 2021 and June 30, 2021. 
February 8, 2021

I will be posting a new astrology article on President Joe Biden's first Presidential Term in couple of weeks from now. Please check back in third week of February 2021.
January 21, 2021

Joe Biden will be President on 1/20. There may be some protests nationwide, but this time government is better prepared for any disturbance that may take place in next 7 days.
Donald Trump is getting impeached second time as predicted by me in previous astrology update on Feb 5, 2020. Trump's social media accounts are terminated / suspended. Trump's business deals are being cancelled. It seems like Trump is going to be very miserable after 1/20.
January 13, 2021

Wishing all my astrology fans, friends, and astrology clients a Happy New Year 2021!
Donald Trump is getting ready for second impeachment and / or removal from office by 25th Amendment right now. Remember many Vedic Astrologers predicted Donald Trump victory on November 3, 2020. After that prediction went wrong, they again predicted Donald Trump will somehow win in court cases and become President on January 20, 2021, because transit Jupiter from Capricorn sign will be aspecting Donald Trump’s natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign in his 10th house. Well, Jupiter from Capricorn sign is aspecting Trump’s natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign right now, and completely opposite is happening for Donald Trump. These Vedic Astrologers went wrong again for the second time. Many of these Vedic Astrologers are famous, they have published books on Vedic Astrology, they have youtube channels, and they teach Vedic Astrology. But look what happened, they could not make a simple astrology prediction for Donald Trump, so sad. Finally, Donald Trump acknowledged election defeat in video on Capitol violence. 
Mr. Singh accurately predicted Donald Trump loss and Joe Biden victory in the 2020 presidential election on April 1, 2020, 8 months before the election date. Not only this astrology prediction came correct, but Mr. Singh also gave you accurate astrology predictions week by week, month by month for the past 4 years, including the Donald Trump’s first impeachment astrology prediction given on January 20, 2017.
January 8, 2021

As predicted by me in my main article, the solar eclipse on December 14 proved to be devastating for Donald Trump, as it ended all his hopes of overturning the presidential election. The Electoral College had formally confirmed that Joe Biden will be the nation’s next president, giving him a solid electoral majority of 306 votes to affirm his victory in last month’s election. On the same day AG Barr resigned from Trump Administration. Today Mitch McConnell congratulated President Elect Joe Biden and lobbied his colleagues to oppose a final stage GOP effort to overturn Biden’s victory.
The game is over for Donald Trump. Donald Trump is fired by American people, as predicted by me on April 1, 2020, and then again in a subsequent astrology update on October 22, 2020. I cannot believe so many astrologers have gone wrong this time, as they predicted Donald Trump’s victory. 
We do not have verified birth time for President Elect Joe Biden. The 8.30 am birth time available on internet has A rating rather than AA rating. I am working on the birth time rectification for Joe Biden, using some past important events in Biden’s life and the dates when these events took place in Biden’s life. I will use the rectified birth chart for President Elect Joe Biden in conjunction with the United States astrology chart to give you my astrology predictions for the President Joe Biden’s first term by January 20, 2021, stay tuned.
December 15, 2020

I do not think Donald Trump will get 70 million votes if the presidential election is held today, after witnessing how Trump has unraveled since November 3. Trump is losing support from moderate Republicans and independents who voted for him on November 3. In the end Trump will be left with about 30% Americans, that is Trump’s base, who will drink Trump Kool-Aid, no matter how many lies Trump tells everyday or how many lawsuits Trump loses everyday.
In my opinion Trump has improved Democrats chances of victory in the Georgia Senate races. This is just my observation, not an astrology prediction since we do not know McConnell's birth time.
November 30, 2020

I received numerous requests from people to make astrology prediction about the Georgia Senate race, as it will decide who will have the Senate majority. This is actually a fight between Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell, one of these two politicians will be Senate majority leader and the other one will be Senate minority leader. 
I need birth time details with AA rating for both politicians to make precise and accurate prediction. The problem I am facing is Mitch McConnell’s accurate birth time with AA rating is unknown. Chuck Schumer’s birth time details with A rating is available on internet. I studied Chuck Schumer’s astrology chart. Chuck Schumer is Capricorn rising in Vedic Astrology, and is going through Saturn mahadasha. Chuck Schumer has a favorable Jupiter transit coming up soon, transit Jupiter from Capricorn sign will aspect Schumer’s natal Saturn in Virgo sign between November 19, 2020 and April 4, 2020. Things look good for Schumer during this period, I hope he becomes Senate majority leader. But I cannot say with certainty, because McConnell’s accurate birth time is unknown, and I cannot compare Schumer and McConnell’s astrology charts to see who is in a powerful period. 
November 14, 2020

I received numerous requests from astrology fans to make prediction about the Georgia Senate races. I will post my thoughts on Georgia Senate races this Friday morning.
November 12, 2020

Some astrology fans have asked me this question “Who will take oath on 1/20/2021?”. My answer is President Elect Joe Biden will take oath on 1/20/2021. Donald Trump’s lawsuits have no substance and no evidence that election fraud was committed. The lawsuits are failing in courts in different US states. The courts are not going to overturn the presidential election to please one person that is Donald Trump. Biden won, and Trump lost. The game is over for Donald Trump. 
The country will go through sensitive time next 7 weeks. But we will be okay around the inauguration day, January 20, 2021. The United States astrology chart looks good for the months of January, Feb, March 2021. We will also have coronavirus vaccine approved and available during this period of time, as predicted by me in my previous astrology updates.
November 10, 2020

Joe Biden is elected 46th President of the United States. Congratulations to President Elect Joe Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris on winning the 2020 presidential election. Our Democracy and rule of law survived. All my astrology predictions came correct. 
November and December this year are sensitive months for the country. Donald Trump has not conceded the presidential election as predicted by me. Donald Trump is filing election lawsuits in many states that he is going to lose, some he has already lost. It will take some time for Donald Trump to digest the fact that he has lost the presidential election. GOP may finally persuade Donald Trump to concede the election and leave the White House. Donald Trump may leave abruptly and not cooperate with the new Biden Administration during the transition of power phase. Trump has already made it clear that he will not be there at the inauguration day January 20, 2021.
It will be interesting to see what exit strategy Trump will follow while leaving the White House. Is Trump going to pardon himself and his family members of alleged federal crimes they have committed, before leaving the Oval office or will Trump make Pence as the President, and receive pardons for himself and his family members from Pence.
You have seen so many Vedic and Western Astrologers failed miserably in their astrology predictions on the 2020 Presidential Election. Many Astrologers had posted 3 minutes or 5 minutes videos on internet chanting Donald Trump has a very powerful astrology chart, so Trump will win the 2020 presidential election. There is no doubt Donald Trump has a very powerful astrology chart, but it does not mean Trump will be lucky all the time. Even people with very powerful astrology charts also face loss, defeat, disappointment and challenging time in their life sometimes. It is all about timing in life. You can have a powerful astrology chart, but if the current time is against you then you cannot win despite a very powerful astrology chart. Certainly, this current period in Oct / Nov / Dec this year is not one of the lucky periods in Trump’s astrology chart, that is why Biden won and Trump lost the 2020 presidential election. I was able to see this while analyzing Donald Trump’s astrology chart, while many astrologers could not see this coming, and their astrology prediction went wrong. Many astrologers predicted Trump victory because Trump was getting his Rahu return in the 10th house in his astrology chart. Remember Kamala Harris also got her Rahu return in her first house in her astrology chart and Harris was picked for the VP spot by Joe Biden. Trump lost the presidential election during Rahu return in his astrology chart and Harris was picked for VP spot by Biden during her Rahu return in her astrology chart. Can anyone explain. If astrology is that simple, then everybody will be a great astrologer.
I have been very precise in the timing of all my astrology predictions for Donald Trump also, if you see the Trump impeachment, March 2020 stock market crash, high unemployment in US, COVID 19 attack, Donald Trump health problems (COVID-19 infection), and finally Donald Trump loss on November 7, 2020 astrology predictions. The timing was perfect and precise for all my astrology predictions.
January, February, March 2021 looks good months in the United States astrology chart. We may have vaccine for coronavirus during this time. I will post a new astrology article on the Economic Forecast for United States for next 10 years, towards the end of January 2021. 
I thank everybody for supporting me and appreciating my astrology predictions during past 4 years.
November 8, 2020

We knew that on the election day Trump will be ahead because most Republicans vote in person on the election day. Biden will win Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, but it may take few more days before the mail in ballots are counted. Red state Georgia is still in play. In fact, Biden only needs to win any two out of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania right now to win the Presidency. Biden’s win can become landslide if Biden wins Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia, when the dust settles down.
November 4, 2020

Counting of mail in ballots may take some time. But Donald Trump is going to lose at least one very crucial red state on November 3, that will end all his hopes of victory in the 2020 Presidential Election. 
November 3, 2020

The October 22 astrology update is my final astrology prediction.  You will find the final astrology prediction at the end of my main astrology article on 2020 Presidential Election Astrology.
November 2, 2020

I posted the final astrology prediction in the main article, at the top of this webpage.
October 22, 2020

I had already given presidential debates astrology predictions in my September 27, 2020 astrology update. Joe Biden will win tonight's presidential debate.
I will post a major astrology update on the 2020 presidential election that every body is waiting for,  after the presidential debate tonight.
Oct 22, 2020

Senate Republicans are beginning to publicly distance themselves from the president. There are signs people in the administration are preparing for Trump loss in the presidential election. Trump at his Georgia rally said the following “Could you imagine if I lose?... I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country, I don’t know.” Even Trump is preparing himself for his loss in the presidential election.
October20, 2020

Many Vedic Astrologers have posted 3 minutes or 5 minutes videos on internet chanting Donald Trump has a very powerful astrology chart, so Trump will win the 2020 presidential election. These astrologers did not even care to take a look at Biden’s astrology chart to understand why Biden is beating Trump in all polls by double digits.
There is no doubt Donald Trump has a very powerful astrology chart, but it does not mean Trump will be lucky all the time. Even people with very powerful astrology charts also face loss, defeat, disappointment and challenging time in their life sometimes. In life it is all about timing of events. A person goes for a job interview this week, fails miserably in the interview, and did not get the job. Same person applies for another job 5 weeks later, the interview goes very well, gets hired for the job, and gets a decent salary. It is all about timing in life. You can have a powerful astrology chart, but if the current time is against you then you cannot win despite a very powerful astrology chart. Certainly, this current period in Oct / Nov this year is not one of the lucky periods in Trump’s astrology chart, that is why Biden is beating Trump in all polls by double digits.   
October 19, 2020

American people are wondering when did Donald Trump contract COVID-19. When was the last time Donald Trump tested negative for COVID-19? In my opinion astrologically Trump contracted COVID-19 around September 24, 2020, the day Rahu entered Taurus sign and touched Donald Trump’s natal Sun in Taurus sign. Donald Trump did not look healthy during first presidential debate on September 29, 2020. Now when Sun will enter Libra sign on October 16, 2020 and come under Saturn’s 10th aspect from Capricorn sign, will be a sensitive time for health during last two weeks of October. 
October 12, 2020

Many people are thinking that Trump COVID-19 is a hoax, it is a distraction from the main issues. But according to me astrologically it is not a hoax. Donald Trump does have coronavirus. Trump's presidential campaign is over this month soon after September 24, as predicted by me 6 months ago on April 1, 2020.   
Donald Trump cannot go to any rallies between now and the election date, November 3 because Trump contracted coronavirus. But if Trump still goes to rallies then that will drive his poll numbers further down, because American people will think Trump is very irresponsible and is spreading virus. Many people will not vote for Trump, because he contracted coronavirus, they will be concerned about his medical fitness to be the President of United States for 4 more years. This is driving Trump’s poll numbers down besides his poor performance in the first presidential debate. 
I had mentioned in my main astrology article posted on April 1, 2020, that the 2020 Presidential Election will be tilted away from Donald Trump after September 24, 2020. Trump will also have health problems and problems with finances during October / November 2020, and it is happening now. I had also mentioned in my September 20, 2020 astrology update that Biden will widen his lead to 15 points by October 15, and it is happening now. 
October 4, 2020

Donald Trump reported feeling better in his latest video message today. Donald Trump does not want to look weak, that is why we saw this video message. But according to Trump’s astrology chart more health problems are indicated this month, especially when Sun will enter Libra sign after October 16, 2020. 
October 3, 2020

Donald Trump just announced he and first lady tested positive for COVID-19.
The astrology prediction given on April 1, 2020 came correct. The following astrology prediction was given on April 1, 2020.

"Please remember October, November, December 2020 are difficult months for Donald Trump’s health and finances as well, due to Rahu’s transit over the natal position of the ascendant lord Sun in Taurus sign in Donald Trump’s astrology chart. The solar eclipse on December 14 is falling at 29 degrees in Scorpio sign, very close to Trump’s natal Moon, natal Ketu and opposite his natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign. "
October 2, 2020

In my main astrology article, I had mentioned that after September 24, 2020, the presidential election will be titled away from Donald Trump and Trump cannot win the election. It has already happened yesterday night. Trump cannot win this election. Trump has alienated the independent and undecided voters yesterday night.
Biden should definitely do the next 2 presidential debates, because Biden will win both debates easily. Biden was able to win yesterday night's debate and does not even had to wrestle with the pig in the gutter.
Kamala Harris is in a very good mahadasha / bhukti according to vedic astrology, and she is a very good debater as well. Kamala Harris made Brett Kavanough cry during his confirmation hearings. Harris will win her debate also.
September 30, 2020

Joe Biden won the debate, as I had predicted. Biden dominated the debate, as out of control Trump crashes and burns at Debate. 
Joe Biden looked Presidential, fresh, confident, and spoke directly to working class American people. Donald Trump was a complete bully, kept interrupting the debate. Trump looked tired, angry, disturbed and confused. Trump spoke to Biden, instead of American people. 
September 29, 2020

Another astrology prediction came correct. New York times publishes Donald Trump’s tax returns in election bombshell. Please remember this bombshell news came soon after September 24, 2020, as Rahu transits Trump’s natal Sun in his astrology chart.
 The president “paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency”, the paper reported, adding that “in his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.
“He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years – largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.”
September 27, 2020

Moderators must ask the following three questions to the Presidential Candidates during presidential debates:
1. Describe your plans to fix the Coronavirus?
2. The country is going through recession right now, millions of Americans are unemployed. Describe your plans to fix the economy and high unemployment?
3. Should we keep Obamacare or replace it with something better. How your new Healthcare Plan will be better than Obamacare if you want to replace it.

As I had indicated earlier, Rahu has entered Taurus sign on September 24. Rahu is now hovering over natal Sun (the ruler of 1st (Donald Trump) and 2nd house (Speech, and finances) in Donald Trump’s astrology chart. Please understand Sun rules 1st house and 2nd house in Donald Trump’s astrology chart, according to KP Astrology. So, Donald Trump will not be so confident and will not be able to express himself so eloquently during Presidential Debates. In my opinion Biden is going to defeat Donald Trump in all three Presidential Debates and widen his lead over Trump in October. Donald Trump’s presidential campaign will also face financial difficulties in October / November before the election date.
September 27, 2020

There is no change to my astrology predictions. We are going to follow the scenarios from my September 20, 2020 astrology update. Today is September 24, Donald Trump has entered the most challenging period of his life. I will be posting the three Presidential Debates astrology predictions this weekend, stay tuned.
September 24, 2020

Donald Trump's time is very bad in October, November, December this year. I think either Trump will not succeed in filling this Supreme Court position or if Trump succeeds then it will hurt him and GOP politically that they will lose the Senate and Presidency both on November 3. 
September 21, 2020

Different scenarios that can play out between now and the time when the 2020 Presidential Election will be decided. (UPDATED on September 20, 2020)

1. Donald Trump’s challenging time begins September 24 this year.
2. Trump will experience some setbacks in October / November before the election. Many open investigations for Trump will come to some closure during this time. Trump may have to pay some fines to settle some lawsuits during this time. This period is not good for Trump’s health also. Trump’s poll numbers will drop further during this time. Biden will widen his lead over Trump in October / November before the election.
3. If Biden can widen his lead by 15 points by third week of October, then Trump will realize he cannot win / steal the election. In this scenario Trump will resign in third week of October and Mike Pence will become the next President of United States before the election date, and Pence will pardon Trump. 
4. If step 3 happens, then Pence will become the Presidential Candidate for GOP at the 11th hour in end of October. Otherwise Trump will continue in his battle to steal the election.
5. Trump or Pence loses the 2020 Presidential Election on Nov 3, or loss is imminent while the mail in voting counting is going on.
6. At this point we need to wait and see how long the mail in voting counting takes. 
7. Trump or Pence loses the election by a big margin and receives no support from GOP. Biden becomes the next President of United States.
8. Trump / Pence loses the election but they do not concede and the matter goes to courts. Timing is very important at this point.
9. With Ruth Ginsburg now passed away, and GOP getting another Supreme Court Justice, if we are in scenario 9, then the chances of Trump or Pence stealing the election and staying in power have gone up. 
September 20, 2020 

Rest in peace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, you are my hero.
September 19, 2020

Different scenarios that can play out between now and the time when the 2020 Presidential Election will be decided. (UPDATED)

1. Donald Trump’s challenging time begins September 24 this year.
2. Trump will experience some setbacks in October / November before the election. Many open investigations for Trump will come to some closure during this time. Trump may have to pay some fines to settle some lawsuits during this time. This period is not good for Trump’s health also. Trump’s poll numbers will drop further during this time. Biden will widen his lead over Trump in October / November before the election.
3. If Biden can widen his lead by 15 points by third week of October, then Trump will realize he cannot win / steal the election. In this scenario Trump will resign in third week of October and Mike Pence will become the next President of United States before the election date, and Pence will pardon Trump. 
4. If step 3 happens, then Pence will become the Presidential Candidate for GOP at the 11th hour in end of October. Otherwise Trump will continue in his battle to steal the election.
5. Trump or Pence loses the 2020 Presidential Election on Nov 3, or loss is imminent while the mail in voting counting is going on.
6. At this point we need to wait and see how long the mail in voting counting takes. 
7. Trump or Pence loses the election by a big margin and receives no support from GOP. Biden becomes the next President of United States.
8. Trump / Pence loses the election but does not concede and the matter goes to courts. Timing is very important at this point.
9. I will be giving fresh astrology prediction at this point to determine whether Trump or Pence will be able to steal the election and stay in power for another 4 years or Biden will become the next President of United States.
September 9,  2020 AFTERNOON

I had predicted financial problems for Donald Trump in October / November 2020. This astrology prediction was given on April 1, 2020 in my main article on 2020 Presidential Election. The lines from my astrology article are copied below for your reference. Now we are learning Donald Trump's campaign has already lost its cash advantage. Trump Campaign will have financial problems, money will be very tight in October / November this year before the election date.
"Things will become even more difficult for Donald Trump after September 24 this year, when Rahu and Ketu will change signs. Rahu will enter Taurus sign, and Ketu Scorpio sign on September 24 this year. Rahu will transit natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign, and Ketu will transit natal Moon and natal Ketu in Scorpio sign in Donald Trump’s astrology chart between September 24 and November 3 this year, the election day. This will be the time when the 2020 Presidential Election will be tilted away from Donald Trump. So, Donald Trump cannot win the next election. Any foreign interference in the US Presidential Election will not succeed, because Trump’s time is so bad during this period. During this time Donald Trump will do his best to postpone the Presidential Election. Please remember October, November, December 2020 are difficult months for Donald Trump’s health and finances as well, due to Rahu’s transit over the natal position of the ascendant lord Sun in Taurus sign in Donald Trump’s astrology chart. The solar eclipse on December 14 is falling at 29 degrees in Scorpio sign, very close to Trump’s natal Moon, natal Ketu and opposite his natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign.
April 1, 2020"
September 9, 2020

I had calculated the time from August 15 to September 15 as the best time for Donald Trump in 2020. But Trump is trailing Biden in almost all battleground states even in this good time. Biden is going to widen his lead over Trump in a big way after September 24 this year, that it will become very difficult for Trump to even steal the election. Let us see how this thing is going to play out in October /November this year.  
Donald Trump is playing the scare tactics with suburban whites. In the 2016 Presidential Election, Trump used ISIS attacks to scare Americans. In the 2018 mid term election Trump used migrant caravan coming from south to scare Americans. Now in 2020 Presidential Election Trump is using Black people to scare suburban whites. Trump is claiming to be the Law and Order President, who can protect suburban whites from black people. This is Donald Trump’s campaign strategy for the 2020 Presidential Election. But this campaign strategy isn’t working so far. Now Donald Trump has moved on to coronavirus vaccine. Trump thinks if we can have coronavirus vaccine before the election date, it may boost his poll numbers, and his chances of victory in the Presidential Election. But it is not going to be happening in this period, because Trump is entering the most challenging and difficult time of his life after September 24. 
I had given the astrology prediction that after September 24, we should get relief from coronavirus in the coming months. I certainly do not see so many people dying due to coronavirus in January 2021. In my opinion we should have vaccine for coronavirus by January 2021. 
September 8, 2020

Appeals Court granted temporary stay in Financial Records case, as I had predicted good time for Trump between August 15 and September 15 according to Trump's astrology chart.
But Trump will lose the financial records case in October before the election according to his astrology chart.
September 1, 2020

Donald Trump is in a very good period until September 15. Trump's challenging time begins September 24 onwards. The Presidential Debates are coming up after September 24. One way, Biden can turn the tables on Trump is through the presidential debates.
Trump has given up on coronavirus, economy, and high unemployment. Trump's only campaign strategy at this moment is to stir up the protests / riots and then claim to be the Law and Order President to unite white people, so they vote for him. To some extent this strategy is working for him right now. We never had any major problem for long time in the country, all races, religions, and cultures were living peacefully. Now suddenly I see too many black men dying before the Presidential Election, sounds very suspicious to me.
August 31, 2020

These riots and protests are helping Donald Trump poll numbers in this period from August 17 and September 15, as predicted by me in my August 14 astrology update. These riots and protests are happening in Donald Trump’s America, who considers himself a law and order President. We did not see riots and protests when Barack Obama was President before 2016. People from every race, religion and culture were living peacefully before 2016. The country is heading in the wrong direction under Trump’s leadership, as Trump always tried to divide people and be the President of 35 % Americans. 
In my past astrology updates, I had predicted Biden will widen his lead over Trump after September 24, in October / November leading up to the election date.
August 30, 2020

In my August 14, 2020 astrology update, I had predicted that Trump’s poll numbers will improve slightly between August 17 and September 15. It is happening now. But after September 24 Trump’s poll numbers will again take a nosedive. Biden will widen his lead over Trump in October / November before November 3.

“Donald Trump's time is now very good from August 17 to September 15. Trump will do maximum damage to the presidential election in this period. Trump will be unstoppable during this time. His poll numbers will improve slightly during this time.
Then after September 24, Donald Trump will run out of luck in October / November / December this year. All his plans to sabotage the election will backfire during this time. Trump’s opposition and enemies will be very strong during this time. Trump will be very vulnerable and weak in October / November / December this year.   
Get your popcorn ready on September 24. 
Mr. Singh is giving you accurate astrology predictions week by week, month by month, and year by year. Other astrologers have just taken positions either for Trump victory or Trump loss depending upon whether they are right-wing or left-wing astrologers. August 14, 2020”
August 29, 2020

Different scenarios that can play out between now and the time when the 2020 Presidential Election will be decided.

1.  Donald Trump’s challenging time begins September 24 this year.
2. Trump will experience some setbacks in October / November before the election. Many open investigations for Trump will come to some closure during this time. Trump may have to pay some fines to settle some lawsuits during this time. This period is not good for Trump’s health also. Trump’s poll numbers will drop further during this time. Biden will widen his lead over Trump in October / November before the election.
3. By end of October we will have a fairly good idea whether Trump will be successful in stealing the election. 
4. Trump loses the 2020 Presidential Election on Nov 3, or loss is imminent while the mail in voting counting is going on.
5. At this point we need to wait and see how long the mail in voting counting takes. 
6. Trump loses the election by a big margin and receives no support from GOP. Biden becomes the next President of United States.
7. Trump loses the election but does not concede and the matter goes to courts. Timing is very important at this point.
8. I will be giving fresh astrology prediction at this point to determine whether Trump will be able to steal the election and stay in power for another 4 years or Biden will become the next President of United States.
Aug 26, 2020

Just a clarification about my astrology update posted yesterday. I had predicted Donald Trump will lose on November 3, if the election is held on Nov 3. This astrology prediction was given in my main astrology article posted on April 1, 2020. The million-dollar question is will Donald Trump succeed in stealing or postponing the presidential election or not. Trump has taken an early advantage in the 2020 presidential election by successfully sabotaging the USPS. After September 24, in October / November Trump will experience some setbacks, many of his open investigations will come to closure in October / November / December either before or after the presidential election. That will make it clear whether Trump will succeed in stealing the election. The victory for Trump on November 3 is out of question, how can you win when half of the Republican party was at DNC convention.
August 25, 2020

I had indicated in my past Trump astrology updates that Donald Trump's time is good between August 17 and September 15 this year. Trump is in a very good period right now until September 15. Trump has taken an early advantage in the 2020 Presidential Election by successfully sabotaging the USPS. 
Trump's bad time begins after September 24. Trump will experience some setbacks in Oct /Nov before the election date. Trump has many open investigations right now. Many of these investigations will come to some closure in Oct/Nov/Dec either before or after the election.
We will have a fairly good idea in the last week of October about the fate of the 2020 Presidential Election, 
There are many astrologers who had taken positions for Trump victory or Trump loss depending upon their personal beliefs, with very little substance in their astrology analysis. We are going to follow the planets, and not bring personal bias into my astrology predictions.
August 24, 2020

Facing mounting public pressure and a crush of state lawsuits, Donald Trump's new postmaster general announced Tuesday he is halting some operational changes to mail delivery that critics blamed for widespread delays and warned could disrupt the November election. But Donald Trump already succeeded in creating confusion as mail sorting machines are un-installed nationwide. This news came too late. Will the postmaster general re-install the mail sorting machines before the election date?
I am not going to mail my ballot by USPS anymore. I am going to manually drop it off in some ballots drop box location in my county. I am sorry to say I lost my trust in Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.
I cannot believe how 35% Americans can vote for a guy who is focused primarily on ways to steal the next election rather than talking about his achievements during past 4 years (if any) or how he is going to make America Great Again in his second term. Now let us wait and see what else Trump will do to steal the next election before his challenging time begins on September 24 this year.
August 18, 2020

This is Donald Trump's plan for victory on Nov 3.
Donald Trump is not going to win the presidential election on Nov 3, but Trump will do everything possible to steal the election. We will know by end of October if Donald Trump will be successful in stealing this election according to his astrology chart.
The best options are
 1 Either vote in person, 
 2. Or receive your ballot by mail, fill it out then drop it off in a ballot dropbox location at your county office at the earliest. You can check with your county office.

August 16, 2020

Donald Trump's time is now very good from August 17 to September 15. Trump will do maximum damage to the presidential election in this period. Trump will be unstoppable during this time. His poll numbers will improve slightly during this time.
Then after September 24, Donald Trump will run out of luck in October / November / December this year. All his plans to sabotage the election will backfire during this time. Trump’s opposition and enemies will be very strong during this time. Trump will be very vulnerable and weak in October / November / December this year.   
Get your popcorn ready on September 24. 
Mr. Singh is giving you accurate astrology predictions week by week, month by month, and year by year. Other astrologers have just taken positions either for Trump victory or Trump loss depending upon whether they are right-wing or left-wing astrologers.
August 14, 2020

My astrology prediction given on August 2 astrology update came correct. The astrology prediction is copied below for your reference.
Gurmeet Singh

"Very soon Vice President Joe Biden will announce his VP candidate. We all know Biden is going to pick a woman and there are many qualified candidates that are vetted for the VP role. I just took a quick glance at Senator Kamala Harris’s astrology chart, looks very good. Kamala Harris has a good chance, but again you can never be sure, because I have not compared her astrology chart with other candidates that are vetted for the VP role.
Aug 2, 2020"

August 11, 2020

I had mentioned in my 2020 Presidential Election Astrology article that the time after September 24, 2020 is so bad for Trump that all his attempts to cheat and sabotage the presidential election will fail, and Trump will lose on Nov 3. But we all know any incumbent President has lot of tools available to cheat and sabotage the election, if they want to. Trump will not hesitate to use these tools.
Many right-wing astrologers have this opinion that if the election is delayed by 2 months or the mail in voting counting continues for couple of months then Trump will survive and stay in power. They are ignoring the fact that Oct / Nov / Dec are very bad months for Trump and this election could be over, before Trump’s time improves according to his astrology chart. 
 There are many different scenarios that are possible. I will post my thoughts and astrology predictions as we get closer to the election date.
In near future I see some improvement in Trump’s poll numbers between August 20 and September 15, before Trump’s poll numbers take a nosedive after September 24 this year. 
We all have our personal political opinions, but my astrology predictions are always unbiased.
August 9, 2020

When you are talking about massive voter fraud, rigged elections with no evidence, and trying to take action to curb mail in voting, you already know you are losing this election. Donald knows by now he is not going to win this presidential election on Nov 3. Trump will lose the popular vote and electoral college both for sure. You do not need astrology prediction for that now, when I see many astrologers making astrology predictions for the 2020 Presidential Election on internet now. The million-dollar question is will Donald Trump succeed in cheating, and sabotaging the presidential election, and still stay in power for a second term. The answer to this question will become very clear by last week of October this year that is why I am waiting until the last week of October to make the final astrology prediction.
When you just predict win or lose, 50% chances are you could be correct and 50% chance you could be wrong. I see many astrologers predicting win or lose for Trump, but no substance in their astrology analysis.
August 8, 2020

Two astrology predictions given by me on April 1, 2020 came correct. I had predicted we will see full blown coronavirus in May, June, July this year and lot of people will die, and it happened. I had also predicted that when Donald Trump will realize he cannot win the 2020 Presidential Election, he will try to postpone the election, came true as well. 
Donald Trump has no clue, what he is going to do in his second term, why we should vote for him on Nov 3. Trump has no plan how he is going to fix the coronavirus problem, the high unemployment and economic recession that the country is facing right now. In 2016, Trump promised that he will replace Obamacare with something better, and 4 years later we have not seen the so called “something better” healthcare plan. 
You want to know the Trump’s campaign strategy to win the 2020 Presidential Election? One of Trump supporters described it very eloquently in his message to me. 

“Trump wins by having his Postmaster General delay the mail!”.

The Trump supporter didn’t realize that if the election is delayed than Nancy Pelosi will become the US President on Jan 21, 2021
Donald Trump’s time is going to be so difficult and challenging in October / November this year that all his plans to sabotage the election will fall apart. You will see Michael Cohen’s book in October just before the election. Trump’s niece Mary Trump’s book is already released with some very damaging information. You may also see the pee pee tape in October / November before the election if the pee pee tape exists. I hope you remember in October 2016, when the Trump’s Hollywood tape was released, my astrology prediction was right on target.
I do not see so many people dying in January 2021 due to coronavirus, perhaps they will find the vaccine by the end of this year. Rahu is leaving Gemini sign and entering Taurus sign on September 24 this year will be a big relief. But Rahu and Ketu move very slowly, just 1 to 1.5 degrees every month, so by January 2021 we should see relief from coronavirus.
Very soon Vice President Joe Biden will announce his VP candidate. We all know Biden is going to pick a woman and there are many qualified candidates that are vetted for the VP role. I just took a quick glance at Senator Kamala Harris’s astrology chart, looks very good. Kamala Harris has a good chance, but again you can never be sure, because I have not compared her astrology chart with other candidates that are vetted for the VP role. 
Aug 2, 2020

Donald Trump is desperately trying to change the news cycle and public attention away from coronavirus to the protests in the streets of America, but so far unsuccessful. Rather it is hurting Trump’s poll numbers in the battleground states, and nationwide. Biden now has a significant lead over Trump, with election just 100 days away. 
July 26, 2020

Donald Trump is threatening to send Federal Law Enforcement Forces to more cities across the country. People will be too scared to go out and vote freely on Nov 3. This will be a new campaign strategy to suppress votes and steal the election on Nov 3. What Trump is trying to do now, the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi tried during emergency in India 1975 – 1977. It did not work for Indira Gandhi at that time, she lost the 1977 election and went to prison for some time in 1977. 
July 21, 2020

Another important event happened in the month of July in Donald Trump’s first term, Trump has started wearing black mask now. 
July 12, 2020

Trump had given tax cuts to Corporate America, and Corporate America was returning favor by keeping lid on layoffs, and stock market high until the presidential election date, so Trump can win. But this coronavirus attack turned the tables on Donald Trump.  
July 11, 2020

I keep hearing this news on tv channels that Donald Trump is polling better than Joe Biden on economy. People don’t understand the economy is now dependent upon who can fix the coronavirus problem quickly, not on tax cuts. US economy will not improve unless the coronavirus problem is fixed quickly. Donald Trump is bad for the economy because he has no plan to fix the coronavirus problem. 
July 11, 2020

I had mentioned number of times in my astrology articles that many important events will take place in the months of March, July, and November in Donald Trump’s first term. Another July surprise, Donald Trump commuted prison sentence for Roger Stone, because Stone has goods on Trump to bring his presidency down. 
I received email from a Trump supporter this morning. This person very eloquently described Donald Trump's campaign strategy for the 2020 Presidential Election. This is what they had written:

" No poll can account for the toxic mix of voter suppression, COVID-19 and a president of the United States willing to use every power at his disposal to prevent Americans from voting". 
But according to Vedic and KP Astrology, Trump will not succeed with this campaign strategy, because Trump will be in very bad period after September 24 this year, explained astrologically by me in my main astrology article. 
July 11, 2020

Supreme Court ruled Trump cannot block release of Financial Records. Two rulings clear the way for prosecutors in New York to see Donald Trump’s financial records, but the justices stopped Congress for now. 

This was my May 14, 2020 Trump astrology update on Donald Trump’s taxes.
“I had given astrology prediction more than three years ago that Trump’s tax returns / financial records will be released / leaked between June 2019 and April 2020. This astrology prediction was slightly off, but finally coming true. In my opinion Trump’s financial records / tax returns will be released either before July 31, 2020 or between September 24, 2020 and November 3, 2020.
Today, Appeals court rejected Donald Trump effort to throw out emoluments case. Michael Flynn’s case is also not going well for Donald Trump. In my opinion Donald Trump will be in some legal jeopardy between September 24 and November 3, this year, just before the Presidential Election. You will see Republicans will lose Senate majority because of Donald Trump.
May 14, 2020”

In my Trump Astrology article published three years ago on January 20, 2017, I had mentioned many important events will take place in the months of March, July, and November in Donald Trump’s first term. Trump – Putin Helsinki summit took place in July 2018. Robert Mueller completed Mueller investigation in March 2019. Mueller public testimony took place in July 2019. Coronavirus attack, stock market crash, beginning of global recession, high unemployment numbers took place in March 2020. Now Supreme Court ruled Trump cannot block release of Financial Records in July 2020. 

In my 2020 Presidential Election Astrology article published on April 1, 2020, I had mentioned the following
“October, November, December 2020 are difficult months for Donald Trump’s health and finances as well, due to Rahu’s transit over the natal position of the ascendant lord Sun in Taurus sign in Donald Trump’s astrology chart.”
I was trying to be polite with my words. In my opinion Donald Trump will be in legal trouble between September 24, 2020 and December 31, 2020. I do not see Trump winning the 2020 Presidential Election.
July 9, 2020

Donald Trump’s time is going to be difficult and challenging between July 15 and July 30 this year. The New Moon on July 20 is falling close to Donald Trump’s natal Saturn and natal Venus in Cancer sign. This time the New Moon is badly aspected by Saturn from Capricorn sign. Both Sun and Moon are badly aspected by Saturn on July 20, is bad for Trump.
July 8, 2020

Just a clarification, in my last astrology update I said if there is any remote possibility of Trump resigning, should happen in July this year. I used the word remotely because I know he will not resign. But if Trump’s poll numbers plummeted further, then GOP may force him to step down, to save their Senate majority. But even in that scenario GOP will lose support from Trump's base. So, GOP and Trump do not hat have any good options left, other than suffer a humiliating defeat on Nov 3. 

Trump's time is really very bad in Oct, Nov, Dec this year when Rahu will transit his natal Sun in Taurus sign in Vedic Astrology. The economy is not going to improve this year. Trump was in a hurry to re-open the economy and was expecting a V shape recovery in the third quarter, just before the presidential election. But Donald Trump’s big gamble on re-opening America backfired. Now we are in full blown coronavirus in May, June, July this year, as predicted by me on March 9 and then again on April 1 this year. In my astrology article, my advice was to have a complete shutdown until August 15, and then reopen economy in third week of August. I still think that after September 24, when Rahu leaves Gemini sign and enters Taurus sign will be a big relief. But Rahu and Ketu move very slowly, just 1 to 2 degrees every month. So, let us see how quickly Rahu and Ketu will show their positive results for the country, most definitely in January 2021, as Rahu in Taurus sign will also come under Jupiter’s direct 5th aspect from Capricorn sign. I do not see so many people dying in this positive period, coronavirus will be either contained or they will find a vaccine for it during this period. 
July 2, 2020

Donald Trump is trailing Vice President Joe Biden in all battleground states right now. Some GOP operatives are wondering if Donald Trump could drop out of the presidential race if his poll numbers don't improve. Remember my astrology prediction given 3 years ago on Jan 20, 2017 was Trump may resign between June 2019 and April 1, 2020. The astrology prediction could still come true, may be little bit off. If there is any remote possibility of Trump resigning before the election date, then it should happen in July this year. I also mentioned in one of my astrology updates that we may see Trump impeachment 2.0 in July this year. But I don’t think Democrats will impeach Trump at this moment. I had mentioned number of times in my Trump astrology articles that many important events will take place in the month of March, July, and November in Donald Trump’s first presidential term. So, let us see what Trump will do in July this year.
June 29, 2020

In my “2020 Presidential Election Astrology” article published on April 1, 2020, I had clearly mentioned that May, June, July this year are going to be challenging and difficult months for Donald Trump. Look what is happening right now as we approach the end of June, Trump is trailing Biden by 13 points in the national polls, and also trailing Biden in many battleground states. Even Fox news poll shows Trump is trailing Biden by 12 points nationally. Donald Trump suffered a major setback this week when he lost both his Supreme Court cases. Supreme Court blocked Trump from ending DACA, and ruled that Federal Law protects LGBTQ workers from discrimination. Another setback is John Bolton, a Republican, has publicly spoken against Trump and shared some very embarrassing information about Donald Trump in his book that will be released next week. Month of July is very important for Trump, as I had mentioned many times in my astrology articles that many important events will take place in the months of March, July and November in Donald Trump’s Presidential Term. 
You will see some improvement in Donald Trump’s poll numbers between August 25 and September 16, this year. But his poll numbers will again take a nosedive after September 24, when Rahu will transit Trump’s natal Sun in Taurus sign in his 10th house and Ketu will transit Trump’s natal Moon in Scorpio sign. Many scandals, embarrassing information, will come out in the months of October / November this year, just before the Presidential Election. This could also be the time when Trump tax returns may finally be released. Certainly this period is not good for Trump's health and finances also. 
I do not have Vice President Joe Biden’s verified birth time, but still I would like to make couple of comments, that may help Biden Campaign. So far Joe Biden is doing very well, seems like Biden is going through a very lucky period right now, even receiving endorsements from many Republicans. My 2 cents advice to Vice President Joe Biden is that he should be more cautious during Venus and Rahu conjunction between August 1 and August 16. This could be the time Biden may make some mistake that could hurt his poll numbers. Another time when Biden should be cautious is around September 9, for couple of days when Mars will go retrograde. Other than these two periods of time, Vice President Biden will do very well, and his lucky time will continue. 
June 19, 2020

It seems like the Trump administration has all but given up fighting the pandemic. They are more focused on re-opening the economy, boosting the employment numbers and stock market before the presidential election to make Donald Trump look good. Remember Donald Trump said, “One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” But it never did – to date, more than 2 million Americans have been infected with the virus and more than 112,000 have died We are seeing full blown coronavirus in May, June, July this year, as I had predicted in my March 9 astrology update, and then again in my new astrology article on April 1 this year. 
June 16, 2020

Donald Trump's poll numbers are just 38% at this time. Trump is making a big mistake by holding these Trump rallies, because people who go to his rallies are going to vote for him anyway. But just imagine even if 10% of these people contracted coronavirus, because they cannot maintain social distance during rallies, then they may not be able to vote for him on Nov 3. You want your die hard supporters in good health on the election day, this is just my 2 cents advice. 
June 12, 2020

If Donald Trump is interested in winning this Presidential Election, he will be busy holding his MAGA rallies right now, talking about Hunter Biden, Obamagate, Hillary Clinton emails etc. Where are those MAGA rallies? We are less than 5 months away from the Presidential Election. Vice President Joe Biden is maintaining a very steady big lead over Donald Trump nationally, and in many battleground states for many, many months now. It seems like Donald Trump has realized that he cannot win the Presidential Election at the election booth, so he is moving forward with his Plan B.  

Donald Trump’s political campaign is always based on divide and conquer, and racism. For the past three years Trump has made every effort to divide American people. Now if Trump succeeds in dividing the law enforcement agencies in this country before the Presidential Election, we are really in deep trouble. I believe Trump will do one of two things, if he realizes he would not win the presidential election: preemptively attempt to suspend the election and thereby suspend the Constitution itself; or he will lose the election then use the private forces which has basically no oversight, to maintain his Presidency, and refuse to vacate the office and the White House. This will be Donald Trump’s plan B. But astrologically Rahu will be transiting his ascendant lord and 2nd house lord Sun’s natal position in KP Astrology, and natal Rahu in Taurus sign. Ketu will transit his natal Moon, and natal Ketu in Scorpio sign between September 24 and December 31 this year. I do not think his Plan B will be successful. But I will keep my fingers crossed.
June 7, 2020

Donald Trump is testing waters before the next Presidential Election. Trump knows he will lose the Presidential Election. Trump just did a dry run to see if the US military will support him as a dictator. It is highly unlikely that US military will support his dictatorship. But Barr and Pompeo will definitely stand shoulder to shoulder with Donald Trump, even if Trump loses the Presidential Election. Trump is not going to give up his ambitions for dictatorship. It will be Donald Trump v/s our government system of checks and balances. Let us see who wins, Trump or the US Democracy.
If he loses, and doesn't want to leave, there will be wave after wave of protests, Trump will have to leave. It may take some time, but it will be inevitable. Trump may refuse to participate in a normal transition and leave abruptly, after he loses and finds out he doesn't have enough support to stay on. Like in South Africa in the last years of apartheid, or in India after 1942, once the government loses credibility and the people begin to disobey it and keep protesting, it will fall. 
October, November, December of this year and the first three weeks of January 2021 will be difficult. Trump may not have any choice - if he postpones elections for some invented reason, he will face the same problem - mass protests and disobedience. 
June 5, 2020

All the Government have to do is arrest the remaining three Police Officers responsible for George Floyd’s death, and then a healing speech by the President to unite the country, and this situation can be diffused. But Trump will not do this, because his political campaign is primarily based on division and racism. In my opinion Donald Trump is the biggest threat to our Democracy, completely unfit for the position of the President of the United States.
June 3, 2020

In my “2020 Presidential Election Astrology” article published on April 1 2020, I had clearly mentioned the following: 
“May, June, July this year are very difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump and the country. We will see full blown coronavirus during this period, many people will die during these months before things get better after September this year.” 
Now we see protests, looting in many major cities all over the country, over Police brutality. We are in dangerous times until July 31 this year. American people, especially Black people need some healing, and the Government should try to understand why people of color are so angry and frustrated, only then this situation can be diffused quickly. This is all happening due to Rahu’s transit through Gemini sign in 7th house in United States Astrology Chart. Please remember things will get better after September 24, when Rahu will leave Gemini sign and enter Taurus sign, coronavirus will go away, or the cure will be found. I had given this astrology prediction on March 9 astrology update, and then again in my new astrology article on April 1, 2020. 
May 31, 2020

Trump had problems with tv/cable media for the past three years, now Trump is burning his bridges with social media companies, not a good winning campaign strategy. Just Fox News and 38% Base is not enough to  give him victory on Nov 3. 
Trump was going to run on good economy, low unemployment numbers, and soaring stock market. But look what happened, coronavirus has turned the tables on Donald Trump. Now with 41 million unemployed Americans, more than 100K dead due to coronavirus, country heading towards great depression, clearly indicates landslide defeat for Trump on Nov 3, Now Trump has no campaign strategy, the only campaign strategy is how he can stop mail in voting or find other creative ways to interfere in the election process. It is going to be a very slow and prolonged recovery, which may take many years. I am going to talk about US economy in my astrology update after the election in November. 
May 28, 2020

Donald Trump always lies about everything. He lies about his lies also. Sadly 1/3 of the country believes everything he says. Today, Trump said he is taking Hydroxychloroquine for a week now. The stock of the company manufacturing Hydroxychloroquine will go up in the coming days. It is either about money or Trump is trying desperately to change the news cycle away from coronavirus. But he is failing every time he tries that. Few days ago, it was Obamagate, now it is Hydroxychloroquine, tomorrow it will be something else. The reality show goes on to improve his tv ratings. 
May 20, 2020

I had given astrology prediction more than three years ago that Trump’s tax returns / financial records will be released / leaked between June 2019 and April 2020. This astrology prediction was slightly off, but finally coming true. In my opinion Trump’s financial records / tax returns will be released either before July 31, 2020 or between September 24, 2020 and November 3, 2020.
Today, Appeals court rejected Donald Trump effort to throw out emoluments case. Michael Flynn’s case is also not going well for Donald Trump. In my opinion Donald Trump will be in some legal jeopardy between September 24 and November 3, this year, just before the Presidential Election. You will see Republicans will lose Senate majority because of Donald Trump.
May 14, 2020

When the recession will end in United States? 
I will make astrology prediction on US economy in November 2020 after the Presidential Election, because the next US President's astrology chart will have a big impact on the US economy. (November 2020)
May 11, 2020

As the World Is distracted By COVID-19, A Series of Large Earthquakes Is Rocking “The Ring of Fire”. Within the past several days, large earthquakes have been striking all along the outer rim of the Pacific Ocean, and many are wondering if all this activity could potentially be building up to something really big. A magnitude 4.5 earthquake rocked San Diego on Sunday afternoon, and a magnitude 5.4 quake struck northern Chile on Sunday as well. Subsequently, the portion of the Ring of Fire that runs along the coast of Japan was hit by a magnitude 5.8 earthquake late on Sunday. And that unusual event in Japan was very quickly followed by a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Indonesia. 
This was my astrology update on Earthquakes, War, and Recession posted on July 8th, 2019 in my Trump astrology article, in the Astrology Updates section.

"Some thoughts on Earthquakes, War, and Recession (posted by Gurmeet Singh on July 8, 2019)
Transit Rahu enters Ardra nakshatra ruled by Rahu in Gemini sign on September 13, 2019 and leaves Ardra nakshatra on May 21, 2020. This will be the time when we are prone to Earthquakes, or some threat of war and recession etc. All my astrology predictions so far have been on target, except the recession astrology prediction, which is slightly off. In my main astrology article published more than 2 years ago I was expecting Saturn and Ketu conjunction will cause recession after June 2019, but it didn’t happen. The job numbers for the month of June 2019 have been excellent, and the economy is doing fine so far. But we are very close to the start of the next recession. You will see the dates and my comments below:

Nakshatra Lord     Sub Lord     Dates                                                     My Comments

Ardra (Rahu)           Mars            Sept 13, 2019 to Sept 28, 2019         Earthquakes, War etc.
Ardra (Rahu)           Moon          Sept 28, 2019 to Oct 18, 2019            Earthquakes, War etc.
Ardra (Rahu)           Sun             Oct 18, 2019 to Oct 31, 2019               Earthquakes, War etc.
Ardra (Rahu)           Venus
Ardra (Rahu)           Ketu            Dec 19, 2019 to Dec 27, 2019              Earthquakes, War, Recession etc.
Ardra (Rahu)           Mercury      Dec 27, 2019 to Jan 31, 2020             Earthquakes, War, Recession etc.
Ardra (Rahu)           Saturn
Ardra (Rahu)          Jupiter        Mar 11, 2020 to April 14, 2020            Earthquakes, War, Recession etc.
Ardra (Rahu)           Rahu            April 14, 2020 to May 21, 2020          Earthquakes, War, Recession etc.

July 8, 2019"

May 11, 2020

May 2020 Astrology Update on 2020 Presidential Election
I see positive energy around Vice President Joe Biden, although I cannot give any astrology predictions, because Biden’s verified birth time with AA ratings is unavailable. Biden very easily became the Democratic Presidential nominee, and then received so many endorsements from Democrats as well as mainstream Republicans. Throughout his decades of public service, former Vice President Joe Biden has earned a reputation for often saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. If Joe Biden can control his gaffes next 6 months, he will be on his road to victory on November 3. 
On the other side Donald Trump’s poll numbers dipped over handling of coronavirus pandemic. Since late March, Donald Trump has been promoting antimalarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for the coronavirus. Among other things, he’s described “strong, powerful signs” that the drugs work and called them potentially “one of the biggest game-changers in the history of medicine.” In my opinion this is the right time for GOP to break with Trump if they want to save their Senate majority in November 2020. 
In my opinion the main reason why Trump will lose the Presidential Election on Nov 3rd is the following. 
The majority of voters who hated both Trump and Hillary in 2016 Presidential Election either stayed at home or voted for third party candidates. This time majority of voters who hate both Trump and Biden, will be voting for Biden, that is why Trump will lose on November 3rd. 
April 29, 2020


I will be publishing the 2020 Presidential Election Astrology Predictions on April 1, 2020. Already published, please go to the top of this page.
April 4, 2020

The birth times of Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders that are available on internet are unverified, and in my opinion are not accurate. The KP astrology system that I use, works only if the birth time is accurate and has AA ratings. I am unable to see these events, that Joe Biden was doing very well in 2019, then Biden did very poorly in December 2019, January, Feb 2020, when Bernie was ahead in polls, then again the momentum shifted in favor of Biden in a big way, from their astrology charts. I hope they release their birth certificates and we have access to their accurate birth times with AA ratings for astrology predictions. 
March 18, 2020

Coronavirus astrology | Coronavirus Vedic Astrology
Stock Market crash and Coronavirus
The stock market crash today happened between June 2019 and April 2020, as predicted by me three years ago on January 20, 2017. This is just the beginning of the global recession. I had indicated in my main Trump Astrology article, and subsequent astrology updates that many important events will take place in the months of March, July and November in Donald Trump’s First Presidential Term, and this stock market crash occurred in the month of March this year. 
I received numerous requests from American people to share my thoughts on Coronavirus. Rahu’s transit through Gemini sign especially in Ardra nakshatra is a very painful and difficult transit for United States. I had mentioned about this transit in my Trump astrology updates in the summer of 2019. Please remember Rahu was transiting Ardra nakshatra in Gemini sign during 9/11 attacks, when three thousand Americans were killed by terrorists. Rahu and Ketu complete their transit cycle of the Zodiac in about 18 ½ years. Now Rahu has again come back to same position in Gemini sign, and we are witnessing Coronavirus attack this time. Since Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac, it rules lungs, respiratory system. Gemini is also an Airy sign, so the Coronavirus is transmitted through air and it affects the lungs / respiratory system. In my opinion we will see full blown Coronavirus in May/ June / July this year. Coronavirus will disappear or go away after Rahu leaves Gemini sign and enters Taurus sign on September 24, 2020. 
March 9, 2020

Bernie Sanders is now fighting against Democratic establishment and Republican establishment. Bernie was trying to do same thing that Donald Trump did in 2016 Republican primaries, locked in 35% voters, and slowly build momentum, win the primaries while there are too many Presidential candidates in the primaries race. But it did not work out for Bernie, when all moderate Presidential candidates dropped out and gave their endorsements to Joe Biden. Now Bernie cannot win despite being in a good period astrologically as Bernie is fighting against the Democratic establishment, not just Joe Biden. 
March 8, 2020

BIDEN is the beneficiary of 3 candidates dropping out at last moment and thus, boosting his overall numbers like a rocket. If Pete and Amy were in the race BIDEN numbers would not be so spectacular today. It is like Bernie is fighting with 4 candidates who consolidated their support.
March 3, 2020

Bernie Sanders is going through much stronger time compared to Vice President Joe Biden, according to their astrology charts. In my opinion Sanders will do much better than Biden on 2020 Super Tuesday democratic primaries. 
March 2, 2020

I had predicted global recession three years ago in my Donald Trump Astrology article between June 2019 and April 2020. My astrology prediction is coming correct now. This will be a game changer for Donald Trump’s re-election. Donald Trump was able to dodge the trade war, then war with Iran as we are heading towards the 2020 Presidential Election. Now we are learning it will be Corona Virus that will cause the global recession, when we are only months away from the 2020 Presidential Election. 
February 27, 2020

Mike Bloomberg was looking wise, calm and Presidential in today’s debate. 
February 25, 2020

In my April 1, 2020 astrology update on 2020 Presidential Election, I will compare the astrology charts of Mike Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden with Donald Trump’s astrology chart. I will also talk about the US economy, next recession, and what we can expect between April 1 and the 2020 Presidential Election date.
February 18, 2020

Mike Bloomberg’s vedic astrology chart is the strongest among all Democratic Presidential candidates, to defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election. Rest I will discuss in my April 1, 2020 astrology update on 2020 Presidential Election. 
Feb 15, 2020

House Democrats have proven their case, Trump has done something wrong. But according to GOP so what, we have the votes. Multiple Republicans agree Donald Trump is guilty, but it doesn’t matter.
GOP Senators had no good options. If they support Donald Trump, they lose the swing voters, if they support Trump Impeachment then they lose the Trump Base. They decided to stay with the Trump base, and acquitted Donald Trump today, hoping the swing voters will forget this sham trial by November 2020, and still vote for them. Hats off to Senator Mitt Romney for being stand up guy and doing impartial justice in the Senate Trial.
Donald Trump’s planets bring bad luck to people around him. Look what happened to Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone and many others. Trump survived Senate Trial today but sealed the deal for GOP Senate majority loss in Nov 2020 election. I can boldly predict that GOP will lose Senate majority in Nov 2020, because the Senate Trial was a sham Trial, Senate did not want to approve public testimony of John Bolton and others who had first-hand information of the Ukraine phone call. . The reason why GOP lost the House in 2018, because they were working for Donald Trump, not for American people. Now GOP will lose Senate in November 2020, for the very same reason.
Nancy Pelosi has always outmaneuvered Trump and Republicans. It will be interesting to see Pelosi’s next move. March 2020 is a difficult month for Trump. I was expecting the current Senate Trial to end in March 2020, but it didn’t happen due to sham Senate Trial. The Supreme Court will hear arguments in the landmark separation of powers fight over access to Donald Trump’s financial records on March 31. John Bolton’s book will be released on March 17. We will see John Bolton on TV channels, promoting his book in March 2020. Pelosi will be ready with Trump Impeachment 2.0, that will include John Bolton and Lev Parnas’s public testimonies. It will be interesting to see how the months of March and July 2020 will play out for Trump. Remember I had indicated many times in my Trump astrology article that many important events will take place in the months of March, July and November in Donald Trump’s first term. The lunar eclipse on June 5 is very close to Donald Trump’s natal Moon in Scorpio sign, and opposite his natal Sun in Taurus sign. The solar eclipse on June 20 is at 6 degrees in Gemini sign close to natal Mercury in Trump’s astrology chart. The lunar eclipse on July 4 is at 20 degrees in Sagittarius sign, directly opposite Trump’s natal Mercury in Gemini sign. We will see more articles of Impeachment between June 15 and July 31, 2020. Donald Trump may be impeached second time in July this year or Nancy Pelosi may keep the new articles of impeachment to be reviewed by the new Senate after November 2020. This thing will finally come to some closure in July this year, and the country will move forward to the 2020 Presidential Election. 
February 5 evening, 2020 

A very important Trump Astrology update on Feb 5, 2020 evening (stay tuned). 
January 31, 2020

I do not see this Senate Trial ending today, let us see if I am correct. We know Donald Trump's accurate birth time with AA rating, so there should not be any error in his prediction. Adam Schiff’s Vedic Astrology chart indicates the Senate will reach verdict either between Feb 19 and March 3, 2020 or between March 17 and March 30, 2020. Donald Trump’s Vedic Astrology chart indicates the Senate will reach a verdict between March 3 and March 30. I will be shocked if the Senate Trial ends today.
January 31, 2020 

I predicted in my January 23, 2020 Trump astrology update that we will see the first cracks in GOP unity between January 28, 2020 and January 31, 2020. Look what happened today, Mitch McConnell admitted he doesn’t have the votes to stop impeachment witnesses. Senate will have to call the impeachment witnesses, that will be like opening a can of worms, would mark a serious setback to Donald Trump, who has so far refused to allow his top aides appear in the impeachment proceedings.
January 28, 2020

Basketball legend Kobe Bryant will be missed. Deepest condolences to the Bryant family.
January 26, 2020

So far, all 53 Senate Republicans voted along party lines to block the House managers from subpoenaing more documents and calling additional witnesses, such as the former national-security adviser John Bolton and the acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. In my opinion, we will see the first cracks in GOP unity between January 28 and January 31, 2020. 
January 23, 2020

I found Congressman Adam Schiff, the Lead Impeachment Manager’s accurate birth time with AA rating on internet. Congressman and Lead Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff is going through golden period according to his Vedic Astrology Chart in January, February, March 2020, during the Trump Impeachment Senate Trial. Adam Schiff’s Vedic Astrology chart indicates the Senate will reach verdict either between Feb 19 and March 3, 2020 or between March 17 and March 30, 2020.

In this fight between Schiff and Trump, while the Senate Trial is going on, Schiff is in a very strong period compared to Trump, according to their astrology charts. This is another indicator that makes me believe that Trump will be in trouble during the Senate Trial. 
January 22, 2020

In my December 17, 2019 Trump Astrology update, I had indicated that I am expecting new damaging evidence, documents, and new witnesses in next 4 weeks, that took us to January 15, 2020. During this time John Bolton came forward and said that he is going to testify if subpoenaed by the Senate. Look what happened on January 15, 2020, we saw an explosive interview by Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, and a government watchdog’s report that Trump’s freeze of Ukraine military aid violated the law. These explosive events took place just hours before the start of the Trump Impeachment Senate Trial, while Saturn and Pluto were in conjunction in final degrees in Sagittarius sign in Vedic Astrology. Now we understand why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi waited for almost 4 weeks before sending the Articles of Impeachment to Senate. I remember Pelosi saying with a smile, she knows exactly when to send the Articles of Impeachment to Senate. It is very hard to predict Nancy Pelosi’s next move, because we do not know Pelosi’s birth time details, so any astrology prediction for Pelosi is almost impossible. But I still tried to guess Pelosi’s next move, in my January 7, 2020 Trump Astrology Update, when I came up with three different scenarios.  

Now the Senate Trial is starting on January 21, 2020, next Tuesday. Saturn is entering Capricorn sign on January 22, 2020 in Vedic Astrology, directly aspecting natal Saturn and natal Venus in Cancer sign in Donald Trump's astrology chart. Pluto enters Capricorn sign on February 21, 2020 in Vedic Astrology, also aspecting Donald Trump's natal Saturn, and natal Venus in Cancer sign. These bad transits for Trump are happening almost at same time when the Impeachment Senate Trial is beginning. Saturn and Pluto will continue to aspect natal Saturn and natal Venus in Donald Trump’s astrology chart next 12+ months. Donald Trump's astrology chart is such, it always brings bad luck to people around him. Look what happened to Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, many others and now Lev Parnas. GOP Senators have no good options. If they support Trump, they lose the swing voters, if they support Trump Impeachment then they lose the Trump Base, then why not do something that is good for the country, when you know you are going to lose Senate majority in November 2020 anyway. Do something good for the country before you lose your Senate majority in 2020. Well this was a very easy prediction for me. I did not need my astrology skills, all I needed was some common sense. 

In my opinion the Senate will allow the public testimonies of witnesses, and Trump will be in lot of trouble in Senate Trial. The Senate will reach some important milestones or make some important decisions in the Senate Trial on the following dates. 

Jan 28, 2020 to Jan 31, 2020
Feb 7, 2020 to Feb 12, 2020
Feb 16, 2020
Feb 21, 2020 to Feb 25, 2020

In my main article, published 3 years ago on January 20, 2017, under Donald Trump 2019 – 2020 Trump astrology predictions I had given this astrology prediction “President Trump will either face impeachment or resign between June 2019 and April 2020.” Well, President Trump is already impeached during this time. Now we need to wait and see if my astrology prediction given 3 years ago, about Donald Trump resignation / conviction in Senate Trial will come true or not before April 1. 2020.
According to me the Senate will reach the verdict in March 2020. In my opinion there is 90% chance that Donald Trump will be convicted in the Senate Trial, and 10% chance Trump will survive Senate Trial. 
I will talk about the 2020 Presidential Election Astrology predictions on April 1, 2020. There will also be an update on US economy and the next recession, on April 1, 2020. (stay tuned)
January 18, 2020

I will be posting a new Trump Astrology Update on Senate Trial this Saturday 1/18/2020.(Stay tuned)
January 14, 2020

My Thoughts on Senate Trial
I received numerous requests from American people to post my thoughts on Senate Trial at the earliest, and not to wait until January 16. I see the following three Scenarios that can play out for the upcoming Senate Trial.

Scenario 1: The Senate Trial is legitimate; witness testimonies are allowed. Donald Trump gets convicted in the Senate Trial and removed from office.

Scenario 2: Nancy Pelosi sends the articles of Impeachment to Senate. The Senate Trial is a sham Trial, Donald Trump is acquitted, and exonerated but at the cost of GOP majority in 2020 Election.

Scenario 3: Nancy Pelosi holds back the Impeachment articles, because Pelosi is convinced it will be a sham Senate Trial, and witness testimonies will not be allowed. So, there is no Senate Trial. House Democrats file 1 or 2 more articles of impeachment before the 2020 Presidential Election date. In this scenario, stakes will be so high for Trump that Trump not only has to win the Presidency in 2020 Election, but GOP will also need to maintain the Senate majority in November 2020. In a hypothetical case let us say Trump wins the Presidency (not an astrology prediction) and GOP loses Senate majority, then these articles of Impeachment will be waiting for the new Senate, most probably a Democratic to act and start the Senate Trial. In this scenario Trump can get impeached, and removed from office even after winning the next election.
American people believe it will be a sham Trial, witness testimonies will not be allowed, and Donald Trump will be exonerated. If the Senate Trial is a sham Trial, then GOP will lose Senate majority in 2020 Election for sure.
In Scenario 1 and 2, the impeachment Trial should take place and the Senate should reach the verdict before April 1, in the month of March 2020.
In my opinion Scenario 3 is most likely to happen. Next comes Scenario 1, and then Scenario 2.
January 7, 2020

This was my October 14, 2019 update, copied below for your reference.

"Donald Trump's astrology chart clearly indicates US involvement in some war between now and April 2020, even if Trump does not want war. I had indicated in my past astrology updates that Rahu’s transit through Ardra nakshatra in Gemini sign in 7th house in the United States astrology chart will be a very difficult and painful transit. Transit Rahu is at 18 degrees 21 minutes in Gemini sign right now, approaching the natal position of Jupiter at 15 degrees 18 minutes in Gemini sign in United States astrology chart. Rahu will transit natal Jupiter in United States astrology chart in December 2019 and January 2020, a very sensitive time.
Trump will surely get impeached either in November this year or March 2020. Now I am also confident about my astrology prediction on Trump resignation / conviction in Senate trial. My astrology predictions given almost 3 years ago in Trump 2019 astrology predictions section, indicated that Trump impeachment / resignation, threat of some war, and the beginning of next recession, all three happening at same time between June 2019 and April 1, 2020. 
October 14, 2019"
January 2, 2020

I have received requests from people why there are no new Trump astrology updates. I will be posting a major Trump astrology update on Senate Trial, on January 16, 2020. (Stay tuned)
December 28, 2019

Many people have asked me if I can give a more solid astrology prediction about the Senate Trial, rather than 80% chance of conviction in Senate Trial and 20% chance of acquittal. So, I have accepted the offer.
You will know by January 15, 2020, if Donald Trump will be convicted in the Senate Trial, it doesn’t matter when the Senate Trial begins and ends. I am expecting new damaging evidence, documents, witnesses in next 4 weeks. I am also expecting the support for Impeachment will grow substantially by January 15, 2020. I will be in position to make a solid astrology prediction about the Senate Trial on January 16, 2020, stay tuned.
December 17, 2019

Many people have asked me what I mean by this message “CHOSEN BY GOD TO MAKE DONALD TRUMP IMPEACHMENT ASTROLOGY PREDICTION” that I posted few days ago. Someone posted a post on Facebook few weeks ago with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s picture with a message “Chosen by God to Impeach Donald Trump”. I found it very funny. So, I came up with a similar message for myself, since I am making Donald Trump Astrology Predictions. I just found it funny and amusing, so I posted it.
December 15, 2019

I hear a lot about “31 vulnerable Democrats in Districts that Trump won in 2016” in the media. In my opinion they are not vulnerable Democrats. American people elected them in 2018 mid-term election, because the rubberstamp Republican Congress was not doing their job.
December 14, 2019

December 14, 2019

Donald Trump will be in even more difficult and challenging time from Christmas this year to April 1, 2020. In my opinion there is 80% chance Trump will be convicted in the Senate Trial and 20% chance Trump will survive in the Senate Trial. Not many people will agree with me at this time. More scandals, crimes will be discovered while the country will be in the middle of the Senate Trial in January 2020. Someone close to Trump may turn on him and come forward as a witness in the Senate Trial. There will be surprises in the Senate Trial. I hope the GOP Senate will put the country above their party or they will risk their own positions when they are up for re-election next time. 
December 13, 2019

Almost Everybody right now thinks Donald Trump will be impeached in the House and acquitted in the Senate Trial. But Donald Trump’s most difficult and challenging time is yet to begin, from Christmas this year to April 1, 2020, according to his Vedic Astrology chart.
December 11, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked the House committees investigating Donald Trump to proceed with articles of impeachment. My astrology prediction given 3 years ago, had finally come correct.
December 5, 2019

House Democrats have to do the following to gain more public support for Trump impeachment. 
If you want a scandal to stick to a politician in the eyes of the nonpartisan general public, the key is repetition. You pick a scandal and you just keep hammering it home, until the average American associates that politician with that scandal.This is what Republicans did to Hillary Clinton on email and Benghazi investigations.
December 5, 2019

We are approaching a very difficult solar eclipse at 11 degrees 07 minutes in Sagittarius sign on December 26, 2019. Seven planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu, Sun, Mercury, Moon and Pluto will be together in Sagittarius sign, all under the influence of this solar eclipse. House Democrats may file the articles of Impeachment around this eclipse time. Rahu is transiting natal Jupiter in Gemini sign in United States Vedic Astrology chart this month. Rahu is also transiting natal Mercury in Gemini sign in Donald Trump’s Vedic Astrology chart. 
In my opinion, the public support for Donald Trump will collapse in January / February 2020, when the Senate Trial will begin. I repeat again there is 80% chance Donald Trump will be convicted in the Senate Trial, and 20% chance Trump will survive in the Senate Trial. The Senate Trial will reach a verdict in March 2020. This whole Impeachment and removal from office thing will come to an end by April 1, 2020, as predicted by me 3 years ago.
December 1, 2019

The public testimonies of Marie Yovanovitch, Alexander Vindman, and Gordon Sondland earlier this week and Dr. Fiona Hill and David Holmes this Thursday were very damaging. It seems like House Republicans are not going to break with Trump. There was no substance in the questions asked by House Republicans. 
Donald Trump is not out of woods yet, astrologically Trump has a very, very difficult road ahead, until April 1, 2020. Trump will get impeached in the House for sure, as I had predicted in my astrology article 3 years ago and also in my previous updates. There is 80% chance that Trump will be convicted in the Senate Trial and 20% chance Trump will survive in the Senate Trial. If the GOP Senators do not convict and remove Trump in the Senate Trial, despite the overwhelming evidence of quid pro quo, then they will risk their own positions when they are up for re-election next time. 
Donald Trump Presidency's fate will be decided in the Senate Trial in the month of March 2020 according to his astrology chart. I will publish my astrology predictions for the 2020 Presidential Election on April 1, 2020, stay tuned. 
 November 22, 2019

Sondland testimony is ‘game over’ for Trump as President. Sondland’s testimony could prompt GOP to ‘make a trip to the White House’ and ask Trump to resign. My astrology prediction about Trump impeachment and resignation given three years ago, will be coming correct very soon.
November 20, 2019

Donald Trump spent more than two hours at Walter Reed National Medical Center on Saturday for what the White House said were medical tests as part of his annual physical. In my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions given 3 years ago I had mentioned some health problems for Donald Trump after June 2019. The period from now until April 2020 is not good for Donald Trump’s health, according to his Vedic Astrology chart. 
November 16, 2019

Astrologically Donald Trump’s time right now is so bad, he himself is going to Impeach himself. Trump is making it easier for House Democrats to impeach him, and very difficult for Republicans to defend him. The GOP party does not have any good options left. If they support Trump, they are losing independent and moderate voters very fast. If they dump Donald Trump, then they will be dumped by the Republican base.
November 15, 2019

Happy Veterans Day! 
The public Trump impeachment hearings are beginning this Wednesday, November 13, 2019. In my Trump astrology article and the subsequent astrology updates, I had mentioned number of times that many important events in Trump’s first presidential term will take place in the months of March, July and November. This year Robert Mueller completed Mueller investigation in March, Mueller public testimony and Trump phone call to Ukraine President to investigate Bidens took place in the month of July, and now Trump impeachment hearings are beginning in the month of November this year.  
November 11, 2019

This was my astrology update on Rudy Giuliani posted on May 7, 2018, in the Donald Trump Astrology Updates section.

"V.  I also see that Donald Trump’s new attorney Rudy Giuliani will make things worse for him, because Giuliani is also in badhaka lord Jupiter’s mahadasha. Rudy Giuliani cannot bring positive energy for Donald Trump. Hiring Rudy Giuliani as Donald Trump’s new attorney was a big mistake.
May 7, 2018"
November 7, 2019

I had predicted there is 80% chance Trump will be convicted in the Senate Trial, because astrologically Trump will go through a very difficult time between now and April 1, 2020. By declining Trump’s request to declare nothing illegal in Ukraine call, Attorney General Bill Barr has set the stage for Trump Impeachment. Also, after Republicans loss in Kentucky, Virginia and Kansas elections, Republicans will realize if they fail to convict and oust Donald Trump in the Senate Impeachment Trial, they will risk losing their own seats when they have to run for re-election, even if they represent red states. 
November 7, 2019

Donald Trump has strong support from the GOP Senators at this moment as Jupiter in the final degrees in Scorpio sign is aspecting Trump’s natal Sun in Taurus sign in his astrology chart until November 4th. But Jupiter is changing signs and moving into Sagittarius sign on November 4th and collide with Ketu just before the beginning of public hearings. The public opinion on Trump impeachment will grow after public hearings, and the GOP Senators will find it very difficult to support and defend Donald Trump in the Senate Trial. Trump will get impeached in the House for sure. In my opinion there is a 80% chance Trump will get convicted in the Senate Trial, 20% chance Trump will survive Senate Trial, because he has a strong astrology chart.
 November 3, 2019

House Democrats must move forward with Donald Trump Impeachment, instead of waiting for court decisions on subpoenas that Donald Trump tried to block, as the planets are reaching climax for impeachment between November 4th, 2019 and January 10th, 2020 in Donald Trump’s astrology chart. House Democrats do not want to miss this golden opportunity. Impeachment is a stain that Trump will carry into the 2020 Presidential Election if Trump survives the Senate Trial. In my opinion the support for Impeachment among Americans will grow even further, when the public hearings of witnesses will begin in the House, making it really difficult for Republicans to help Trump in the Senate Trial. 
Donald Trump is trying to get foreign countries to interfere for him in the 2020 Presidential Election, and he will try again if not impeached and removed from office. 
October 28, 2019

As I had predicted before, Donald Trump will be impeached between November 4th and December 2nd in the House. Donald Trump will surely get convicted in the Senate Trial if the Senate Trial begins between December 22nd, 2019 and January 10th, 2020.
October 18, 2019

America loses a powerful voice of Justice and Integrity as Rep. Elijah Cummings passes away. My deepest condolences to the Cummings family.
October 17, 2019

Donald Trump's astrology chart clearly indicates US involvement in some war between now and April 2020, even if Trump does not want war. I had indicated in my past astrology updates that Rahu’s transit through Ardra nakshatra in Gemini sign in 7th house in the United States astrology chart will be a very difficult and painful transit. Transit Rahu is at 18 degrees 21 minutes in Gemini sign right now, approaching the natal position of Jupiter at 15 degrees 18 minutes in Gemini sign in United States astrology chart. Rahu will transit natal Jupiter in United States astrology chart in December 2019 and January 2020, a very sensitive time.
Trump will surely get impeached either in November this year or March 2020. Now I am also confident about my astrology prediction on Trump resignation / conviction in Senate trial. My astrology predictions given almost 3 years ago in Trump 2019 astrology predictions section, indicated that Trump impeachment / resignation, threat of some war, and the beginning of next recession, all three happening at same time between June 2019 and April 1, 2020.
October 14, 2019

Republicans in House and Senate who are up for re-election in 2020 are in no-win situation now. The 37% Republican Base votes are not enough for Republicans to pull off a victory in their 2020 re-election for House and Senate seats. If the Republicans continue to support unhinged Donald Trump, then they are losing moderate and independent voters, as the support for Impeachment Inquiry is growing very fast nationwide, 58% Americans now support Impeachment Inquiry, according to a recent poll. If Republicans abandon Donald Trump now, then the Republican base will desert them. Either way Republicans who are up for re-election in 2020 are in lose-lose situation. At some point in the coming weeks Republicans will realize that they have very little incentive left to support Donald Trump. 
October 8, 2019

Remember in my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions I had indicated “Donald Trump and the GOP Party will be at loggerheads after June 2019 over some policy issues”, but it has not yet happened so far. Republicans are still supporting Donald Trump, and are not standing up to Donald Trump. But you will see many Republicans will finally put the country above their political party and break with Donald Trump after Jupiter moves into Moola nakshatra in Sagittarius sign on November 4th. 
October 4, 2019

Democrats must impeach Donald Trump before March, 2020, only then they have a chance to win the 2020 Presidential Election. It doesn’t matter if Trump survives impeachment in the Senate or not.
October 2, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing the right thing by moving forward with Trump Impeachment on a fast track, in weeks, not months. Donald Trump is the master manipulator of news media. Trump is very good at changing the news cycle, but so far hasn’t succeeded. House Democrats and media need to keep the news cycle focused on Trump Impeachment until Trump is impeached, only then the public opinion will shift in favor of impeachment, and the Trump Impeachment will be successful. 
September 28, 2019

House Democrats must impeach Trump now or they will be in trouble in 2020 Presidential Election. You cannot compare Donald Trump’s impeachment with Bill Clinton’s Impeachment in 1998-1999. Clinton survived impeachment because he was highly popular with American people at that time with 65% approval rating. Donald Trump’s approval rating in my opinion is never more than 37%. 
September 24, 2019

Important: I need Senator Elizabeth Warren’s birth time details with AA rating to make prediction about Democratic Presidential nominee for the 2020 Presidential Election. I want to compare her astrology chart with Vice President Joe Biden’s astrology chart. Please help.
September 22, 2019

Jupiter will help Donald Trump delay the release of his taxes, delay the subpoenas issued by Congress, delay the whistleblower report etc., only up to November 4, 2019, as Jupiter in Scorpio sign is aspecting Donald Trump’s natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign and transiting natal Moon and natal Ketu in Scorpio sign, Jupiter will only help Donald Trump up to November 4, 2019. Once Jupiter moves into Sagittarius sign and collides with Ketu, Donald Trump will be in lot of trouble between November 4, 2019 and April 1, 2020, when the Trump Impeachment will finally go to House floor.
September 19, 2019

Remember I said in my astrology article Trump will face impeachment between June 2019 and April 1, 2020. The time between now and April 1, 2020 is very difficult and challenging time for Trump. Jupiter is still in Scorpio sign aspecting his natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign and transiting his natal Moon and natal Ketu in Scorpio sign. Jupiter's benefic aspect for Trump will be over once Jupiter moves into Sagittarius sign on November 4, 2019 and collides with Ketu. In my opinion the Trump impeachment will go to House floor between November 4, 2019 and April 1, 2020. Trump will get impeached in the House for sure. I think House Democrats are lining up their ducks in row, before they are ready to impeach Trump, either in November 2019 or March 2020. 
September 12, 2019

Remembering Americans who lost their lives on this day 18 years ago, in 9/11 terror attacks.
September 11, 2019

Donald Trump fires National Security Advisor Bolton. Please read the second paragraph of my Trump First term astrology article. This is what I mentioned more than 2 years ago. 
"We will see many changes in President Trump’s cabinet team during his first term, hiring and firing will go on throughout his Presidential Term. Many cabinet team members will voluntarily resign from their positions during Trump’s first term because they will find it difficult to work for him." 
September 10, 2019

The short honeymoon period for Donald Trump is finally getting over, as House Democrats are coming back after August recess, ready to investigate Trump. House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler is expected to schedule a vote on Wednesday to authorize ground rules for launching impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. The Trump impeachment astrology prediction given by me more than 2 years ago is right on target. 
Donald Trump’s health does not appear to be good when we see him in all public appearances on TV. I had predicted health problems for Donald Trump at the end of 2019 in my astrology article published more than 2 years ago. I am copying the following line from my 2019 Trump astrology predictions. "2019 is certainly a difficult year for President Trump’s health also, as 6th house lord Saturn’s Bhukti is on in Jupiter mahadasha." 
September 7, 2019 

I know some astrology readers are very anxious, but number of astrology predictions given more than 2 years ago on January 20, 2017 are coming correct by April 1, 2020. I had predicted Trump impeachment, the release / leakage of Trump tax returns, next recession, perhaps some war between June 2019 and April 2020. I will publish 2020 Presidential Election Astrology predictions on April 1, 2020. Let us wait and see if my remaining astrology predictions given more than 2 years come correct or not. My astrology predictions were right on target on 2018 mid-term election, the completion of Mueller Report in March, the Mueller testimony and beginning of Impeachment Inquiry in July this year. Mueller Report astrology prediction was given in the summer of 2018, please check the astrology updates. 
August 27, 2019

As you know Jeffrey Epstein’s birth time is unknown. I have calculated the correct birth time for Jeffrey Epstein using KP Astrology birth time rectification techniques. The correct birth time in my opinion is 9.41.10 am, January 20, 1953, Brooklyn, Kings County, NY, that gives Aquarius ascendant with ascendant degree at 28 degrees 49 minutes, according to Vedic Astrology / KP Astrology. This information is for the students of Astrology who may be interesting in analyzing Jeffrey Epstein’s astrology chart for their astrology research purposes.
I use the concept of ruling planets in KP Astrology to pinpoint the birth time. But it has be random. I am confident about Jeffrey Epstein's birth time. One of the reasons why Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide or had an unnatural death is that according to KP Astrology he had 8th house lord Venus and badhaka lord Mars in his ascendant sign in Aquarius, and he was in Mars / Venus / Saturn period at the time of his death.
August 19, 2019

Dow tumbles 700 points after bond market flashes a recession warning. The recession astrology prediction given by me more than 2 years ago, is now coming correct. We will be in full blown recession by April 2020. You cannot solve problems of debt with more debt.
August 14, 2019

My Donald Trump Impeachment astrology prediction given more than 2 years ago on January 20, 2017, is finally coming true. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said publicly for the first time on Thursday that his panel is conducting an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump, adding that the committee will decide by the end of the year whether to refer articles of impeachment to the House floor. 
According to my July 24, 2019 astrology update, the articles of impeachment will be referred to the House floor either in the month of November this year or March 2020. 
August 9, 2019

My condolences to the families of shooting victims in Gilroy Ca, El Paso Texas and Dayton Ohio.
August 5, 2019

Astrology Analysis of Robert Mueller Public Testimony
I had mentioned number of times in my Donald Trump First Term Astrology article and the subsequent astrology updates that many important events will take place in the months of March, July and November in Trump’s first presidential term. The Helsinki summit took place in July 2018, Robert Mueller completed his Trump-Russia investigation in March 2019, and now Robert Mueller public testimony took place in July 2019. We learnt the following from the Robert Mueller public testimony today:

1. Robert Mueller confirming that his report did not exonerate Donald Trump.
2. Robert Mueller confirming that Donald Trump can be criminally indicted as soon as he is out of office.
3. Robert Mueller confirming that Trump did in fact commit obstruction of justice.
4. Robert Mueller confirming that his investigation is not a witch hunt.
5. Robert Mueller confirming that the Russian interference in the 2016 election is not a hoax.

Donald Trump is in Jupiter / Saturn / Mercury period until September 3, 2019. Mercury is a good planet in Donald Trump’s astrology chart, ruler of the 3rd and 11th house according to KP Astrology. Also transit Jupiter from Scorpio sign is aspecting the natal position of the ascendant lord and 2nd house lord Sun in Taurus sign in Trump’s astrology chart until November 4, 2019. The period from August 3 to end of August this year is slightly better period for Trump, as Congress will be in recess during this period. 
But Trump’s challenging time again begins starting September 3, as Trump will enter Jupiter / Saturn / Ketu period. The time will become even more difficult after transit Jupiter leaves Scorpio sign and collides with Ketu in Sagittarius sign after November 4, 2019. In my main astrology article, I had predicted more than 2 years ago that Donald Trump will face impeachment between June 2019 and April 1, 2020. In my opinion Donald Trump will most likely face impeachment either in November 2019 or March 2020, if I try to pinpoint the time of impeachment.
July 24, 2019
In my June 25, 2019 Trump astrology update I had clearly mentioned the Lunar Eclipse that is happening today is falling directly opposite natal Saturn and natal Venus in Cancer sign in Donald Trump’s vedic astrology chart. The Lunar eclipse is at 0 degree in Capricorn sign today, as the backlash continues on Capital Hill after Donald Trump posted a series of racist tweets about four progressive Democratic congresswoman who are all women of color.
In my 2019 Trump astrology predictions, I had indicated that GOP Party will be at loggerheads with Donald Trump after June 2019, but it has not happened yet. Republicans are still sucking up to Donald Trump, because Donald Trump enjoys 90% support from the shrinking Republican Base. The Republicans cannot win their Primaries without Donald Trump’s blessings, and they will not be able to win the General Election with Donald Trump, especially in purple states, because moderates and independent voters are watching what is happening in the country. The million-dollar question is when the GOP Party will grow some spine and stand up to Donald Trump.
July 16, 2019

I had indicated in my past Trump astrology updates that the eclipses in July 2019 are not good for Donald Trump. The Epstein case can become a problem for Donald Trump as this case is unfolding during eclipses this month. The Robert Mueller public testimony is right after the Lunar Eclipse next week.
July 10, 2019

Some thoughts on Earthquakes, War, and Recession
Transit Rahu enters Ardra nakshatra ruled by Rahu in Gemini sign on September 13, 2019 and leaves Ardra nakshatra on May 21, 2020. This will be the time when we are prone to Earthquakes, or some threat of war and recession etc. All my astrology predictions so far have been on target, except the recession astrology prediction, which is slightly off. In my main astrology article published more than 2 years ago I was expecting Saturn and Ketu conjunction will cause recession after June 2019, but it didn’t happen. The job numbers for the month of June 2019 have been excellent, and the economy is doing fine so far. But we are very close to the start of the next recession. You will see the dates and my comments below:

Nakshatra Lord  Sub Lord    Dates                                                            My Comments

Ardra (Rahu)       Mars            Sept 13, 2019 to Sept 28, 2019         Earthquakes, War etc.
Ardra (Rahu)       Moon          Sept 28, 2019 to Oct 18, 2019            Earthquakes, War etc.
Ardra (Rahu)       Sun              Oct 18, 2019 to Oct 31, 2019              Earthquakes, War etc.
Ardra (Rahu)       Venus
Ardra (Rahu)      Ketu     Dec 19, 2019 to Dec 27, 2019      Earthquakes, War, Recession etc.
Ardra (Rahu)      Mercury  Dec 27, 2019 to Jan 31, 2020 Earthquakes, War, Recession etc.
Ardra (Rahu)      Saturn
Ardra (Rahu)      Jupiter Mar 11, 2020 to April 14, 2020 Earthquakes, War, Recession etc.
Ardra (Rahu)       Rahu April 14, 2020 to May 21, 2020 Earthquakes, War, Recession etc.

July 8, 2019

Happy Fourth of July to everybody.
July 4, 2019

Many times, the Congressmen do not ask the right questions in the public testimony. It sounds more like a speech rather than a question. So, this is very important they ask the right questions in the Robert Mueller public testimony, since the time is going to be very limited, just 5 minutes for each Congressmen. I will be interested in the following three questions:
1. Donald Trump and the Republicans are singing the “No Collusion, No Obstruction” song for the past two years. Does Robert Mueller agree with “No Collusion, No Obstruction”?
2. Does Robert Mueller agree with William Barr’s four-page memo that was released soon after the Mueller Report was submitted to DOJ? Is the Barr four-page memo a true representation of the Mueller Report? 
3. Why didn’t Robert Mueller offer a recommendation on charging Trump with obstruction?
June 26, 2019

Robert Mueller agrees to publicly testify before House committees on July 17th. I think this will be a turning point in the Trump impeachment process. Mueller public testimony will take place just after the Lunar Eclipse on July 16th. The Lunar Eclipse on July 16th is at 1 degree in Capricorn sign directly opposite natal Saturn and natal Venus in Cancer sign in Donald Trump’s astrology chart, according to Vedic Astrology. I had predicted in number of Trump Astrology updates during past few months, that House Democrats will open Impeachment Inquiry by July 31st.  
June 25, 2019

More than 2 years ago in my Donald Trump 2019 astrology predictions, I had predicted the possibility of war after June 2019. It is happening now.
June 20, 2019

Some comments about former Vice President Joe Biden’s astrology chart:
Throughout his decades of public service, former Vice President Joe Biden has earned a reputation for often saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But Joe Biden’s gaffes seem minor in Donald Trump’s reality TV world. My astrological advice to former Vice President Joe Biden is that he should be cautious about his public comments between now and end of July and then the period between December 1, 2019 and April 1, 2020, because any gaffes during these periods could derail his Presidential Campaign. Former Vice President Joe Biden has a very powerful astrology chart, and I wish him the best in his 2020 Presidential Campaign.  
June 19, 2019

Donald Trump has somehow convinced the GOP party that he can win the 2020 Presidential Election, that is why GOP party is still supporting Donald Trump. In a recent Quinnipiac General Election poll former Vice President Joe Biden is beating Donald Trump by 13 points. GOP party will not hesitate to abandon Donald Trump, if they think Donald Trump cannot win the 2020 Presidential Election. This is the main reason why Donald Trump is open to foreign help in the 2020 Presidential Election, as we had seen in the Donald Trump’s ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos. I will be posting a major astrology update on 2020 Presidential Election on April 1, 2020, stay tuned.
June 13, 2019

Earlier today, the House Judiciary Committee announced that it had finally gotten what it was demanding from Attorney General William Barr: the underlying (and previously redacted) materials from the Mueller report. Barr promised to begin turning over these documents by the end of the day. In my March 26, 2019 update, I had clearly mentioned that unredacted Mueller Report will be released between April 29 and June 22, 2019, it is happening now. In my opinion with John Dean’s public testimony today, we have entered the Trump Impeachment Kickoff phase in slow motion, as Saturn and Mars aspect each other, while Saturn is in conjunction with Ketu in Sagittarius sign and Mars is in conjunction with Rahu in Gemini sign. House Democrats have not yet formally opened Impeachment Inquiry. But it is going to happen very soon in July during eclipses. There is a Solar Eclipse at 17 degrees in Gemini sign on July 2, 2019, followed by Lunar Eclipse at 1 degree in Capricorn sign on July 16, 2019. I had predicted more than 2 years ago that Trump Impeachment will finally be proposed after June 2019 
June 10, 2019

In my 2019 Trump astrology predictions, more than 2 years ago I had predicted that Donald Trump and the GOP party will be at loggerheads after June 2019 over some policy issues. Well, it seems like the astrology prediction is coming correct. Republicans are warning that Donald Trump could face a shocking rebellion against him on the Senate floor if the president slaps Mexico with wide-ranging tariffs. So far, the GOP party has been sucking up to Donald Trump, because the shrinking Republican Base is with Donald Trump, not with the GOP Party. But you will see many GOP Senators will finally put the country above their party and break with Trump in the coming months. More than 2 years ago, I had also predicted some health problems for Donald Trump between June 2019 and April 2020. We will see how this astrology prediction will play out for Donald Trump. So far, Donald Trump had claimed to be a young vibrant man with good health.
June 5, 2019

I am expecting Trump Impeachment Inquiry to be opened by House Democrats before July 31st this year, and Trump’s removal from office / Impeachment between November 4, 2019 and April 1, 2020. But I will talk about 2020 Presidential Election on April 1, 2020. 
May 31, 2019

Robert Mueller made a very powerful statement this morning, “If we had confidence Trump didn’t commit a crime, we would have said so”. We are heading towards June / July 2019, and Trump Impeachment or Impeachment Inquiry is on the cards, as predicted by me more than 2 years ago. Robert Mueller’s public testimony in Congress will still be very helpful to American people, even if Mueller does not want to discuss anything beyond what is already mentioned in his report. Donald Trump is about to enter the most difficult and challenging phase of his life between June 2019 and April 2020, as predicted by me more than two years ago. Some astrologers and political pundits have already declared a landslide victory for Donald Trump in 2020 Presidential Election. I will make prediction about 2020 Presidential Election on April 1, 2020. I want to see how this challenging time from now until April 1, 2020, will play out for Donald Trump. 
May 29, 2019

Happy Memorial Day to everybody. 
Many of my astrology predictions given more than 2 years are coming correct in the coming months. In my 2019 Donald Trump Astrology predictions, more than 2 years ago I had mentioned that Donald Trump will face impeachment or resign between June 2019 and April 2020. I had also mentioned that economy will decline after June / July 2019 and we will be in global recession by the end of 2019 year or early 2020. I had also mentioned that Donald Trump may take US to next war after June / July 2019. I had also mentioned that Trump’s tax returns will be leaked after June / July 2019. 
As far as Trump impeachment is concerned, people want to know what Donald Trump wants, as Trump Impeachment is a very hot topic on social media these days. I came up with the following three scenarios:
Scenario 1: Donald Trump wants that House Democrats should shut down all investigations, and we should all move on. This is the best-case scenario for Donald Trump.
Scenario 2: House Democrats impeach Donald Trump immediately. Donald Trump likes this scenario also, because Trump will be impeached in the House and the removal from office will fail in the Republican controlled Senate. In this case Trump will survive the Impeachment, and his position will become much stronger. This is the reason why Donald Trump is stonewalling all information that House Democrats need to do its oversight. The goal is to frustrate House Democrats, to push them towards Trump impeachment immediately. This will be House Democrats biggest mistake.
Scenario 3: House Democrats Investigate, Investigate, and Investigate Donald Trump in public testimonies / hearings, without impeaching Donald Trump. House Democrats can open an Impeachment Inquiry also. In this scenario House Democrats impeach Trump only after they have support from the American people and the Senate. This is what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to do. Currently, this scenario is Donald Trump’s biggest worry.
May 26, 2019

Donald Trump has a very powerful astrology chart. But Trump is going through the weakest period in his life according to his astrology chart until April 1, 2020. House Democrats are wasting their time by not moving forward with the Impeachment Inquiry. In my 2019 Trump Astrology Predictions, I had predicted more than 2 years ago that Impeachment will finally be proposed after June 2019. This prediction was given on January 20, 2017.
May 21, 2019

I had mentioned in my 2019 Donald Trump Astrology predictions, more than 2 years ago that Donald Trump may take US to next war after June 2019. It seems like the astrology prediction is coming true, as tensions rise with Iran over recent attacks against oil tankers and facilities in the Persian Gulf region. We may see a war like situation in June / July this year, again in November / December this year and January 2020.
May 15, 2019

China is raising tariffs on $60 billion of US goods starting June 1. The move followed Donald Trump’s decision to hike tariffs on $200 billion in Chines goods. The trade war between US and China has just begun. This move will hurt the economy and accelerate the recession in both countries. In my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions I had predicted more than 2 years ago, decline in economy after June / July 2019 and recession by the end of 2019. It seems like we are heading in that direction. 
May 13, 2019

I will make the predictions about the period from April 2020 to November 2020 and the 2020 Presidential Election on April 1, 2020, stay tuned for updates.
May 8, 2019

Donald Trump’s time is going to be very, very difficult, and challenging until April 1, 2020, according to Donald Trump’s astrology chart, almost next 11 months. Trump Administration is doing their best right now, to block subpoenas by Congress, block unredacted Mueller Report, block the release of Trump tax returns etc., but this cover up will fail, because 11 months is a long time. Planet Mars has just entered Gemini sign and Mars will be in conjunction with Rahu opposite Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius sign from now until June 22nd and then there are two eclipses in the month of July. The solar eclipse on July 2nd is at 17 degrees in Gemini sign directly opposite transit Saturn in Sagittarius sign, is very bad for Donald Trump. The lunar eclipse on July 16th is at 1 degree in Capricorn sign directly opposite natal Saturn and natal Venus in Cancer sign in Donald Trump’s astrology chart. In my opinion House Democrats will begin Trump impeachment some time during this period from July 1st to July 31st. The economy will be on decline during this period. 
But Jupiter from Scorpio sign is still going to aspect Donald Trump’s ascendant lord Sun’s natal position and natal Rahu in Taurus sign until November 4th, 2019. Jupiter will also be transiting over the natal Moon and natal Ketu in Scorpio sign in Donald Trump’s astrology chart until November 4th 2019. So, Trump’s job is still safe until November 4th this year. Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu and Pluto will be together in Sagittarius sign after November 4th, 2019. My astrology prediction is that sometime between November 4th, 2019 and April 1, 2020, Trump will resign from his Presidency. 
May 7, 2019

The Breaking News just came out. The federal income tax returns information obtained by the New York Times shows that between the years of 1985 and 1994, Donald Trump somehow lost an astonishing $1.17 Billion. I had predicted in my 2019 Trump Astrology Predictions, more than 2 years ago that Donald Trump’s tax returns may finally be leaked after June 2019. My astrology prediction has come correct. House Democrats are trying to get Trump’s tax returns for the past 6 years, which in my opinion will happen very soon.
May 7, 2019

There is no change to my Donald Trump 2019 Astrology predictions. The main reason why Donald Trump will get into trouble is that Trump is now becoming bold and is acting more like a King or an Emperor rather than the President of United States. The Robert Mueller public testimony will be a game changer. 
As far as economy is concerned please read my September 15, 2018 update. This is what I wrote 
“The economy will continue to do very well in the last Quarter of 2018 and the first Quarter of 2019 as well. But towards the end of second Quarter of 2019 or the beginning of third Quarter of 2019, the economy will be on decline. This takes us to June / July 2019 time frame, when the Trump impeachment and the next recession will pretty much begin at same time.”
In my opinion the economy will be on decline after June / July 2019, and we will be in recession by the end of 2019.
May 6, 2019

AG Barr is doing his best to protect Donald Trump. This is the disturbing part of Barr’s testimony that he may now interfere in the 14 investigations underway, which we know will incriminate Trump in criminal activity. Donald Trump's time is very difficult and challenging until April 2020 according to his astrology chart. I had predicted Donald Trump will either be forced to resign or face impeachment between June 2019 and April 2020. This astrology prediction was given by me more than 2 years ago. Only time will tell if my astrology prediction will come correct or the AG Barr will succeed in his cover up to protect Donald Trump from impeachment. GOP wants to delay, delay, and delay all matters pertaining to Donald Trump, until 2020 Presidential Election, hoping they will win the House, the Presidency, and retain the Senate. I think Jeff Sessions must be a very happy man at this moment, that he is not the Attorney General of the United States.
Let us see how the next 11 months will play out for Donald Trump. There is no doubt Trump has a very difficult road ahead, according to his astrology chart, AG Barr may fail in his attempts to protect Donald Trump from impeachment. 
I will make the astrology prediction on 2020 Presidential Election on April 1, 2020, stay tuned. 
May 2, 2019

Please read my March 26th and April 3rd updates again, I had clearly mentioned that American people will see full unredacted Mueller Report between April 29th (when Saturn goes retrograde) and June 22nd. Today, we are one more step closer to seeing the full Mueller Report, when the news just came out that Mueller wrote letter to Barr back in late March, complaining to Attorney General Bill Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into Donald Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post. This Breaking News just came out after Saturn became retrograde yesterday evening. 
April 30, 2019

I received numerous requests from people to write about Democrat Presidential Candidates. Right now, the Democrat field is so crowded with Presidential Candidates, and we do not know the birth times of all candidates. So, I will wait until April 2020, to make astrology predictions about Democrat Primaries. 
April 26, 2019

It seems like Impeachment is on the cards for Donald Trump in June / July this year, as predicted by me more than 2 years ago, even if House Democrats say “No Impeachment” right now. Many GOP Senators will be on board for impeachment by July this year. 
April 22, 2019

House Democrats are little bit skeptical right now to start Trump impeachment because they don’t have enough votes in the Senate to convict and remove Donald Trump. But you will see many Republican Senators will break with Trump during next three months, as Mars will be with Rahu in Gemini sign, in May and June this year, opposite retrograde Saturn and Ketu conjunction in Sagittarius sign, followed by eclipses in the month of July this year. Governor Romney has already stood up to Donald Trump. The only way House Democrats can quickly get the unredacted full Mueller Report with grand jury information is if they start the Trump impeachment in June / July this year, otherwise they will be waiting for months, perhaps years to get the full version of the Mueller Report.
I have also analyzed the United States astrology chart. Rahu will transit Ardra nakshatra ruled by Rahu in Gemini sign from September 13, 2019 to May 21, 2020. This will be a very difficult and challenging period for the country, and it coincides with the challenging time for Donald Trump’s astrology chart, that is June 2019 to April 2020. I see recession, Trump impeachment and perhaps war during this period, a very difficult time for the country. I will urge everybody to put the country above their political party during this period. We are all Americans first, Democrats or Republicans afterwards.
April 20, 2019

A very disappointing press conference by the AG Barr, he acted more like the cheerleader for Donald Trump rather than the Attorney General of the United States. I reviewed Donald Trump’s astrology chart one more time this morning, and came up with same answer, Trump will either resign or face impeachment between June 2019 and April 2020. There is no change to my Trump astrology predictions given more than 2 years ago.
April 18, 2019
AG Bill Barr is releasing the redacted version of Mueller Report this Thursday - just before Good Friday, Passover, and Easter, to keep the public attention away. Just imagine how damaging the unredacted Mueller Report must be. The sixty-four-thousand-dollar question is, what percentage of the full Mueller Report will be redacted. The higher the percentage of redaction, the more it will appear to be a cover up to protect Donald Trump.
April 16, 2019

Julian Assange Astrology article was published by me on January 15, 2013. I had predicted prison time for Assange in Mercury mahadasha. I said the following about Julian Assange 6 years ago when I published the astrology article. This is the last paragraph in the Julian Assage Astrology article. Julian assange is in Mercury mahadasha and Venus Bhukti at this moment.
“The health will continue to deteriorate even if he survives the Saturn mahadasha, as the next mahadasha lord Mercury rules 9th and 12th house and is also in 3rd and 6th house lord Jupiter’s nakshatra, and is aspected by Jupiter by its 9th aspect, in his natal astrology chart. Mercury has a strong connection with the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses, cannot give him a permanent home, and may make him move from place to place. Mercury’s 12th house connection indicates prison time or living in a secluded place if not in prison.” 
April 15, 2019

The real battle between Donald Trump and Congress has just begun. Congress need full unredacted Mueller Report and Trump’s tax returns for the past 6 years at the earliest. The Saturn and Ketu conjunction is in full power now. Saturn will become more malefic after it goes retrograde on April 29th. 
April 10, 2019

In my March 26, 2019 update I had mentioned that American people will see the full Mueller Report between April 29 and June 22 this year. Well, House Democrats have authorized subpoenas for full Mueller Report today. If this matter goes to court, House Democrats will win this battle. 
House Democrats also demanded 6 years of Trump’s tax returns from IRS today. I had also mentioned in my 2019 Trump astrology predictions more than 2 years ago that Trump’s tax returns may finally be leaked around June 2019. It seems like this astrology prediction will also be coming correct, very soon. 
I had also mentioned in my 2019 Trump Astrology Predictions more that 2 years ago that Donald Trump and the GOP party will be at loggerheads after June 2019 over some policy issues. You will see many GOP Senators will break with Trump in next 3 months, as predicted by me. 
April 3, 2019

Remember, Michael Cohen’s sentencing date was delayed to May 6. Cohen will now surrender to prison on May 6 to begin a three-year sentence. Sentencing of Trump campaign aide Rick Gates was delayed to May 15. Michael Flynn’s sentencing date was delayed by several months on December 18, 2018. Flynn is still not sentenced. All these guys are cooperating with several ongoing investigations including the SDNY investigation. It seems like all these ongoing investigations may come to closure in May, June this year, unless the sentencing dates of Cohen, Gates and Flynn are again delayed. Beyond these ongoing investigations including the SDNY investigation, Trump faces the potential disclosure of the full Mueller Report, which may contain some very damaging information, also in May, June this year. Saturn is going retrograde on April 29. Mars will be in conjunction with Rahu in Gemini sign opposite Saturn, Ketu conjunction in Sagittarius sign, in May, June this year, and then there are eclipses in July this year that will fall on these planets. The chances of Trump impeachment in June / July are still very high, as predicted by me more than 2 years ago, despite this surprise victory by four-page Barr letter last week.
March 29, 2019

I received requests from people to make comments on Jussie Smollett case. Since Jussie Smollett’s birth time with AA rating is available, so I studied his astrology chart. According to me Jussie Smollett is not out of woods yet, his time according to his astrology chart is very bad at least until November 2019. Although charges were dropped few days ago, but now Donald Trump has called on FBI, DOJ to review ‘outrageous’ Jussie Smollett case. According to Jussie Smollett’s astrology chart, Jussie will face more legal troubles and his career will be stalled at least until November 2019.
March 28, 2019

It seems like a cover up. Mitch McConnell just blocked the vote on the release of full Mueller Report second time. Why not release the full Mueller Report, if Donald Trump has nothing to hide. You will see Trump will again get into deep trouble in May, June, July this year. But Trump's job is safe until November this year. Sometime between November this year and April 2020, Trump will be forced to resign from his Presidency, as predicted by me more than 2 years ago.
March 27, 2019

In my 2019 Trump astrology predictions I had indicated that the problem will start in February / March 2019, when Ketu and Saturn conjunction will begin. Well the problem has already started, exactly around same time. Donald Trump is claiming a total exoneration based on the four-page AG Barr letter. No one knows what is contained in the Mueller Report. Democrats are demanding the release of the full Mueller Report to the American people. Trump will do his best to hide the Mueller Report.
In my opinion American people should be able to see the full Mueller Report between April 29th and June 22nd this year. Saturn goes retrograde while in conjunction with Ketu on April 29th. Between May 6th and June 22nd Mars will be in conjunction with Rahu in Gemini sign opposite retrograde Saturn in conjunction with Ketu in Sagittarius sign. 
March 26, 2019

The Saturn and Ketu conjunction has just begun. Donald Trump’s time is very difficult and challenging going forward, according to his astrology chart, despite this surprise victory yesterday. The truth will emerge if there is any cover up by the end of July this year.
March 25, 2019

Mueller did not find evidence of collusion, but he didn’t clear Donald Trump of obstruction of justice because it is possible Trump did obstruct justice because of his interference with the investigation. The truth will emerge once the Supreme Court forces Trump and AG Barr to turn over the full Mueller Report and evidences to the Congress. In the end Trump will be impeached, between June 2019 and April 2020, as predicted by me more than 2 years ago.
March 24, 2019

Astrologically I am surprised today. The Saturn and Ketu conjunction has just begun. I am surprised that Donald Trump was not found guilty of obstruction of justice. Now there will be battle between House Democrats and Republicans over the release of full Mueller Report. Things will become clearer, after the full Mueller Report will be released. There is SDNY investigation going on, that will be a problem for Donald Trump. Recession is coming this summer, that will influence Trump’s poll numbers. Let us see how this thing will play out for Trump. I see this year a very difficult year for Donald Trump. Impeachment is still on the cards in June / July this year according to Donald Trump’s astrology chart.
March 24, 2019

Although there are no further indictments on the Mueller portion of the investigation, the Mueller Report will contain some damaging information about Donald Trump, as Saturn and Ketu conjunction is going on right now. Saturn is hardly 3.5 degrees away from Ketu. Please understand Saturn and Ketu will be in exact conjunction for long time, will be a problem for Donald Trump. There are still 13 other investigations going on, including SDNY. Donald Trump, and people around him are still in lot of trouble.
March 24, 2019

Thanks to everybody for their support. My completion of Mueller Report astrology prediction came true. I even tried to pinpoint the day, but some times that is not possible. I predicted in June 2018, that Mueller Report will be released in March 2019, and later in some updates I indicated March / April 2019. I was correct.
There is no change to my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions that were published more than 2 years ago on January 20, 2017. I still stand by my astrology predictions. My next prediction given was that Trump impeachment and the next recession will pretty much begin at same time in June / July 2019. 
March 22, 2019

Although many political pundits are waiting for the completion of Mueller Report today, but according to me the chances are much higher next Friday, March 29th. Donald Trump is in Jupiter mahadasha and Saturn bhukti right now, Jupiter is going retrograde on April 10th and Saturn is going retrograde on April 29th. According to me Important events related to the release of Mueller Report will take place on March 29th, or around April 10th, and April 29th this year.
March 22, 2019

I had gone through my Donald Trump Astrology updates for the past 12 months, and I found the following:
In my updates on June 19, 2018, August 4, 2018, November 19, 2018, I had mentioned that Mueller Report will be released in March 2019.
In my update on September 15, 2018, I had indicated Mueller Report will be released in March / April 2019
In my updates on December 5, 2018, January 2, 2019, January 25, 2019, I had indicated Mueller Report will be released between March 4 and March 31, 2019 or around April 29, 2019 when Saturn will go retrograde.
In my update on January 18, 2019, I had indicated Mueller Report will be released in March / April 2019.
March 22, 2019

On Wednesday the Republican led Senate voted again to end aid to Saudi war in Yemen, defying Donald Trump. On Thursday Congress unanimously passed resolution 420 to nothing demanding that the Justice Department should fully release Mueller Report to the public. On the same day hours later, 12 Republicans crossed over and blocked the Trump’s national emergency to build his border wall and forced the first Veto of Donald Trump’s Presidency. Please remember it all happened in the month of March after the Saturn and Ketu conjunction began in Sagittarius sign. Prediction given by me more than 2 years ago. If I were Donald Trump, I should be extremely worried at this time. Saturn is still 5 degrees away from Ketu. Just imagine when Saturn and Ketu will be in exact conjunction and Saturn will go retrograde after April 29th, and the Mueller Report is released. I mean when the chips are down, Senate Republicans will not care about what the Base thinks, will do the right thing. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will find the 20 GOP Senators, she needs to successfully impeach and remove Donald Trump after June / July this year.
March 16, 2019

The news just came out that Former Trump campaign official Rick Gates sentencing is delayed by another 60 days, as he continues to cooperate with respect to several ongoing investigations. This takes us to May 15th, Saturn goes retrograde on April 29th, while in exact conjunction with Ketu in Sagittarius sign. The Mueller Report should be released soon after April 29th, this was the second date I had given in my astrology prediction. 
March 15, 2019

In my 2019 Trump astrology predictions published more than 2 years ago, on January 20, 2017, I had mentioned that GOP Party will be at loggerheads with Donald Trump over some policy issues, after June 2019. Well, it has already begun now, when 12 Republican Senators crossed the aisle to support the resolution to terminate Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration to build his wall.
March 14, 2019

The Senate passed a resolution to terminate Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration to build his border wall. The resolution received a unanimous Democrat support, with 12 Republicans crossing the aisle, a big setback for Donald Trump. Donald Trump is losing his grip on the Senate Republicans as the Saturn and Ketu conjunction is gaining momentum in Sagittarius sign. By June / July this year there will be at least 20 GOP Senators who will break with Trump, when the Trump impeachment begins. 
March 14, 2019

The former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn is facing a Wednesday sentencing hearing this week. Former Trump Campaign official Rick Gates also has another hearing scheduled this Friday. Their sentencing hearings have been delayed in the past, as they continue to cooperate with ongoing investigations. If Flynn and Gates are done cooperating with ongoing investigations, then we know Mueller is very close to the finish line, and the Mueller Report will be released very soon. Felix Sater, Trump business associate public testimony is pushed back to March 27th. So in my opinion the Mueller report should be released either on Friday March 29th or around April 29th when Saturn will go retrograde while in conjunction with Ketu in Sagittarius sign. 
March 12, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s speech this afternoon regarding no impeachment for Donald Trump, has no impact on my astrology predictions given two years ago on January 20, 2017.
March 11, 2019

It seems like the US Economy is losing steam, added only 20,000 jobs last month. Only 35% Americans support Donald Trump Impeachment at this moment, but these numbers will change substantially after Mueller Report is released, and the next recession begins. Everybody is waiting for Mueller Report right now, which according to my astrology prediction should be released in March / April this year.
March 8, 2019

I want to remind everybody my September 15, 2018 astrology update, copied below for your reference again. These are not fresh astrology predictions. The astrology predictions were given more than two years ago on January 20, 2017, then again explained in detail by me on September 15, 2018 update. Please feel free to scroll down and read my September 15, 2018 update.

“I have indicated in my astrology article many times that many important events will take place in the months of March, July, and November in Donald Trump’s first Presidential Term. In my opinion Robert Mueller will complete the Trump-Russia investigation in March / April 2019, and the Trump impeachment will begin in June / July 2019.
Donald Trump’s approval rating at this moment is only 36%, when the economy is doing so well. The economy will continue to do very well in the last Quarter of 2018 and the first Quarter of 2019 as well. But towards the end of second Quarter of 2019 or the beginning of third Quarter of 2019, the economy will be on decline. This takes us to June / July 2019 timeframe, when the Trump impeachment and the next recession will pretty much begin at same time. Donald Trump’s approval rating at this time will fall to about 25%. The recession will be at its peak by the end of 2019. Four Planets Pluto, Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter will be together in Sagittarius sign in Vedic Astrology in November, December 2019 and January 2020. Saturn will leave Sagittarius sign on January 23, 2020. Jupiter, Ketu and Pluto will still be together in Sagittarius sign until April 1, 2020. In my opinion Donald Trump will resign some time during this period, my analysis says either in November 2019 or March 2020.During this period there is a possibility of some war also. This will be a challenging time for the country, when we will be dealing with Trump impeachment / resignation, recession and some war, all at same time. September 15, 2018”
March 4, 2019

North Korea Nuclear Summit ended abruptly with no deal, as the Saturn and Ketu conjunction is just about to begin. I already knew the deal will not materialize but did not want to make any comments while our President is over there in Vietnam for negotiations. 
February 28, 2019

I personally found Michael Cohen’s testimony very convincing and explosive. This is astonishing, even though everybody around Trump who lied for him or tried to protect him in the Russia Investigation, is either indicted, convicted, arrested or under investigation, the Republicans in the Congress and Senate have still not given up their romance for Donald Trump, and they continue to defend Trump. This is sad, the country is so divided under Donald Trump. In my opinion the Republican Party will continue to support Donald Trump and ignore his alleged crimes, as long as Donald Trump enjoys 40-41% support from the American people. Trump’s poll numbers will fall to low 30s when the next recession begins this summer, this will be the time when GOP will finally break with Donald Trump, and impeachment begins. 
February 27, 2019

Tomorrow is a very important day. Michael Cohen’s Testimony could trigger the end of Trump Presidency, just like John Dean’s testimony to the Senate Watergate Committee in June 1973 marked a turning point in the investigation. The next year, President Richard Nixon resigned. The Ketu and Saturn conjunction that I am talking about in my 2019 Trump Astrology Predictions, is about to begin on March 8th. Right now, Ketu is at 0.30 degrees in Capricorn sign and Saturn is at 23 degrees and 33 minutes in Sagittarius sign according to Vedic Astrology.
February 26, 2019

I have received couple of queries from astrology readers, if there is any change to my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions. My answer is no change to my astrology predictions. My Donald Trump First Term Astrology Predictions article was published 2 years ago on January 20, 2017. I have been accurate for the past 2 years, month by month. I always give astrology predictions well in advance, I set the bar too high for myself. 
February 25, 2019

I also think we may see the final round of indictments between March 4th and March 31st, and the Mueller Report may be delayed slightly, and released around April 29th when Saturn will go retrograde. The reason why I think that is, all the documents that continue to come out, have redactions in them, suggest that there are still investigations that are not yet complete. 
February 25, 2019

I am expecting a final round of indictments between March 4th and March 31st, before Mueller Report is released. 
I had gone through my updates for the past 12 months, and I found the following:
In my updates on June 19, 2018, August 4, 2018, November 19, 2018, I had mentioned that Mueller Report will be released in March 2019.
In my update on September 15, 2018, I had indicated Mueller Report will be released in March / April 2019
In my updates on December 5, 2018, January 2, 2019, January 25, 2019, I had indicated Mueller Report will be released between March 4 and March 31, 2019 or around April 29, 2019 when Saturn will go retrograde.
In my update on January 18, 2019, I had indicated Mueller Report will be released in March / April 2019.
February 25, 2019

This is what I would like to know from the Mueller Report, just four questions.
1. Was there a collusion with Russia? (Yes / No)
2. Did Donald Trump obstruct Justice? (Yes / No)
3. Is Donald Trump a Russian asset? (Yes / No)
4. Any financial crimes committed? (Yes / No)
February 21, 2019

I just saw the breaking news on CNN that Justice Department is preparing for Mueller Report as early as next week. I still believe the Mueller Report will reach Congress after March 4, as predicted by me on my September 15, 2018 astrology update and many subsequent updates.
February  20, 2019

I had indicated in my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions that the problem will start in February / March 2019, when Ketu enters Sagittarius sign and collides with transit Saturn, at the same time Rahu enters Gemini sign. Well, the problem has already started, first it was government shutdown, now it is national emergency to build his beloved wall. The government shutdown did not go well for Donald Trump. Donald Trump, the biggest deal maker was completely outmaneuvered by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Now the national emergency to build his beloved wall will not go well for Donald Trump. Donald Trump is going to alienate lot of people on both sides of the aisle, Democrats and Republicans in the coming months. 
I had also mentioned in my previous update on September 15, 2018, that we should hear from Robert Mueller either between March 4 and March 31 this year or soon after April 29, when Saturn will go retrograde at 26 degrees in Sagittarius sign, while in conjunction with Ketu. We will see how this thing is going to play out for Donald Trump.
February 19, 2019

Please understand the Saturn and Ketu conjunction that I had mentioned in my 2019 Trump Astrology Predictions, is beginning on March 9, 2019, as Rahu and Ketu are changing signs. Rahu is moving into Gemini sign and Ketu is moving into Sagittarius sign. After watching today’s Congressional hearing, I did not find Acting Attorney General honest and trustworthy. Matt Whitaker was looking guilty as sin, and he was making Trump’s bad situation even worse with each question that he tried to dodge. The Saturn and Ketu conjunction will be malefic to people who will try to sabotage Mueller investigation and help Donald Trump. 
February 8, 2019

More indictments are coming in Mueller investigation according to Donald Trump’s astrology chart between March 4 and March 31, 2019. We saw teleprompter Trump in the State of the Union yesterday. But the twitter Trump and the campaign rally Trump is the real Donald Trump, in my opinion.
February 6, 2019

A bad day for Donald Trump, first his former associate Roger Stone was indicted and arrested this morning, now Trump caves to Democrats, agrees to reopen government short term without border wall. I had mentioned in my previous updates that Trump cannot win this battle with Democrats, unless he is willing to compromise. We are now in challenging times as we move forward into 2019.
January 25, 2019

Donald Trump’s former associate Roger Stone was arrested early Friday morning and charged with seven counts, brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. I had predicted in my January 2, 2019 update that we will see more indictments soon after January 15th. I had also mentioned number of times in my previous updates that Mueller investigation will come to closure either between March 4 and March 31, 2019 or around April 29, 2019 when Saturn will go retrograde. We may see a final round of indictments of people close to Donald Trump before the Mueller Report is released.
January 25, 2019

Donald Trump is in a no-win situation, if Trump doesn’t build his beloved wall then he loses support from his base. If Trump tries to get the money to build his beloved wall by continuing the government shut down then it will lead to recession by June / July, as predicted by me 2 years ago, and again he loses support from his base. Either way Trump loses support from his base and the GOP party after June / July this year. Trump has no good options as we move forward into year 2019. 
January 23, 2019

My deepest condolences to the families of four Americans who died in Syria.
January 19, 2019

According to Buzzfeed News Donald Trump personally directed his longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow in order to obscure his involvement.
If this blockbuster BuzzFeed story on Donald Trump directing his attorney to lie to Congress is true, then this is an obstruction of justice and impeachable offence. Many on the Democrats side want to start the Trump impeachment right now. But there are not enough votes in the Senate at this moment to convict and remove Trump. In my opinion Democrats should wait for the Mueller Report before starting the Trump impeachment, because many moderate GOP Senators are sitting on the fence waiting for the Mueller Report. Mueller Report according to my past astrology updates should be released in March / April this year, and by June there will be enough votes in the Senate to convict and remove Trump. Month of June this year is perfect time to begin the Trump impeachment.
January 18, 2019

The government shutdown is hurting US economy. Remember Donald Trump inherited a booming economy from President Obama. But this year Trump’s trade wars and government shutdown will take us into next recession by June / July, as I had predicted 2 years ago in my Trump 2019 astrology predictions. 
January 16, 2019

Donald Trump has entered the most difficult and challenging period of his life, according to his astrology chart. We are seeing first time in our history a sitting President had to defend himself that he is not working for a foreign adversary. The government shutdown as I had predicted in my last update is not going to end soon, unless Trump is willing to compromise. Donald Trump has boxed himself in on the shutdown with nowhere to go. According to Trump’s astrology chart Trump does not have a winning option to get out of this partial government shutdown. This is hurting Trump’s approval rating, which is now down to 37%, as I had predicted in my October 14, 2018 update in this Trump Astrology article. I had also predicted in my September 15, 2018 update in this article that Mueller Investigation will come to a closure in March / April 2019, we will see how close I will be.
January 15, 2019

People want to know when the government shutdown will end and who will be the winner. In a situation like this, when 800,000 federal government employees are going to miss their paychecks, there are no winners. Donald Trump is entering the most difficult and challenging period of his life after January 15. So, Trump cannot win this battle on the funding of his border wall according to his astrology chart. Mitt Romney is going through very good time right now, can play an important role to end the government shutdown quickly. This is true the government shut down could last months or even until the time when Trump either resigns or is impeached between June 2019 and April 2020. 2019 is a very difficult year for the country according to United States astrology chart, and 2019 is also a very difficult year for Donald Trump according to his astrology chart.
In the coming months Trump will be fighting battles on three fronts, government shutdown, next recession and Mueller investigation. As I have mentioned in my previous updates that the next recession which will begin in June / July 2019 will be a bigger threat to Trump Presidency, because this will be the time when Trump will lose support from his base and the GOP party. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will finally find the 20 GOP Senators that she needs in the Senate to convict and remove Donald Trump. Mueller investigation will come to closure by then and the next recession will begin at same time. Mueller Report will have some very damaging information. June 2019 will be the perfect time for Democrats to move forward with Trump impeachment. 
January 5, 2019

Mitt Romney is back in Senate as Utah’s new GOP Senator. I had predicted Mitt Romney’s loss in 2012 Presidential Election. But at present Mitt Romney is going through very good mahadasha and bhukti. Certainly, Mitt Romney’s time according to his astrology chart looks very strong at present, compared to Donald Trump’s time. This is not good news for Donald Trump. Mitt Romney had made it clear today that he is not going to be a rubber stamp GOP Senator, will not hesitate to stand up to Trump, when Trump will go off the rails on important policy issues. Democrats will officially take over the House this Thursday, with Nancy Pelosi as their Speaker. Donald Trump is not going to get a good deal on his border wall, as Trump’s time really looks very difficult and challenging starting January 15. We should also see some indictments by Robert Mueller any time after January 15. I still believe Mueller investigation will come to some closure either between March 4 and March 31, 2019 or around April 29, 2019 when Saturn will go retrograde. Donald Trump will be fighting battles on many fronts, as Trump enters the most difficult and challenging time in the coming weeks.
January 2, 2019

Merry Christmas to everybody.
Buddha says there are always 83 problems in life. Donald Trump just created 84th problem for himself by shutting down the federal government. In his negotiations with Democrats, Donald Trump is not going to get a good deal on his border wall. Trump’s time is going to be even more difficult starting second week of January 2019. 
December 25, 2018

It seems like Putin wanted Trump to leave Syria, and Trump obeyed his order instead of listening to General Mattis. General Mattis will be missed. Republicans are so obsessed with this wall on the southern border. We are about to enter next recession soon, who would want to come here illegally.
December 21, 2018

Donald Trump agreed to shut down his Trump Foundation amid allegations that he used it for personal and political benefit. Almost every part of Donald Trump’s life is under investigation, as we approach 2019. In my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions I had indicated that Donald Trump will have cash flow problems in his personal businesses in 2019. It is happening now. Again, this prediction was given by me almost two years ago on January 20, 2017, when I published this article.
December 18, 2018

I had indicated in my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions that we will be entering dangerous period in 2019, after Saturn and Ketu conjunction begins in Feb / March 2019. A bipartisan group of nearly four dozen former senators warned current and future members of the Senate on Monday that the United States is “entering a dangerous period,” and urged them to defend America’s democracy by serving national interests rather than political ideologies. Now almost every organization starting with the name Trump is under investigation. Donald Trump still enjoys support from the Republican base and the GOP Senate, because they feel Donald Trump is doing a good job and the US economy is doing very well. I had also predicted in my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions that we will be entering next recession after June / July 2019, and it will be happening on Donald Trump’s watch. In my opinion the next recession and the Trump impeachment will almost begin at same time in June / July 2019.
December 14, 2018

In my 2019 Trump Astrology predictions I had mentioned that Donald Trump and the GOP party will be at loggerheads after June 2019 over some policy issues. It has already started happening now, as many GOP Senators disagree with Donald Trump and Senate just introduced resolution holding Saudi Crown Prince accountable for Khashoggi murder. Many GOP Senators will break with Trump by June / July 2019. There will be enough votes in the Senate after June / July 2019 to convict and remove Trump.
December 5, 2018

When the Mueller Investigation will come to a closure?
The sixty-four-thousand-dollar question on every body’s mind is when the Mueller investigation will come to a closure. Well, I believe we will see next round of indictments in January 2019, but according to me the Mueller investigation will continue for couple more months. According to my Vedic and KP Astrology calculations I am 90% confident that Mueller Investigation will come to a closure between March 4 and March 31, 2019. If this time window is somehow missed, then I am 100% confident that Mueller Investigation will come to a closure around April 29, 2019, when Saturn will go retrograde. I have given this prediction in my September 15, 2018 update as well.
December 5, 2018

Some thoughts on Michael Avenatti’s astrology chart?
Since we know Michael Avenatti’s birth time with AA rating (Feb 16, 1971, 10.07 PM Sacramento California), so I am making some comments about Avenatti’s astrology chart. Michael Avenatti is a Virgo rising according to Vedic Astrology, with his ascendant at 28 degrees 18 minutes. Avenatti is going through Mercury mahadasha and Jupiter Bhukti at present, according to his astrology chart. Jupiter being a badhaka planet for Avenatti is causing all sorts of legal troubles related to alleged domestic violence, divorce from his second wife etc. Michael Avenatti has a powerful astrology chart, but his time is not good until April 1, 2020. If Avenatti survives this period without any further legal troubles, then his dasha changes to Mercury – Saturn, and his astrology chart becomes very favorable for a career in Politics and success after April 1, 2020, can win the democratic nomination for the 2020 Presidential Election. Democratic Party should see how this period plays out for Michael Avenatti before completely writing him off. 
December 5, 2018

President George H. W. Bush will be missed, a true American hero. My most heartfelt condolences to the Bush family.
December 1, 2018

Today’s day is a game changer for the Trump Russia investigation. I had mentioned in my November 15, 2018 update that we will see some bombshell news related to Trump – Russia investigation between November 22 and December 2. Look what happened today, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is always ten steps ahead of everybody.
This is what I posted on November 15, 2018 update. 
“Donald Trump’s Jupiter / Jupiter / Rahu period is coming to an end on November 22, 2018. Trump is entering Jupiter / Saturn period starting November 22, 2018. Saturn being a malefic planet, can deliver some indictments by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, between November 22 and December 2 this year. These 10 days are very critical for the Trump Russia investigation according to Donald Trump’s astrology chart.”
November 29, 2018

The news just came out this evening that Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, repeatedly lied to federal investigators in breach of a plea agreement he signed two months ago, the special counsel’s office said in a court filing late on Monday.
In my opinion Paul Manafort was lying and not fully cooperating with Robert Mueller’s team right from the beginning, after signing his plea bargain deal, 2 months ago. But nobody knew, because there are no leaks from the Special Prosecutor’s office. Everybody was under the impression that Manafort is fully cooperating with the Mueller Team and Mueller just needs 10 more days of cooperation from Manafort, before we see indictment of some big fish. In the mean time Donald Trump and his team answered written questions from Robert Mueller, under the assumption that Manafort is fully cooperating with Special Prosecutor, and probably has already shared the details of the Trump Tower meeting with Russians. Mueller does not need Paul Manafort anymore, because Mueller already has written answers to his questions from Donald Trump. Remember Robert Mueller is always ten steps ahead of everybody.
November 26, 2018

According to Donald Trump’s Vedic Astrology chart, there will be 1 to 2 more rounds of indictments, before the Trump Russia investigation comes to some closure, and the Mueller Report is released. The next round of indictments we may see by December 2, otherwise the final round of indictments will come through in the month of January 2019. The Sun, Saturn conjunction will take place in Sagittarius sign on January 2, 2019, the Sun, Ketu conjunction will take place on January 16, 2019. There are two eclipses in January 2019, partial Solar Eclipse on January 5, 2019, and the total Lunar Eclipse on January 21, 2019. Eclipses bring things that are pending to closure. So, I am 100% certain that we will see more indictments in January 2019. This could also be the time when Trump may try to impede the Trump – Russia investigation. I have indicated many times in my Trump astrology article that many important events in Donald Trump’s First Term will take place in the months of March, July and November. So according to Donald Trump’s astrology chart the Mueller Report should be released by March 2019. We will see a big decline in Donald Trump’s poll numbers in February / March 2019.
November 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s Jupiter / Jupiter / Rahu period is coming to an end on November 22, 2018. Trump is entering Jupiter / Saturn period starting November 22, 2018. Saturn being a malefic planet, can deliver some indictments by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, between November 22 and December 2 this year. These 10 days are very critical for the Trump Russia investigation according to Donald Trump’s astrology chart.
November 15, 2018

In my Donald Trump 2019 Astrology predictions I had indicated that in 2019, Donald Trump’s tax returns may finally be leaked. Now when Democrats take control of the House in early 2019, one of the first things they are likely to go after is Donald Trump's tax returns. My prediction will be coming correct soon.
November 14, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is finally fired by Donald Trump. Now Americans are worried and curious to know if Donald Trump will impede the Russia investigation, and fire Robert Mueller? In my opinion the next recession, that I had predicted is coming after June/July 2019, will be a bigger threat to Trump Presidency than the Mueller investigation, because when the recession begins, Trump will lose support from his base and the GOP party.
November 8, 2018

Democrats won the House and Republicans will keep the Senate. My 2018 mid term astrology predictions were right on target. Donald Trump’s challenging time begins as early as January 15, 2019. Trump will be overwhelmed by investigations and subpoenas in 2019. The rubber stamp Republican Congress is finally out of power. Congratulations to Democrats, and American people.
November 6, 2018 night

Some thoughts on 2018 Mid Term Election
I had mentioned in my Trump First Term Astrology article that October and November this year are good months for Donald Trump. But I have also mentioned in my article that starting Feb / March 2019 Donald Trump is going to enter the most difficult and challenging period, and this is possible only if there is some change in power on November 6th this year. So, I can say that Democrats will win the House for sure, Republicans may end up keeping the Senate, because Trump's time is not so bad in November this year. 
November 1, 2018

My condolences to the families of the people who lost their lives in the Pittsburgh shooting incident. I also wish a speedy recovery to the people who are injured during the Pittsburgh shooting incident.
October 28, 2018

Should the american people believe the scripted teleprompter Donald Trump or the unscripted twitter / campaign rally Donald Trump? Donald Trump is a good salesman who understands what his audience wants to hear. Very few people understand that Donald Trump is just playing a character on stage for the audience present at that moment.
October 26, 2018

I strongly condemn the bomb attacks against senior Democrat government officials and CNN this morning. Let us hope Donald Trump will stop calling half of the country as bad or evil people, and try to be the President of all Americans. 
October 24, 2018

Today a federal judge dismissed Stormy Daniels’ defamation lawsuit again Donald Trump. I had mentioned in my Trump 2018 astrology predictions that Donald Trump’s time is good in October / November this year. But a very difficult and challenging time is coming for Donald Trump after February / March 2019, according to Trump’s astrology chart.
October 15, 2018

Donald Trump’s approval rating has risen to 43% now, as October and November this year are good months for Trump according to his astrology chart, also mentioned in the Trump 2018 astrology predictions. But Feb 2019 onwards again Trump’s approval rating will drop below 40%, as Trump will be entering challenging time according to his astrology chart.
October 14, 2018

I had mentioned in my Trump First Term Astrology article that October and November this year are good months for Donald Trump and look what happened yesterday. But I have also mentioned in my article that starting Feb / March 2019 Donald Trump is going to enter the most difficult and challenging period, and this is possible only if there is some change in power on November 6th this year. So, I can say that Democrats will win the House for sure, Republicans may end up keeping the Senate, because Trump's time is not so bad in November. Trump's difficult time begins on January 14, 2019. I am making this prediction using Donald Trump’s astrology chart. We do not have AA rating birth time for Nancy Pelosi, and Mitch McConnell, so it is hard to make the correct prediction astrologically for the 2018 mid-term election.
In my September 25th and September 28th updates I had clearly mentioned that I cannot make astrology prediction about Brett Kavanaugh because his birth time is unknown. But I was under lot of pressure from people to make astrology prediction about Brett Kavanaugh or say something. So, I accepted the challenge, took the risk, and tried making astrology prediction after applying birth time rectification. In my opinion the birth time rectification is reliable only if you know the person’s birth time within 2 hours range, then you can arrive at the correct birth time. But in Kavanaugh’s case his birth time is unknown.
My astrology predictions for Donald Trump are coming correct, month by month for the past 2 years, because we know Trump’s accurate birth time with AA rating. In near future I had indicated that June, July, August, September this year are very difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump, I was right. Now I said that October and November this year are good months for Donald Trump and I am right again. In future astrology predictions will be given by me for celebrities / politicians, only if their accurate birth time with AA rating is available. In 2016 Presidential Election I did not know Hillary Clinton’s accurate birth time with AA rating.
October 7, 2018

There is no doubt Brett Kavanaugh's astrology chart has some serious issues at this time, such as Saturn aspecting his natal moon, and that is the reason Kavanaugh is having problems with women, there are protests and a prediction was given that Kavanaugh will not be confirmed, after applying birth time rectification, since the accurate birth time with AA rating is not available for Kavanaugh. Finding accurate birth time for celebrities / politicians with AA rating is always a challenge that every astrologer face. In 2016 Presidential election we did not have Hillary Clinton's accurate birth time with AA rating.
In my opinion this is a Donald Trump victory, not a Brett Kavanaugh victory. As I had indicated in my Trump astrology predictions (2018) that Donald Trump's time is going to be good in October and November this year. This was Donald Trump's wish and his goal to install Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and today Trump got his wish fulfilled. Without Donald Trump's good time in October / November, this victory would not have been possible for Brett Kavanaugh. I would still say that Kavanaugh's astrology chart does not indicate victory to me. In my opinion Kavanaugh could still be in trouble next year if Democrats take back Congress in November 2018.
Please remember Donald Trump owns the GOP Party, and the GOP Senators have to vote the way Trump wants them to vote, or their political careers come to an end when they are voted out of their Primaries. But things will be lot different in the 2018 mid-term election, because it will be the American people who will decide which party controls the House and the Senate. But still I would like to remind everybody that November this year is also a good month for Donald Trump according to his astrology chart. So, go out and vote if you don't like what you see is happening in the country right now.
October 6, 2018

I will post a new update Saturday (10/06) evening.
October 5, 2018 afternoon

Kavanaugh’s 10th house lord Venus goes retrograde this afternoon, and tomorrow Moon goes into Venus’s nakshatra. So Kavanaugh will not be confirmed tomorrow. 
October 5, 2018 morning

As I had explained in my September 25th astrology update, that Kavanaugh’s astrology chart had some serious problems at this time. Transit Saturn from Sagittarius sign is directly opposing Kavanaugh’s natal Moon in Gemini sign, and Kavanaugh is having problems with so many women. Remember Moon is an indicator of women in a man’s astrology chart. Saturn from Sagittarius sign is also aspecting ascendant lord natal Saturn, 8th house lord Sun in Aquarius sign and badhaka lord Mars in Virgo sign. These are very difficult transits indeed for Kavanaugh. Also 10th house lord Venus is becoming retrograde on October 5th. So, I predict that Kavanaugh will not be nominated to Supreme Court this Friday / Saturday 
GOP Party is in a hurry and they want to move on either with or without Kavanaugh this Friday / Saturday. That is why GOP has decided to vote on the Senate floor this Friday / Saturdaty, because there is hardly any time left for the 2018 mid-term election. In my opinion GOP will not have enough votes to nominate Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court this Friday / Saturday. Finally, Kavanaugh will be replaced by another right-wing candidate. Trump and McConnell may already have list of candidates that they know will be acceptable to Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, and can pass the nomination process quickly before the 2018 mid-term election. The sixty-four-thousand-dollar question is that will the GOP have enough time to nominate another candidate before the 2018 mid-term election
October 3, 2018

It seems like Donald Trump is trying to limit the scope of the fbi investigation. If this is true, and the three swing Republican Senators feel the fbi investigation is not done satisfactorily, then the three swing  Republican Senators may not vote yes on the Senate floor. It has become very interesting while transit Saturn is aspecting Kavanaugh's natal moon.
September 30, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Astrology Update
As I had mentioned before, Donald Trump's time is slightly better between October 11 and November 22 this year, as Jupiter moves into Scorpio sign and aspects transit Rahu and natal Rahu in Donald Trump’s astrology chart after October 11, while Donald Trump is in Jupiter / Jupiter / Rahu period until November 22, according to KP Astrology.
I also see from Kavanaugh’s astrology chart that Kavanaugh will have some issues with the FBI investigation, next week, because transit Saturn is aspecting the natal Moon in Kavanaugh’s astrology chart, a very difficult transit indeed. Saturn is slow moving planet, and Saturn will be aspecting Kavanaugh’s natal moon for long time. If that happens then Donald Trump will not hesitate to dump Kavanaugh and quickly nominate another right-wing candidate. Trump and McConnell may already have list of candidates that they know will be acceptable to Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, and can pass the nomination process quickly before the 2018 mid-term election. The sixty-four-thousand-dollar question is that will the GOP have enough time to nominate another candidate before the 2018 mid-term election. Let us see how this thing is going to play out in the coming weeks. It is becoming more and more interesting. But I see a BIG BLUE WAVE coming in the 2018 mid term election.
September 28, 2018

This information is for the students of astrology who want to study the astrology chart of Brett Kavanaugh. I have rectified the birth time using KP Astrology rectification techniques, and found the astrology chart to be pretty accurate, when I applied the timing of some current important events.
Natal Chart: Brett Kavanaugh
Date: February 12, 1965
Time: 6:04:00 AM
Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 77 W 02' 12", 38 N 53' 42"
             Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Nakshatra: Aardra (Ra) (68.33% left)
Ayanamsa: 23-16-23.63
Sidereal Time: 15:25:00

Brett Kavanaugh's verified birth time is unknown, so I cannot make a bold prediction. But, if you prepare the Vedic Astrology chart for Kavanaugh’s date of birth, Feb 12, 1965 Washington DC, you will find that he has his natal Moon in Gemini sign around 10 degrees, my guess is Kavanaugh is born early in the morning. I see that transit Saturn from Sagittarius sign at this moment is directly aspecting Kavanaugh's natal moon in Gemini sign by its 7th aspect, natal Sun and natal Saturn in Aquarius sign by its 3rd aspect and natal Mars in Virgo sign by its 10th aspect. Saturn’s transit is highly unfavorable for Kavanaugh currently, so I have big doubts about his nomination to Supreme Court.
September 28, 2018 

Donald Trump’s Brett Kavanaugh nomination to Supreme Court is not going well, Mitch McConnell does not have the votes to get it done, so firing Rod Rosenstein is just a distraction to take the focus away from Brett Kavanaugh hearing this Thursday. Trump is very good at changing the topic of the news, we all know that. In my opinion If Trump wanted to fire Rod Rosenstein, he would have done it yesterday on twitter, like he did it for Rex Tillerson. We don’t have verified birth times for Rod Rosenstein and Brett Kavanaugh, so I cannot make astrology predictions. I still think Rod Rosenstein will not be fired, because Trump does not gain anything by firing Rosenstein. Even if Trump fires everybody and ends the Mueller investigation, he cannot avoid impeachment. Because Democrats will come back to power in November this year and they will again re-open Trump – Russia investigation after January 2019. Trump’s impeachment / resignation is imminent after June 2019.
September 25, 2018

My Bill Cosby prediction came true today. The Bill Cosby Astrology article was published on December 13, 2014. Then an astrology update was posted on June 17, 2017 soon after his mistrial. I had predicted on June 17, 2017 that Bill Cosby will go to prison after August 8, 2018, and the prediction is right on target. Bill Cosby Astrology
September 25, 2018

Donald Trump is in Jupiter / Jupiter / Rahu period until November 22, 2018. So, the period from October 11 to November 22, 2018 will be a slightly better period for Donald Trump. I do not have Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi’s birth time details available, to make predictions about the 2018 mid-term election. But in my opinion the Republican party will lose House for sure and probably Senate as well. Donald Trump’s astrology chart clearly indicates impeachment after June 2019. This is possible only if Democrats come back to power, because the rubber stamp Republican Congress will never impeach Trump. Donald Trump will enter Jupiter / Saturn period on November 22, 2018 and will feel Saturn’s malefic energy starting January 2019. Certainly 2019 is a difficult year for Donald Trump’s health also. I have indicated in my astrology article many times that many important events will take place in the months of March, July, and November in Donald Trump’s first Presidential Term. In my opinion Robert Mueller will complete the Trump-Russia investigation in March / April 2019, and the Trump impeachment will begin in June / July 2019.
Donald Trump’s approval rating at this moment is only 36%, when the economy is doing so well. The economy will continue to do very well in the last Quarter of 2018 and the first Quarter of 2019 as well. But towards the end of second Quarter of 2019 or the beginning of third Quarter of 2019, the economy will be on decline. This takes us to June / July 2019 timeframe, when the Trump impeachment and the next recession will pretty much begin at same time. Donald Trump’s approval rating at this time will fall to about 25%. The recession will be at its peak by the end of 2019. Four Planets Pluto, Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter will be together in Sagittarius sign in Vedic Astrology in November, December 2019 and January 2020. Saturn will leave Sagittarius sign on January 23, 2020. Jupiter, Ketu and Pluto will still be together in Sagittarius sign until April 1, 2020. In my opinion Donald Trump will resign some time during this period, my analysis says either in November 2019 or March 2020. During this period there is a possibility of some war also. This will be a challenging time for the country, when we will be dealing with Trump impeachment / resignation, recession and some war, all at same time.
September 15, 2018

2018 Mid Term Election Astrology Predictions Analysis (coming soon)
September 11, 2018

I take this opportunity to honor and remember the 3000 Americans who were murdered 17 years ago in the 9/11 tragedy.
September 11, 2018

In my opinion we have entered constitutional crisis now.
September 5, 2018

Senator John McCain will be missed, a true American hero, who always put the country before the party. My most heartfelt condolences to the McCain family.
August 25, 2018

The August 11 Solar Eclipse fell in Donald Trump’s 12th house, proved to be devastating for Trump. I had mentioned in my Trump astrology article that the months of June, July, August and September are very difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump, and Trump could face impeachment in this time window. Look what happened today. 
Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court today to eight criminal counts and said he acted "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office". A plea deal by Michael Cohen could be a significant blow for Trump. Today is the day when Donald Trump is implicated in campaign finance violation, a federal crime. Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been found guilty on eight counts of financial crimes, a major victory for special counsel Robert Mueller. 
From now onwards the Trump Presidency will be in a downward spiral. Now Donald Trump will be dealing with Trump – Russia investigation and Campaign finance violations. I still believe the Mueller Report should be released after the mid – term election, because the Republican Congress has no spine to stand up to Donald Trump and impeach him. My astrology predictions for Donald Trump are right on target.
August 21, 2018

I received numerous requests from people to share my thoughts on Paul Manafort’s trail. The problem is Manafort’s birth time is unknown, so I cannot make astrology prediction. But I will also say that jury must deliberate on all 18 counts before they reach any verdict. So, it is going to take time. People should not feel anxious. But it is hard to believe that Jury will find Manafort not guilty on all 18 counts. Manafort can still go to prison even if he is found guilty on some counts out of the 18 counts.
August 18, 2018

Donald Trump just admitted that the Trump Tower meeting with Russians in 2016 was to collect dirt on Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump is not moving the goal post, as media thinks. Donald Trump wants the Trump – Russia investigation to end quickly, so that Mueller Report is released before the mid term election and the GOP can exonerate Trump before they lose the House, followed by pardons that will be issued by Trump to people close to him. In politics it is all about timing. Trump faces imminent impeachment, after mid-term election because it looks like Democrats will win the House.
August 6, 2018

The sixty-four-thousand-dollar question at this moment is when Mueller report will be released. Many political Pundits are predicting that Mueller Report will be released by Labor Day. If Mueller Report is released before the mid term election, then GOP will quickly try to exonerate Trump before the mid term election. In my opinion there is a very slim chance that Mueller Report will be released by Labor Day. Although we may see more indictments in August / September this year. According to Donald Trump’s astrology chart, I think the Mueller Report will be released either in January 2019 or March 2019. I am leaning more towards March 2019.
August 4, 2018

It seems like Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani know by now that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has evidence of Russia Collusion, that is why Rudy Giuliani is trying to spread this word ‘Collusion is not a crime”. For months Donald Trump was saying ‘No Collusion”, but it seems like the “No Collusion” slogan is now changing to “Collusion is not a Crime”.
July 31, 2018

Just for clarification, I have not studied the astrology charts of Mike Pence and Paul Ryan. So I do not know who will replace Donald Trump after his impeachment between June 2019 and April 2020. This is a correction to my 2019 Trump astrology predictions. Also I do not have Nancy Pelosi and Mitch Mcconnell's birth time information, so I cannot make astrology prediction about 2018 Mid Term election. But it is obvious now that Democrats should do well in the mid term election. I also indicated in my astrology article that Donald Trump's time is slightly better in October, November, December this year. But Trump may not be able to take advantage of this slightly positive period when so many things are going wrong for him in June, July and August this year.
July 24, 2018

I had indicated in this Trump Astrology article at quite a few places that many important events will happen in the months of March, July and November during Donald Trump's first Presidential term. This disgraceful performance from Donald Trump also happened in one of these three months.  You can read the second line under "2017 Astrology Predictions".
July 17, 2018

Donald Trump’s disgraceful performance today convinced me that Trump is Putin’s puppet. Certainly, Putin has something on Trump, and Trump is being blackmailed by Putin. I hope Bob Mueller and his team will find out the truth. How can Donald Trump protect and lead the people of the United States, when he sided with Putin and does not want to believe the US Intelligence Agencies. This is a sad day for the country. 
I had mentioned number of times in my Trump astrology article that the months of June, July, August and September 2018 are difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump and United States and look what happened today. My predictions are right on target. GOP will still, continue to support Donald Trump until next summer, before they finally turn on Trump. 2019 is a very difficult and challenging year for the country, we will be dealing with next recession, Trump impeachment and possibility of war, all at same time. I repeat again, Donald Trump will either resign or face impeachment between June 2019 and April 2020, if Trump survives politically this month and August 2018.
July 16, 2018

The latest Mueller indictments came on the day of the solar eclipse, July 13. I had indicated about the July 13 solar eclipse in my May 7 update. I am more concerned about the July 27 and August 11 eclipses, this is a very challenging time for Donald Trump. Donald Trump will face road blocks in getting his Supreme Court nominee confirmation during this time. We may see more Mueller indictments during these eclipses. Paul Manafort’s first trial is right on the day of the eclipse, July 27. Donald Trump still can’t accept the fact that he was helped to the White House by Putin, that explains why Trump has never said anything against Putin, is carrying out Putin’s agenda.
July 14, 2018

In my opinion starting this trade war was Donald Trump’s biggest mistake. The trade war will push all of us into a global recession by summer of 2019, as I had already predicted in my Trump astrology article on Jan 20, 2017. The only thing that is keeping Donald Trump’s approval ratings above 40%, is good US economy. The US economy will continue to do well until April 2019, before we enter the next recession. Once we enter global recession next summer, Donald Trump’s approval ratings will plummet to about 25 %, and Trump will be very vulnerable to impeachment. 25% of the country, who are Donald Trump’s die hard supporters will never leave him, no matter what happens. There are about 15 to 20% Americans who believe right now that Donald Trump is good for the economy, but they will not hesitate to leave Donald Trump once the recession begins next summer, perhaps due to the trade war that Donald Trump just started. In my opinion, the next recession may be a bigger threat to Trump Presidency than Michael Cohen or Paul Manafort.
July 6, 2018

The most feared trade war will begin at midnight. Unfortunately, my prediction about the Global Recession next summer (June 2019) will come true. Trump has started the trade war, will not be able to stop it now.
July 5, 2018

Finally, Donald Trump has signed the Executive Order to reunite the separated children with their families. Donald Trump is now trying to do some damage control. In my opinion Donald Trump has done an irreparable damage to the GOP just before the 2018 mid term election. Now the Trump Administration has no plan in place to reunite the separated children with their families. I was right about my prediction given in 2018 Trump Astrology Predictions that June, July, August and September this year are very difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump and United States. Paul Manafort’s Trial is coming up in end of July. Michael Cohen is close to cutting a deal and flip soon.
June 22, 2018

In my opinion the Mueller Report should be released in Feb / March 2019 time frame. Republican Congress will quickly exonerate Donald Trump if Mueller Report is released before the 2018 mid term election, because both the House and Senate are controlled by Republicans and there is no one in the Republican Party who can stand up against Donald Trump.
June 19, 2018

In my 2018 Trump astrology predictions I had indicated that June, July, August and September this year are going to be very difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump and United States. Now a full-blown Trade War is already underway with Canada, Mexico, China and other European Countries. The G7 Summit became more like a G6+1 Summit, after Trump alienated US allies during the G7 Summit. Immigration laws / policies are being enforced at the Southern Border by separating young children from their families, which in my opinion is very cruel and inhumane, will not go well for the GOP Party in the 2018 Mid Term Election. There are better ways to enforce the immigration laws of the country. Donald Trump is simply trying to show his toughness on immigration laws to his base before the 2018 mid term election. One third of the country will not believe literally anything they see negative about Trump. GOP Party has become Donald Trump’s party now, moderate Republicans who disagree with Trump are being purged from the GOP Party. The Trump – Russia investigation has already entered the inner circle of Donald Trump with the arrest of Paul Manafort. Michael Cohen and Roger Stone may be arrested next. Mueller Report on Trump – Russia investigation may be released before end of August this year or after Feb / March 2019 during Saturn and Ketu conjunction. Donald Trump’s approval rating among the Republicans had been at 87%. The US economy right now is doing very well, but we are only months away from the next recession. As I have indicated in my 2019 Trump astrology predictions, we will be in recession after June 2019, which will continue for couple of years. Donald Trump will either resign or face impeachment between June 2019 and April 2020, most likely either in July 2019 or in November / December 2019, prediction given by me on Jan 20, 2017. 
June 19, 2018

North Korea was trying for decades a meeting and a photo op with a US President, now they got one. This was a victory for them. Donald Trump badly needed a win to save his Presidency, after alienating US allies in the G7 Summit, and making an unsuccessful attempt to bring back Russia to G7 Summit. Both leaders badly needed a win, so the Trump-Kim Summit went well. American people have not seen the details of the negotiated Deal yet, and the Deal is not yet approved by the Congress.
It is always good to talk to people who disagree with you. It is good that Donald Trump talked to the North Korean Leader, to diffuse the tension between two countries. I hope the deal that Donald Trump negotiated works, but we will know during the Saturn and Ketu conjunction after June 2019 if the Deal will work or not. Donald Trump is very unpredictable, if the Deal fails due to some reason, North Korea refuses to give up Nuclear weapons or Trump feels insulted, it can still lead to a conflict with North Korea in the last 6 months of 2019. 
June 12, 2018

In my opinion the Mueller Report on Trump Russia investigation may not be released before Manafort Trial. I also do not think that Robert Mueller will ask for Trump interview or subpoena Trump before Manafort Trial. Manafort Trial in Virginia is now pushed back to July 24, so close to the July 27 Lunar Eclipse. It will be a big setback for Trump if Manafort is found guilty, and he ends up cutting a deal with the Special Prosecutor. 
 All these events should take place by end of August, because releasing Mueller Report too close to the mid-term election can be seen by American people as influencing the 2018 mid-term election. We may have to wait until the beginning of 2019, if the Mueller Report is not released by end of August this year. Donald Trump still enjoys 85% support from the Republican Base. In my opinion the Mueller Report will have some very damaging information, that will change these numbers. Certainly, Donald Trump will be few steps closer to impeachment by the end of August this year. During Saturn and Ketu conjunction after June 2019 Trump won’t have the votes to survive impeachment in the Senate. 
June 4, 2018

Donald Trump thinks "trade wars are good, and easy to win". A full-blown Trade War is just about to begin, as Donald Trump imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum from Europe, Mexico and Canada. Economy is doing fine right now. In my opinion we are about 12 months away from the next recession. In my 2019 Trump Astrology Predictions I had predicted a global recession after June 2019. 
June 2, 2018

It looks like Trump is not going to try to fire Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller. Trump Is going to abuse Pardons to keep Russia witnesses quiet. 
May 31, 2018

We are approaching the challenging months of June, July, August and September this year, due to Ketu and Mars conjunction in Capricorn sign for four months. Also, there are two eclipses in July, a Solar eclipse on July 13th and a lunar eclipse on July 27th. A third eclipse, a solar eclipse at 24 degrees in Cancer sign falls in Donald Trump’s 12th house on August 11th, 2018. These are very challenging months for Donald Trump, as I have mentioned in my 2018 astrology predictions for Donald Trump. The months of July and August this year will be more intense for Donald Trump.

We are getting ready to see Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller vs Donald Trump Round 1 during this period. I see the following scenarios during this period.

i. The Trump – Russia investigation could come to some closure during this period.
ii. We have also seen that Donald Trump is now fighting battles on so many fronts. Stormy Daniels, and her attorney Michael Avenatti, FBI raid on Michael Cohen’s office, hotel room and home, James Comey’s new book etc. It seems like the Trump – Russia investigation is coming closer to Donald Trump. This could be the time when Donald Trump can become panicky and try to fire Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller in July / August this year.
iii. The GOP Party will continue to support Donald Trump until summer of 2019, when finally, Trump will lose support from GOP Party due to Saturn and Ketu conjunction.
iv. Donald Trump is not going anywhere until summer of 2019. I still stand by my prediction that Donald Trump will end up resigning on his own between June 2019 and April 2020 or Trump will face impeachment / removal from office during this period.
v. I also see that Donald Trump’s new attorney Rudy Giuliani will make things worse for him, because Giuliani is also in badhaka lord Jupiter’s mahadasha. Rudy Giuliani cannot bring positive energy for Donald Trump. Hiring Rudy Giuliani as Donald Trump’s new attorney was a big mistake.
vi This could be a time when Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller may interview Donald Trump.
May 7, 2018

I will be posting a new Trump Astrology Update this Sunday.
May 3, 2018

The sixty-four-thousand-dollar question on everybody’s mind right now is ‘Will Donald Trump fire special prosecutor Robert Mueller?’ In my opinion Donald Trump has missed that opportunity after this recent FBI raid on his lawyer Michael Cohen’s office, home and his hotel room. The months of June, July and August this year will be very challenging months, when Trump may try to fire Mueller. We may see some more indictments in the Trump Russia investigation during this period as well.
April 18, 2018

US stock market slides as China retaliates to Trump tariffs. Dow and S&P tumble amid fears of a full-blown trade war as Beijing targets food imports. Amazon shares dropped 5.2 percent Monday. Donald Trump has tweeted about the e-commerce giant multiple times in recent days, spurring a big decline in the stock. Amazon shares are down more than 10 percent in the past week. We are about 12 months away from the next recession. This was my prediction given on January 20th last year. 
April 2, 2018

I received numerous emails from astrology readers, asking me if there is any chance Trump will be impeached / removed from office before 2019. In my opinion Trump will again go through challenging time in June, July and August this year, but there is no chance of impeachment /removal from office before summer of 2019. I had mentioned number of times in my Trump astrology article that Republican Congress is not going to impeach Trump, no matter what happens. We have seen today that House Intel GOP ended Trump - Russia Probe without consulting Dems. 
I want to remind everybody that I had predicted global recession after summer of 2019 in my Trump astrology article. The economy is doing fine right now, but some mistakes will be made between now and summer of 2019 that will lead us to global recession. One such mistake would be tariffs on steel and aluminum imports that Donald Trump is planning to impose, that could prompt fears of trade war.
March 12, 2018

Robert Mueller's Russia Indictments seem to lay the groundwork for something bigger, that according to my astrology analysis may be coming in July / August this year. People are wondering when the meeting between Donald Trump and Robert Mueller will take place. But, in my opinion there may not be a meeting, Special Prosecutor may not need a meeting with Donald Trump. Robert Mueller is going to move forward with the Trump – Russia investigation, step by step, with a plan that no one knows. There will be more indictments. in the end, Donald Trump will look so guilty, that he will end up resigning on his own between June 2019 and April 2020, prediction given by me in this astrology article on Jan 20, 2017. This is the important astrology prediction.
Feb 17, 2018

I will be posting a very important Trump Astrology update this weekend, stay tuned.
Feb 16, 2018

There are two very important questions at this moment, when the Muller investigation will come to some closure, and will Donald Trump fire Robert Mueller before the Trump - Russia investigation is over. There is no doubt Donald Trump has a very powerful astrology chart, but Trump just happens to be in a very bad Jupiter mahadasha. Donald Trump is not going to go down very easily, can even lead to constitutional crisis in the country. I repeat again, the months of February, April, July and August are the most difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump and the United States. If Donald Trump will fire Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, it will happen in one of these months. We have also seen that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is very quiet and keeping all his cards close to his vest. Mueller has something up his sleeve that we don’t know. July and August this year could also be the time when Mueller investigation comes to some closure, and Trump impeachment begins. But removal from office will take place between June 2019 and April 2020, as I have predicted in my article. Republican party will finally abandon Trump Between June 2019 and April 2020, and that will be the end of Trump Presidency. 
Jan 29, 2018

I will post next Donald Trump Update Monday 01/29 night. I apologize for being late due to very busy schedule.
Jan 28, 2018

Donald Trump Astrology Update 2018
Happy New Year everybody. I was down with cold and flu for the past week, that is why my New Year Astrology Update on Donald Trump was delayed. Donald Trump was hoping that the Mueller Investigation will come to an end by Christmas last year and Trump will be exonerated. But it didn’t happen. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is at least twelve steps ahead of Donald Trump and his legal Team. Robert Mueller is also keeping all his cards close to his vest. Trump and his legal team had no idea about Mueller’s next move. 
The Mueller Investigation is not going to end so quickly, as Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is also considering Obstruction of Justice, and Money Laundering besides the Trump – Russia Collusion. In my astrology article on Donald Trump First Term, I had predicted Trump Impeachment / Resignation between June 2019 and April 2020, and I still stand by my prediction. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller had also indicated before holidays that the Trump – Russia Investigation will continue through the year 2018. Astrologically, I do not see Trump Impeachment this year, unless Trump makes things worse for himself by firing Robert Mueller. Also, Impeachment of a sitting President is a political process, not a legal process. I do not see Republican Congress ready to impeach Trump this year. So, Donald Trump is not going anywhere this year. There will be other indictments, that can happen in the months of February, April , July and August this year. Using my astrology skills and considering the current circumstances, I see the following two scenarios that can play out for Trump in 2018 / 2019.

SCENARIO I In this scenario the Mueller Investigation comes to some closure in July / August / September this year, just before the 2018 mid term election. The Republican Congress makes a last-ditch effort to exonerate Trump before the 2018 mid term election. In my Trump astrology article under 2018 astrology predictions, I had indicated that Donald Trump’s time is going to be slightly positive for 3 to 4 months. Jupiter enters Scorpio sign in Vedic Astrology on October 11, this year. This will be a favorable transit for Trump from October 11th this year to February 2019. So, let us see how this time will play out for Trump. But Trump will again get into trouble by summer of 2019, and face impeachment / removal from office between June 2019 and April 2020.Democrats will most definitely do well in the 2018 mid term election, but whether they can come back to power or not, depends upon Nancy Pelosi’s astrology chart, but we do not have her verified birth time available on internet.

SCENARIO II In this scenario the Mueller Investigation comes to some closure soon after June 2019, and Trump faces impeachment / removal from office between June 2019 and April 2020. Trump will lose support from GOP. Trump’s best friends will turn against him during this time. It does not matter who owns the house and Senate, Trump will face impeachment and removal from office between June 2019 and April 2020. This will also be the time when the chances of war with North Korea will be very high.
Jan 4, 2018

The Sun / Saturn conjunction on December 21st and the Venus / Saturn conjunction on December 25th is certainly not a good period for Donald Trump. Let us see how this period will play out for Donald Trump. The Trump – Russia investigation is not going away even if Donald Trump fires special prosecutor Robert Mueller. Rather Trump will make things worse for himself as firing Mueller will lead to constitutional crisis. Trump will look even more guilty in the eyes of the public. Remember firing former FBI Director James Comey was Trump’s biggest mistake so far, that is the reason why Trump is dealing with special prosecutor Robert Mueller now. There is no doubt Donald Trump has some very powerful planets in his horoscope, but unfortunately for Donald Trump, he is in a bad Jupiter mahadasha. 
December 15, 2017

Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI and now fully cooperating in the Trump Russia investigation. This is a big setback for the Trump Presidency, and now Mike Pence is also in deep trouble. Remember Donald Trump wanted former FBI Director James Comey to let Flynn investigation go. The Trump - Russia probe has gone into the inner circle of Donald Trump as we approach 2018. It looks like the second round of indictments are about to begin soon. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has done an excellent job, so far. I hope the Mueller investigation comes to some closure after the 2018 mid-term election, because I doubt Donald Trump will be impeached by Republican Congress. Trump is hoping that the Mueller investigation will be over before the 2018 mid-term election, and the Republican Congress will exonerate him. 
           If Democrats come back to power after 2018 mid-term election, then the Impeachment proceedings will begin in the beginning of 2019 and Donald Trump presidency will come to an end between June 2019 and April 2020. But if Republicans stay in power, they will be at loggerheads with Trump by summer of 2019, and Trump Presidency still comes to an end between June 2019 and April 2020, as I have predicted in my article on Jan 20th this year.
As far as war with North Korea is concerned, this is what I posted on October 1st this year.
We will again see a war like situation with North Korea from Jan 20, 2018 to end of February 2018, then again between March 20th to end of April 2018. The months of June, July August and September 2018 are also dangerous for war. Donald Trump’s astrology chart indicates war between June 2019 and April 2020. This will be the most challenging and difficult period in Donald Trump’s life. I had already predicted 10 months ago in this article, that during this time we will see global recession, stock market crash, Trump impeachment and may be war with North Korea, all happening at same time. If Trump faced impeachment and removal from office first, and there is a change in leadership at the top then probably the war like situation will be diffused, just like the Iran hostage crisis was resolved when Ronald Reagan replaced Jimmy Carter in 1981. But if Trump is still the President in last 6 months of 2019, then his astrology chart clearly indicates war. 
December 2, 2017

I promise, next update by this Sunday 12/03, on Michael Flynn situation, war with North Korea, and Trump - Russia investigation. What we can expect in the coming months. Why Donald Trump thinks he will be exonerated by the end of next year.
November 30, 2017

Donald Trump Astrology update for 2018
So far, my Donald Trump astrology predictions are right on target. It seems like the Republicans are stuck with Donald Trump, they cannot win primaries without Donald Trump and they cannot win the General Election with Donald Trump. Donald Trump has zero accomplishments in his first year of Presidential Term, could not repeal and replace Obama care, Muslim travel ban failed after repeated attempts by Trump, and no progress on his wall on the Mexico border. Now I have big doubts about his Tax Cut plan, which is going to help the top 1% wealthy people rather than the middle-class Americans. The Mueller investigation is making rapid progress, but we still must wait until 2019 to see the impeachment/removal from office. The months of February, March/April and July/ August in 2018 are very challenging and difficult months for Trump and the United States. There will be a strong possibility of war with North Korea or domestic violence / shooting incidents during this period. We may also see the second round of indictments in the Trump-Russia investigation during this time. We have not seen any Trump Rallies for long time, clearly indicates that Trump knows he will be a one term President.
November 11, 2017

A federal grand jury in Washington on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The Jupiter / Jupiter / Ketu period in September / October did not go so well for Donald Trump.

This is what I wrote on August 30th update.
“The Jupiter / Jupiter / Ketu period, which is going to be very challenging, begins on September 11th. Please understand that September and October will be more difficult and challenging months for Trump than the month of August, as explained by me in my last update.”
August 30, 2017

This is what I wrote on August 26th update.
Trump will be entering Jupiter / Jupiter / Ketu period from September 11th to October 27th, so expect the unexpected, as planet Ketu is very bad for Trump.
August 26, 2017

In my last update I had given three timelines for the first round of indictments. The first timeline given was November 5th to November 19th, I was so close. By the time arrests will be made, we will be into the first week of November. Expect the second round of indictments during the second and third timelines I had given in my last update, that is the month of February and the period between March 20th and end of April. I believe in the third round Trump impeachment proceedings will begin. The Trump impeachment proceedings may begin in April or July/August 2018. But the removal from office will take place in 2019, as I had predicted in my article on Jan 20th this year.
October 28, 2017

Saturn was directly opposite Donald Trump’s natal Sun this month. A very difficult month indeed for Trump. Donald Trump’s Niger scandal just turned into a (real) Benghazi scandal. Four Americans lost their lives in an incident which was thoroughly tragic but not the least bit scandalous. Donald Trump’s condolence call with the soldier’s widow did not go so well, and became a national controversy. Trump could not even remember Sgt. La David Johnson’s name. 
In my opinion the first round of indictments in the Trump-Russia scandal are coming in either in the month of February 2018 or between March 20th and end of April 2018. There is a slight possibility between November 5th and November 19th this year also. Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn are widely expected to be included in that first round of indictments. Other prominent names may end up being included as well. Mueller is attempting to carefully craft legally bulletproof case that has the greatest chance of taking down Donald Trump and his various co-conspirators. Although the mainstream public continues to urge Mueller to “hurry,” the reality is that he only gets one shot at this, and he has to get it 100% right in order to succeed.
October 24, 2017

Astrology fans are asking me the following question. “Every day I wake and ask myself how long this can go on. Then I read editorials who think we will be stuck with Trump for another 3 years. And then Trump himself believes he will remain in office for 7 more years. All I can say is "oh my god." “
My response is it will take time. Robert Mueller has not even indicted Manafort and Flynn yet. But in last 6 months of 2019 Trump will be removed / resigned from office for sure, as I have predicted 10 months ago. The million-dollar question is whether Trump will be removed after he starts war with North Korea or before the war will begin. If Trump is removed before the war will begin then probably the war like situation will be diffused just like the Iran hostage crisis was resolved after Ronald Reagan replaced Jimmy Carter in Jan 1981. In my opinion Donald Trump is not going anywhere until 2019.
October 8, 2017

If Rex Tillerson quits then you can expect Trump's approval ratings to dip below 30%. The only way Trump sees to improve his approval ratings is by having a tough talk on war with North Korea, that is why we heard the 'Calm before the Storm' comments from Trump. Robert Mueller is officially closing in on Donald Trump, and his investigation continues to accelerate. Many important events will take place in Trump Presidency in the months of March, July and November. So, expect the Trump - Russia investigation to come to closure in one of these months.
October 8, 2017

My deepest condolences to the families of those who lost lives in Las Vegas shooting. I wish speedy recovery to those who suffered injuries during shooting.
October 2, 2017

In my August 21st update I had mentioned that Donald Trump will be in Jupiter / Jupiter / Ketu period from September 11th to October 27th this year, will be more difficult and challenging for Trump compared to the past couple of months, including this month of August. 
During this period, we have witnessed Hurricane Harvey, Irma and now Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. It seems like the Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico will become Donald Trump’s Hurricane Katrina, as Trump failed to properly respond to the Puerto Rico crisis, rather Trump was busy playing golf. Then Donald Trump’s Senate candidate in Alabama lost, his cabinet member resigned in disgrace, that was very embarrassing for Trump. Trump is not admitting that his tax cuts are going to help top 1% including Trump himself, not the middle class Americans. We have also seen Donald Trump had problems with the NFL players, and a war like situation with North Korea. Robert Mueller investigation is making rapid progress, Manafort and Flynn are most likely going to face indictment. So many important events have happened in Jupiter / Jupiter / Ketu period, while transit Saturn is right on his natal moon in Scorpio sign, and Saturn is also aspecting natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign.
We may see more hurricanes between now and beginning of 2019, as Rahu is transiting Cancer sign, a watery sign during this period. In the United States astrology chart, natal Rahu is in Cancer sign in 8th house and US is going through Rahu mahadasha. 
We will again see a war like situation with North Korea from Jan 20 2018 to end of February 2018, then again between March 20th to end of April 2018. The months of June, July August and September 2018 are also dangerous for war. Donald Trump’s astrology chart indicates war between June 2019 and April 2020. This will be the most challenging and difficult period in Donald Trump’s life. I had already predicted 10 months ago in this article, that during this time we will see global recession, stock market crash, Trump impeachment and may be war with North Korea, all happening at same time. If Trump faced impeachment and removal from office first, and there is a change in leadership at the top then probably the war like situation will be diffused, just like the Iran hostage crisis was resolved when Ronald Reagan replaced Jimmy Carter in 1981. But if Trump is still the President in last 6 months of 2019, then his astrology chart clearly indicates war.
October 1, 2017

Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and others are in deep trouble at this moment with the Trump-Russia investigation. Trump is doing this “Rocket Man” talk, just to distract people's attention away from Manafort and Flynn investigations. Perhaps the only thing that can save Donald Trump from impeachment is war with North Korea. The approval ratings can go up and down, but Robert Mueller is not going to be influenced by these distractions. Mueller investigation is making rapid progress, and will definitely become a big problem for Trump in 2019.
In 2019 we will be dealing with global recession, stock market crash, Trump impeachment and war with North Korea, all at same time. The war with North Korea is almost a certainty, if Trump is still the President in 2019. It may be due to some miscalculation, as things have escalated with North Korea since Trump became the President.
September 22, 2017

Can you imagine Donald Trump had dinner with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, not with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell? Trump is negotiating deals on DACA and Debt Ceiling with Democrats, not with Republicans. Donald Trump is so unpredictable. Usually after winning a Presidential Election, the President always comes to the center on most important issues the country is facing, because most Americans are mainstream Americans, not extreme right or extreme left. But Donald Trump this time never tried to come to the center after winning the Presidential Election. Trump’s focus was always on his extreme right wing Republican base, that is why his poll numbers never rose above 35%. Now when Donald Trump is trying to make deals on DACA and debt ceiling with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, the right wing Republican Base is angry, and not very happy with Donald Trump. The Right Wing Republican Base picked Donald Trump as their Presidential candidate instead of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. But they never realized that Trump was Democrat most of his life, and he was just taking extreme right positions during his Presidential campaign to win the nomination and the Presidency, which he did. In Trump world, it is all about Trump Brand and TV ratings. Now the Base is realizing that they may not get their wall, and deals on DACA and Debt Ceiling. Donald Trump’s poll numbers will take a further hit in the coming weeks.
The Trump  Russia investigation is making rapid progress this month. It seems like Donald Trump has committed obstruction of justice many times, many times.
September 15, 2017

Donald Trump has no major accomplishments so far, and his popularity is historically low. Donald Trump just handed a major victory to the Democrats in Congress by backing their plan for the debt ceiling. Trump is so un-predictable. It is difficult to understand his moves. He appears to have done it simply to get his revenge on Mitch McConnell. Donald Trump’s die hard supporters and Democrats in Congress might be wondering whether they can trust Donald Trump or not. Trump supporters are not going to leave him no matter what he does. Rather they would applaud him for making deals with Democrats in Congress. According to Trump supporters, Trump knows how to make deals, Trump is a deal maker. Trump is trying to improve his relationship with Democrats in Congress, because he thinks Democrats will win in 2018 mid-term election. If he has good relationship with Democrats in Congress, then probably they will show some leniency towards him when he will face impeachment in 2019.
Russia Scandal gets worse for Trump as Pro-Kremlin groups used Facebook to influence voters. Donald Trump Jr. blames Hillary Clinton for his June meeting with a Russian lawyer. Trump Russia scandal has gone beyond point of no return. If you connect all dots, Donald Trump has already committed obstruction of justice, number of times.
September 8, 2017

Donald Trump is holding 800,000 Dreamers hostage to force Democrats and some Republicans to fund his wall. Trump thinks he is filming an episode of The Apprentice. Trump is entering even more challenging time after September 11th, as Jupiter is moving into Libra sign, and Trump is entering Jupiter / Jupiter / Ketu period at same time.
September 5, 2017

There will be threat of war with North Korea until October 12th this year, because Saturn and Mars are aspecting each other very powerfully. I also see challenging times in February, March, and beginning of April 2018, then later that year in June, July, August, September 2018. These will be challenging times and we will see a war like situation. But I am more concerned about the Saturn and Ketu conjunction from March 8, 2019 to January 8, 2020, that can bring war with North Korea.
September 4, 2017

For the North Korea situation, please refer to my August 8th, 2017 update.
September 3, 2017

By pardoning Joe Arpaio, Donald Trump was testing waters, and signaling to his co-conspirators in the Russia scandal that he’s willing to pardon them as well. All they have to do is not flip on Trump. But it turns out Special Counsel Robert Mueller is one step ahead of Trump, and he’s already found a way to stop Trump’s strategy. Mueller is working with New York State Attorney General to bring state level charges against the Trump’s co-conspirators in the Russia scandal. We also learnt that Donald Trump and his team were working to build a Trump Tower in Moscow while Trump was running for President of the United States. Trump is already in lot of trouble after this solar eclipse on his ascendant in Leo sign last week. The Jupiter / Jupiter / Ketu period, which is going to be very challenging, begins on September 11th. Please understand that September and October will be more difficult and challenging months for Trump than the month of August, as explained by me in my last update.
Please remember whenever Donald Trump will get impeached, it will happen in the months of March or July or November. The day of the week will be Thursday, or Moon will be in Jupiter's nakshatra, as mahadasha lord Jupiter represents Thursday of the week.
August 30, 2017

The solar eclipse on August 21st was devastating, as it fell right on Donald Trump’s ascendant Leo sign. Trump has become completely unhinged after the solar eclipse. We are witnessing the hurricane Harvey, firing of Sebastian Gorka, pardoning of Joe Arpaio, going forward with the ban on trans people in the military, and may be government shutdown as well very soon, if the Congress does not provide funding for the so called wall on the southern border. Donald Trump considers himself a law and order President, but didn’t hesitate pardoning people who are close to him and have committed crimes. A time will come when Trump will try to pardon himself and his family and his Russia co-conspirators. Trump is more focused on his golf vacations and making money, rather than his job as the President. Four planets Mercury, Sun, Mars, and Venus will be right on Trump’s ascendant Leo sign by second week of September, aspected by Saturn from Scorpio sign, and Trump will be entering Jupiter / Jupiter / Ketu period from September 11th to October 27th, so expect the unexpected, as planet Ketu is very bad for Trump.
August 26, 2017

Donald Trump’s Jupiter / Jupiter / Mercury period is coming to an end on September 11th. Mercury is one of the best planets in Trump’s astrology chart. The Mercury Anthara was still helping Trump during past couple of months. Also transit Jupiter in Virgo sign on natal Jupiter and its aspect on natal Sun in Taurus sign in Trump’s chart during past 12 months was a blessing. But now Jupiter is moving into Libra sign on September 11th, while Saturn is still in Scorpio sign, right on natal moon and natal Ketu in Scorpio sign and its aspect on natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign in Trump's astrology chart, will be very powerful (Difficult) between September 11th and October 24th this year. Saturn will also be aspecting transit Ketu in Capricorn sign very powerfully (Difficult) by its 3rd aspect. Ketu will be very malefic during this time for Trump. Trump will be in Jupiter / Jupiter / Ketu period from September 11th to October 27th this year, will be more difficult and challenging for Trump compared to the past couple of months, including this month of August. The Republican party may have a second thought about their support for Trump during this time, as the 2018 mid-term election is also not far away. If Trump survives politically during this period, only then Trump will continue as the President next year.
August 21, 2017

Steve Bannon is out, and today being his last day at the White House. Certainly the solar eclipse which is coming up on August 21st is not good for Bannon. Steve Bannon will return to Breitbart after leaving the White House and can become a problem for Trump. I had mentioned in the beginning of my article on January 20th that hiring and firing will go on throughout Donald Trump’s first term. So many cabinet team members have been fired, and some resigned voluntarily from their cabinet positions during past 8 months. Steve Bannon leaving the White House is certainly a welcome move.
August 18, 2017

Donald Trump knows his impeachment and removal from office is imminent, it is only matter of time when the special prosecutor Robert Mueller completes his investigations. Trump thinks when the push comes to shove, the white supremacists and Nazis are the people who will stand by him, support him and perhaps could save him from impeachment and removal from office, that is why Trump does not want to lose their support.
On the flip side Donald Trump is making it difficult for Republicans to ask for support from minorities in the future elections, after his press conference yesterday. The Trump press conference did shrink the Republican party’s base. The future of the Republican Party is old, white, rural, and mostly male voters.
August 16, 2017

Today Donald Trump destroyed his Presidency with press conference blaming the left for Charlottesville violence. The eclipses this month and the Sun, Rahu conjunction that is taking place right now, is really taking a toll on Donald Trump Presidency, as Trump continues to destroy his Presidency, while Republicans are still not taking any action.
I am hoping Trump's poll numbers will drop into the twenties next week, that should give the Republicans courage to take some action against Trump.
August 15, 2017

As Sun is about to collide with Rahu on August 16, followed by the Solar Eclipse on Donald Trump’s ascendant Leo sign on August 21st, Donald Trump is refusing to disavow his own Nazi supporters even after they just committed a deadly terrorist attack against the United States. It suggests that Trump’s oath to protect and defend the Constitution only extends to people who meet certain racial and religious criteria. Republicans have been presented with a golden opportunity to impeach Donald Trump. But they won’t take it, they would rather let the special prosecutor Robert Mueller do the dirty work.
August 14, 2017

The deadly Nazi and white supremacist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia, poses a threat to Trump’s approval ratings. If Trump drops into the twenties, the Republican Congress will panic and consider ousting Trump before 2018 midterm election, that is sub case B2 in my July 24th update. Trump needs some kind of military conflict with North Korea very badly at this moment, to boost his low poll numbers to survive politically.
August 13, 2017

My condolences to the families of those who died in the Nazi and white supremacist incident in Charlottesville, Virginia today. I want to remind everybody what I had mentioned in the beginning of my Trump astrology article on January 20th this year. "Donald Trump became President in the mahadasha of the most difficult planet Jupiter, in his astrology chart. So his Presidential Term will mostly be consumed by number of investigations, law suits, protests, and may be war as well, that will leave him with very little time to accomplish anything positive for the country or “Make America Great Again”." It is happening now.
August 12, 2017

On April 7, 2014, I had predicted the second Iraq-Syria war from President Obama's astrology  chart, and the war started in September 2014.
August 10, 2017

Donald Trump is very impulsive and unpredictable, anything is possible when Donald Trump is the President. There is no doubt the threat from North Korea is a real one but Trump also has an incentive to go to war at this moment, because this is the only way Trump can improve his sagging poll numbers. I think Trump is going to play this card either now, in next three months or in last 6 months of 2019 to avoid impeachment. Trump will try to kill two birds with one stone.
August 9, 2017

Donald Trump vows to answer North Korea's nuclear threats with 'fire and fury'. In my Donald Trump astrology predictions for the year 2019, I had clearly mentioned that there is a possibility of global war between June 2019 and April 2020. Please understand Donald Trump is in 8th house lord and badhaka lord Jupiter mahadasha, and in 2019 Trump will be in 7th house lord Saturn’s bhukti. There are all indications from Trump’s astrology chart that there will be some military conflict between June 2019 and April 2020, if Trump is still the President at that time. US and its allies are going to try sanctions and diplomacy with North Korea, but I doubt it will yield any results. The situation will slowly worsen in 2019, and will lead to some military action towards the end of 2019, if Trump is still the President at that time. This will also be the time when all these investigations will come to some closure. So there will be lot going on in 2019, especially towards the end of 2019. In my opinion 2019 will be a dangerous year for the whole world.
August 8, 2017

I see many astrologers right now talking about how the eclipses in August are going to affect Donald Trump negatively. Back in January this year majority of the astrologers were talking about how great Jupiter is in Donald Trump’s astrology chart, Jupiter is in second house in Trump’s astrology chart, Jupiter is stationary retrograde in Trump’s natal astrology chart, Trump is getting his auspicious Jupiter return, Trump will be a great President in Jupiter mahadasha. But on the contrary look what happened to Trump Presidency during past 7 months. Trump had very difficult 7 months, 33% poll numbers, could not even get his Health Care Bill passed. Now Trump is under Grand Jury investigation. No one now is talking about Trump’s great Jupiter in his second house, his great Jupiter return etc. This is the reason why many people have no faith in astrology.
If you remember my article was published on January 20th this year on internet. I had laid out astrology predictions for Donald Trump not just for the month of August this year, but for Trump’s entire Presidential term, next 4 years, and I even went on to predict when Trump will face impeachment / removal from office in 2019. 
August 6, 2017

Please refer to my July 24th update, wherein I had discussed the different scenarios that can play out for Donald Trump in the rest of his Presidential Term. The sub case B2 says “Trump poll numbers slip further, below 30% before 2018 mid-term election. GOP dumps Trump before 2018 mid-term election in the months of June, July, August, September 2018”. Since Donald Trump’s poll numbers at this moment are just 33%, and now he is under Grand Jury Investigation also, so in my opinion the sub case B2 is going to play out for Donald Trump sooner than expected. This week gave me a feeling that Republicans in Congress have finally decided they want Trump gone well before the midterm races get underway, so they don’t have to defend him. But at the same time Republicans do not want to be seen as leading the Trump impeachment, they would rather let the Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller do the dirty work.
August 4, 2017

Planet Jupiter represents Thursday of the week and today is Thursday, Jupiter's day. Donald Trump is in evil Jupiter mahadasha, that is responsible for all these investigations. Jupiter is giving him bad news again and again and it is happening on Thursday most of the time.
August 3, 2017

Trump White House closer to facing criminal charges as the investigation into potential crimes committed by the President and campaign has expanded. A grand jury has been impaneled in Washington, D.C. as part of the Russia investigation. Please refer to my July 19, 2017 update in bold letters, I had clearly mentioned that expect some bombshell events related to Trump – Russia investigation in the month of August. The predictions so far are right on the target. 
August 3, 2017

According to the latest Quinnipiac University Poll, Trump’s overall approval is sinking among Republicans, as only 53% of the voters in his own party strongly support the President. Donald Trump’s overall approval rating is just 33% as we enter the challenging months of August and September this year.
August 2, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci was brought in to force out Reince Priebus, and John Kelly was elevated to chief of staff to get rid of Anthony Scaramucci. It doesn’t matter who the chief of staff and communications director are. the problem begins and ends with Trump and his family, because they don’t trust anyone outside of their small inner circle. Now as we are entering the sensitive months of August / September, the Trump Presidency could be in real jeopardy if some key top level cabinet team members either resign from their positions or get fired by Trump.
July 31, 2017

Donald Trump fires Anthony Scaramucci as Communications Director, just after two weeks working for Trump. Trump has now fired two communications directors and one chief of staff in less than two weeks, we have not even yet entered the challenging month of August.
July 31, 2017

Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff is pushed out on Friday after a stormy six-month tenure. I am not surprised at all. We will see more cabinet team members either resigning from their jobs or getting fired by Trump in the coming months. I have also mentioned in the beginning of this article that hiring and firing will go on throughout Trump’s presidential term. Donald Trump’s astrology chart is very difficult for healthy relationships with other people around him, that is why Trump does not trust people easily, except his family members, and the personal loyalty to Trump is more important than the loyalty to the Constitution. 
July 28, 2017

Donald Trump suffers a humiliating defeat as Skinny Obamacare Repeal crushed in Senate by John McCain. There is no doubt Trump is going through a very difficult time according to his astrology chart right now.
July 27, 2017

Donald Trump's presidency has become the ultimate reality TV show, and the shit is about to hit the fan in the month of August, as there are two eclipses, the solar eclipse on August 21st, is right on Donald Trump’s ascendant in Leo sign. The Sun and Rahu conjunction on August 16th, is very challenging for Trump, so expect the unexpected. These investigations are not going away. Trump thought by firing Director James Comey, will end the investigations, but look what happened, Trump is now dealing with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. If Trump will try to fire Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller, it will again back fire, because Trump’s time is so bad according to his astrology chart. The proof is in the pudding, his Healthcare bill again failed in the Senate. Trump will be dealing with even bigger challenges. These investigations are not going away, because Trump is in a bad Jupiter mahadasha , they will finally lead to Trump impeachment and removal from office in 2019. In my opinion we are already in Constitutional crisis, even before Trump is able to fire Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller. 
July 26, 2017

These are the different scenarios that can play out for Donald Trump in the rest of his Presidential Term. 

Case ATrump fires special prosecutor Robert Mueller

sub case A1:Congress will hire Robert Mueller back immediately, and the investigation continues. Trump faces impeachment / removal from office in 2019.
sub case A2:Majority of the Republicans in GOP join Democrats and impeach Trump or force him to resign. Trump leaves and his Presidency ends in August / September this year. Trump pardons family members, and some people close to him.
sub case A3:Republican Congress does not act. Then we see constitutional crises in US. Trump becomes bold, and authoritarian. Trump stays in power until 2019, and then faces impeachment or forced to resign in March or July or November of 2019.

Case BTrump does not fire special prosecutor Robert Mueller

sub case B1:Robert Mueller continues with the investigations. Trump stays in office until 2019, and then gets impeached or forced to resign in March or July or November of 2019.
sub case B2:Trump poll numbers slip further, below 30% before 2018 mid-term election. GOP dumps Trump before 2018 mid-term election in the months of June, July, August, September 2018.
July 24, 2017

White House press secretary Sean Spicer resigned this morning. August / September are going to be very turbulent and challenging months for Trump.
July 21, 2017

It’s become apparent that Trump has reached the point where he’s about to start firing everyone involved in his investigations. If Donald Trump fires special prosecutor Robert Mueller then we will see Saturday Night Massacre in August / September this year, many top level Advisors, Cabinet Team members will be either fired by Trump or voluntarily resign from their positions. In this scenario Trump will lose support from majority of the Republicans in the GOP party, and the Republican Congress will have to act fast, either impeach Trump or force him to resign. So far the Republican Congress is sleeping at the wheel. By doing this, Trump will just hasten his own demise, the Trump Presidency can come to an end by August / September this year.
But if Donald Trump shows some restraint, and doesn't fire Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, then in my opinion his Presidency will last until 2019, and Trump will face impeachment or forced to resign in March or July or November of 2019.
        As we know Donald Trump is very impulsive by nature. Donald Trump’s next move will depend upon how Donald Trump Jr.’s Senate hearing will go next Wednesday.
July 20, 2017

The lunar eclipse is on August 7th. Then Sun and Rahu conjunction is taking place on August 16th. Next the solar eclipse on August 21st is at 5 degrees in Leo sign right on Donald Trump’s ascendant, and then Saturn becomes stationary direct at 27 degrees 10 minutes in Scorpio sign, and vibrates right on Donald Trump’s natal moon in his astrology chart on August 25th. So expect some Bombshell events in the Trump – Russia investigation in the month of August. There is always a possibility that Donald Trump may fire some senior level officials during this time.
July 19, 2017

There is nothing wrong with a US President meeting with a Russian President privately. Ronald Reagan met with Mikhail Gorbachav privately, Barack Obama also met with Vladimir Putin privately. But they had their interpreters / translators present during their meetings. But in Donald Trump’s case, the problem is that majority of the Americans don’t trust him because of his business / financial ties with Russia, the Russian collusion investigation going on at this moment, and the election interference that is already confirmed by all American intelligence agencies. Why have a private meeting with Putin, why not with other world leaders at G20 summit?
July 19, 2017

The Republican Healthcare Bill is dead again, that indicates how bad Donald Trump's time is right now, according to his astrology chart.
July 17, 2017

American people are wondering if Donald Trump himself either attended the Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia meeting at Trump Tower on June 9th, or participated remotely via speakerphone, or was at least aware of the meeting, while it was taking place. The simple answer is we will know by mid-August, when Sun and Rahu conjunction will take place at 0 degrees in Leo sign on August 16th. There are two eclipses in August as well. Eclipses bring things that are hidden to surface. 
July 16, 2017

I do not remember a time in American history when so many of the people close to a President have had to hire lawyers to defend themselves against potential charges of collusion with a foreign government. The reason the evidence of collusion, no matter how strong, will not draw out any real response from congressional Republicans is as follows:

- Although we are starting to see some cracks in the Trump support, but Donald Trump still enjoys 85% support from the Republican Base. The Republican Base believes that it is just fine if it took the Russian help to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House and to get Donald Trump in. 
- Republicans may be hesitant to impeach Trump because the Trump -Russia scandal is quite likely to touch a number of other high-ranking Republicans as well.
- As long as Donald Trump meets the Republican Agenda by signing executive orders, Republican Congress will be hesitant to impeach Trump.

Many astrologers, psychics are predicting Trump impeachment by August / September this year. But these are the reasons why Trump may survive impeachment this year, although the time until October 24th is very difficult and challenging for Donald Trump. But after Feb / March 2019 Trump will lose support from the GOP and Republican Base, and will finally, either face impeachment or force to resign from his position.
July 15, 2017

I cannot make astrology prediction about 2018 mid-term election because I do not have Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell's accurate birth time. My statement about mid-term election on July 11, 2017 was more of an opinion than a prediction.
July 13, 2017

I had indicated in the beginning of my 2017 Astrology Predictions for Donald Trump in this article, that many important events in President Trump’s first term will take place in the months of March, July and November. I was right again this time. The ‘Did Trump’s Campaign Collude with Russia’ debate is over. Now we know that Donald Trump and his Campaign team colluded with Russia to score their victory in the 2016 Presidential Election. It’s over for the Republicans next year in the mid-term election, Democrats will take over the Congress. You don’t even need astrology to make this prediction. 
July 11, 2017

Another July surprise; Donald Trump Jr. admitting he met during the presidential campaign with a Russian lawyer who claimed she could provide damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
July 10, 2017

As predicted Putin outsmarted Trump at all levels in their first meeting, and emerged as the winner.
July 7, 2017

In the beginning of my 2017 Astrology Predictions for Donald Trump in this article, I had indicated that many important events in President Trump’s first term will take place in the months of March, July and November. Well, the first meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin is taking place in July, on July 7th. In my opinion Vladimir Putin will have an upper hand in this meeting, because Trump is already into his challenging period right now, as retrograde Saturn is right on his natal moon, and aspects his natal Sun. Also Donald Trump is very easily playable; all Putin has to do is say nice things about Donald Trump.
July 5, 2017

Saturn is already in Scorpio sign right now and is right on Donald Trump's natal Moon and natal Ketu in Scorpio sign. Also Saturn is aspecting natal Sun and natal Rahu in Trump's 10th house. Donald Trump is now in a very challenging period until October 24th this year, when Saturn finally moves into Sagittarius sign. Trump is going to be very impulsive and rash during this time, will lose composure sometimes and get very angry with press and people around him. So expect some impulsive tweets from Trump in the middle of the night in the coming months.
June 30, 2017

I had indicated in the beginning of this article, published on January 20th this year, that Donald Trump is in the mahadasha of the most difficult planet, that is Jupiter in his astrology chart. I had also indicated that his Presidential Term will mostly be consumed by number of investigations, law suits, protests and may be war as well, that will leave him with a very little time to accomplish anything positive for the country or “Make America Great Again”. Now I feel I was so correct in my analysis. Trump can’t get anything done, even when the Presidency, and both houses of Congress are controlled by Republicans. This is amazing!! His Muslim travel ban is finally partially approved by the Supreme court for 90 days. Now Trump can’t get the Healthcare reform bill passed that is acceptable to majority of the Americans. Considering the fact that the coming months are very difficult and challenging for Trump, either Trump will not be able to get the healthcare reform bill passed or even if somehow he is able to get it passed, it will hurt the Republican party in the 2018 mid-term election, because according to a recent poll, nearly 2 in 3 Americans don’t like the way Trump is trying to overhaul the country’s healthcare system. 
June 28, 2017

Now Donald Trump is saying that there are no tapes of his dinner meeting with former FBI Director James Comey. How can anybody trust anything that Trump says? What I have noticed is that Donald Trump will say anything to look strong at that particular moment in front of his audience, when a question is asked by a reporter. But later American people find out that it was just another lie. It has happened over and over again. But still there are people who believe that Trump is telling the truth. This is really shocking!! People always give Trump the benefit of the doubt, may be this time Trump is telling the truth. 
June 22, 2017

Some people have raised some concerns that what happens if Donald Trump fires Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. My answer is it will backfire, just like firing former FBI Director James Comey was a big mistake. Trump does not have any good options left. 
June 16, 2017

The news just came out that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is now investigating Donald Trump for possible Obstruction of Justice. In my May 27th update I had indicated that Donald Trump’s challenging time starts on June 14th, as ascendant lord Sun comes under Saturn’s aspect. The Obstruction of Justice case will be much easier to prove, and can be completed by August / September this year. But if we consider all other investigations such as Russia Collusion, Russia Business ties etc., then we are looking at 2019 for impeachment. The biggest witness against Trump is Trump himself, I mean Trump’s twitter account.
June 14, 2017

I don’t think Donald Trump can be impeached before March 2019. Trump still enjoys support from majority of the Republicans in the GOP party, the Republican Base and the white working class Americans in the rust belt, although nationwide Trump’s approval ratings are below 40%. In my 2017 Trump astrology predictions I had mentioned clearly, it will be difficult to impeach Trump by a Republican Congress, as long as Trump can meet their political agenda by signing the Executive Orders, as long as the Republican Base and the white working class Americans in the rust belt are still supporting Trump. 
We heard some rumors yesterday that Trump is thinking of firing the Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Again that will be a big mistake, Trump will just strengthen the “Obstruction of Justice” case against himself. The firing of former FBI Director James Comey was also a big mistake. Attorney General Jeff Sessions dodged questions in his testimony this afternoon, said “I do not recall” number of times during his testimony. Retrograde Saturn is about to enter Scorpio sign on June 21st. Transit Sun is coming under Saturn’s aspect on June 14th, transit Mercury is coming under Saturn’s aspect on June 18th. So Trump is pretty much into his challenging time again, that is from now until October 24th this year. It will be a very difficult time, the investigations will gain momentum, make good progress, but I doubt Trump will be ready for impeachment this year.
June 13, 2017

I received some messages from people asking me whether Donald Trump will resign in 2019. In my opinion Donald Trump will not resign. he knows how to distract the audience. He will start some war, if he feels he is losing. He has a very strong astrology chart. He just happens to be in a very difficult mahadasha that is Jupiter Just see the James Comey testimony also took place on Thursday, which is Jupiter's day. It is Jupiter that is causing him all the troubles. Even people with very powerful astrology charts also hit some weak times in their life. In my opinion Trump will hit his weak time between June 2019 and April 2020, when Trump will find it difficult to defend himself and the opposition will be very strong. Let us see how this difficult period plays out for him. In my opinion Trump will be vulnerable during this time because he will lose support from his supporters and the GOP Party at that time.

I mean to say Trump will not resign peacefully. 
June 9, 2017

A very compelling testimony indeed by former FBI Director James Comey this morning. I believed in every single word of his testimony, because Director Comey was telling the truth, as it is. I have not seen Director Comey’s astrology chart, because his birth time is unknown. But I can say with full confidence that he can have a very illustrious career if he decides to enter the field of politics sometime in future.
In my previous updates, and even in my main article published on Jan 20th this year, I had mentioned that Donald Trump is not going anywhere until 2019. There are many Trump – Russia investigations that are underway concurrently at this moment. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller also has expanded the scope of his investigations. So American people will have to be very patient, it is going to take time. We have no idea at this moment where these investigations may end up going. Donald Trump still has support from the GOP Party and the Republican Base. The Republican Base is still hoping that Trump will deliver his campaign promises, such as build a wall, make Mexico pay for the wall, travel ban from Muslim countries, Obama care repeal, and fix Trade Agreements and outsourcing of jobs etc. 
The Trump – Russia investigations will gain momentum and make good progress in July, August, September and October this year, as these are very difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump. But I will again put all my money on 2019, when Donald Trump will either face impeachment or resign between June 2019 and April 2020. Donald Trump will fail to deliver his campaign promises, and the Republican Base will feel disappointed. After June 2019 Trump will lose support from the Republican Base and the GOP party as well. The country will be going through recession, unemployment numbers will be high, stock market will not be doing well, and the chances of war will also be high. It may not be Trump’s fault, but it will all be happening on his watch, when Donald Trump is the President of the country. The Trump-Russia investigations will also come to some closure in 2019, and impeachment will finally be proposed. 2019 is certainly going to be a very challenging year for the country when we will have a lame duck President in the White House, who is about to face impeachment. 
June 8, 2017

It seems like Trump has not given up his romance with Russia and Putin. Trump Presidency is in jeopardy because of Russia ties, but still Trump is trying his level best to please Russians. If Russians can hack DNC servers, they might have hacked RNC servers also, and they may already have some compromising information about Donald Trump. Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony next week will be a game changer. We will have a fairly good idea after Comey testimony if Trump will be impeached by August / September this year or we may have to wait until 2019 to see the Trump impeachment. I was predicting the Trump impeachment in 2019, but Trump has accelerated his own impeachment process by some self-inflicted wounds in the past 4 weeks, as Rahu and Ketu were transiting the ascendant and descendant in his astrology chart. Trump may try to block the Comey testimony, but again that will be another step closer to “Obstruction of Justice”.
June 2, 2017

Donald Trump had some relief and enjoyed the foreign trip after Jupiter / Jupiter / Mercury period began on May 20th. This slightly positive period will end by June 14, as ascendant lord Sun enters the Gemini sign on June 14 and comes directly in the fire power of Saturn from Sagittarius sign, followed by Mercury entering Gemini sign on June 18 also coming under Saturn’s aspect. Next retrograde Saturn enters Scorpio sign on June 21st, also starts aspecting ascendant lord Sun’s natal position in Taurus sign in Trump’s astrology chart. So the difficult period for Trump begins on June 14th. The time between now and June 13th is still slightly positive for Trump.
May 27, 2017

Now Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is also under FBI investigation. I cannot share my astrological thoughts on the Jared Kushner's situation, because we don’t know Kushner’s accurate birth time from his birth certificate. Please contact me directly if you know Jared Kushner’s accurate birth time.
May 27, 2017

Please remember when Trump will finally be impeached, it will not be on his Russia collusion / ties, but on obstruction of justice for having tried to impede the investigation into Russia ties / collusion. There is ample evidence already available that is pointing to obstruction of justice. The obstruction of justice will be much easier and quicker to prove than the Russia Collusion, can lead to Trump impeachment as early as August / September this year.
May 22, 2017

There is a strong possibility that Trump will face impeachment in August / September this year. But I still continue to believe that we may have to wait until 2019 to see Trump impeachment and removal from oval office, because Trump will not go down easily. Trump will continue to find ways to derail his Russia ties investigation. I will not be surprised if Trump uses his Presidential powers to fire more people in the coming months. Astrologically the impeachment / removal from oval office should certainly come through in March, July or November of 2019, if I try to pinpoint the dates. Trump will not be alone, but there will be group of associates who will also face indictment.
May 20, 2017

Trump is going on his first foreign trip today, should bring some relief, as Jupiter / Jupiter / Mercury period starts tomorrow (May 20th). The time between now and end of June should bring some relief to Trump, as Mercury is a good planet in Trump’s astrology chart. The Trump Russia investigations will gain momentum after first week of July as transit Saturn will transit natal moon in Scorpio sign and aspect natal Sun in Taurus sign in Trump’s astrology chart.
May 19, 2017

I had to make slight adjustment to Donald Trump’s birth time, just have to move the clock backward by one minute. In my opinion the 10.53 am is the correct birth time instead of 10.54 am mentioned on the birth certificate. You can see the Jupiter / Jupiter / Saturn period (Jan 17 to May 20, 2017) is a very difficult and challenging period. I had indicated in my 2017 astrology predictions in this article that the period from April 1 to May 15, 2017 (Now corrected to April 1 to May 20, 2017) is even more difficult, because Saturn became retrograde on April 5 and became even more evil for Trump. Retrograde Saturn in Jupiter mahadasha is the cause of all troubles for Donald Trump. It seems like today the investigation is elevated to criminal investigation. The damage is already done. Now even Jupiter / Jupiter / Mercury period that is starting on May 20th, which I thought may give some relief to Trump for few weeks is of no use. Saturn is still retrograde until August 21st, and all these investigations will gain momentum after retrograde Saturn moves back to Scorpio sign on June 21st according to Vedic Astrology. Saturn in Scorpio sign will stop right on natal Moon in August / September this year, and aspect natal Sun in Taurus sign in Trump’s astrology chart very powerfully. The eclipse on August 21st falling right on Trump's ascendant in Leo sign is very powerful. The months of July, August and September will be very interesting months, when we will see lot of action in all these investigations.

Vimsottari Dasa: (Use KP Ayanamsa in calculations and using 10.53 am birth time instead of 10.54 am mentioned on the birth certificate of Donald Trump.)

Jup Mahadasha: 2016-10-08 - 2032-10-08
        Jup Bhukti: 2016-10-08 - 2018-11-25
         Pratyantardasas in this AD:
                 Jup: 2016-10-08 - 2017-01-17
                 Sat: 2017-01-17 - 2017-05-20
                 Merc: 2017-05-20 - 2017-09-10

May 18, 2017

The Justice Department has appointed the former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as a special counsel to oversee its Trump Russia investigation. This is a very positive news. Now we can be sure that the Justice will be served. But certainly not a good news for Donald Trump. Trump has accelerated his own Russia investigation by firing former FBI Director James Comey. These are self-inflicted wounds by Trump. The Jupiter / Jupiter / Saturn period that ended on May 15th proved to be devastating for Trump, if we use the 10.54 am birth time from Trump’s birth certificate. But if we move the birth time to 10.53 am, just one minute before the birth time on birth certificate, then Trump is in Jupiter / Jupiter / Saturn period until May 20th. I am trying to fine tune Trump’s birth time as well.
May 17, 2017

Republican Congressmen and Senators will start abandoning Trump one by one, when they come to realize that he is hurting their chances of surviving the 2018 mid-term election. Then Donald Trump's own party will impeach him. But the problem is many of them are compromised in the past by Russian money or laundered Russian money to their re-election campaigns! So they don’t know what to do next. The public testimony of former FBI Director James Comey will be the game changer.
May 17, 2017

I just saw the former FBI Director James Comey bombshell news. My guess is firing James Comey was a big mistake. Trump has accelerated his impeachment process. Trump could have easily lasted until 2019. Now we are looking at impeachment this year could be August / September. Now the sixty four thousand dollar question is will Republicans still put party over the country?
May 16, 2017

The 10.54 AM birth time from Trump's birth certificate indicated that time until May 15 is very bad, then Trump enters Jup/Jup/Mercury period and will get some relief for about 6 to 7 weeks or so. This is mentioned in my article. But when the Healthcare Bill was passed in House on May 4th, and Trump was celebrating, I thought may be Trump is born 3 minutes late and he entered Jup / Jup / Mercury period on May 4th. So I said May and June will be good months for Trump. But so many bad things have happened in past 10 days. It makes me believe his birth time 10.54 am from his birth certificate is pretty accurate. So his bad time ended yesterday. So Trump should do fine next 6 to 7 weeks or so, until end of June this year. Then again challenging time will start after second week of July.
May 16, 2017

I was receiving anonymous emails from a strong Trump supporter for the past 6 months. This person sometimes tried to insult me, bully me. But I have no idea who this person is. But today I received an apology email from this person, and I have accepted their apology. Here is the content of the email.

“I am sorry for being impolite. Seeing my country's democracy being torn up, hurts. I hope you post daily. You were right about May being a bad month. Let's hope he is impeached. Since impeachment doesn't mean removal from office, I hope the process at least starts soon. After the process, I hope to see him indicted and jailed. The process can take a long time. Do you think the process will start soon? Will trump resign? Will republicans put party over country? Can you do anything to ensure a quick ouster? We must pray for this world. Trump must fail.”
May 16, 2017

Donald Trump is again in deep trouble for sharing highly classified information with Russians last week in a white house meeting. It seems like Donald Trump’s birth time 10.54 AM is pretty accurate. The JUP / JUP / MERCURY period is starting tomorrow. But on the last day of JUP/JUP / SATURN period that is May 15th, again Trump is in deep trouble. These are self-inflicted wounds. I was trying to adjust Donald Trump’s birth time on May 4th, when the Healthcare Bill was passed in the House. I was thinking may be Trump is born couple of minutes late, and already entered JUP / JUP / MERCURY period on May 4th. But so many bad things have happened during past 10 days.
May 15, 2017

The time window from July 15 to end of September is a very difficult and challenging one for Donald Trump. I hope Trump gets impeached in this time window. But if Trump survives this time window, because the Republican Congress is not yet ready to impeach Trump, then we will have to wait until the summer of 2019 to see the Trump impeachment / resignation. The public testimony from former FBI Director James Comey will be very critical to the impeachment process. Donald Trump will get sick and tired of firing people but the Trump Russia investigation is not going away.
May 13, 2017

Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. This was a big mistake. Now the public opinion in US will shift against President Trump, and there will be a strong case to appoint a Special Prosecutor for the Trump Russia investigation. Months of August and September this year will definitely be very challenging and difficult months for Donald Trump. But astrologically I think Donald Trump is not going anywhere next two years. But 2019 will be the year that will lead to his impeachment as predicted by me in my astrology article.
May 9, 2017

In my 2017 astrology predictions for Donald Trump I had mentioned the following.

“Next President Trump will enter Jupiter / Jupiter /Mercury period on May 15th. The period from May 15th to end of June should bring some relief, as Mercury is one of the best planet in President Trump’s astrology chart.”
The calculations were done using the following birth time information for President Trump from his birth certificate.
Date: June 14, 1946
Time: 10:54:00 AM
Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 74 W 19' 30", 41 N 10' 27"
             Jamaica, New York, USA

Please understand if Donald Trump is born 3 minutes late, at 10.57 am, instead of 10.54 am birth time recorded on his birth certificate, then according to KP Ayanamsa the auspicious Jup / Jup / Mercury period started today on May 4th, instead of May 15th, when Trump got some good news about the American Health Care Bill passed by the House. I do not want to get involved in the Health Care Bill politics, but certainly Donald Trump will get some relief and go through some good time in May and June this year. The planetary energy will again turn negative for President Trump after mid-July. August and September are very difficult and challenging months for Trump.

Astrology students can read the following article from me on recording the correct birth time when a child is born in the Hospital. Hospitals sometimes make mistake in recording the correct birth time of an individual. It makes astrologer’s work more challenging, in making precise predictions.

Most of the time incorrect birth times are recorded. The birth time noted when the child is separated from the mother, is also not correct. That is the cosmic rays through planets reaching earth is only through Oxygen and it is this Oxygen that reaches the lungs of the child. Immediately the heart vibrates, to make the first cry of the child. From this very moment the dasa bhukti starts to act. This birth time should be noted and there is no need to wait till the full child is separated from the mother. As explained if the birth times are noted, our calculations to fix the lagna will be very correct.
May 4, 2017

Bill O'reilly leaving Fox News after sexual harassment allegations, is a big loss to the GOP. The astonishing fact is that 96% of the voters who voted for Trump in the last election, still support him, in spite of a poor performance during first 100 days of his Presidency. But things will be a lot different in 2019. Trump will lose support from the Republican base after June 2019, during Saturn and Ketu conjunction in Sagittarius sign.
April 23, 2017 

I had indicated in my 2017 Astrology predictions for President Trump that the period from April 1 to May 15 will be very challenging, especially when Saturn will go retrograde on April 5, and Rahu will be right on Donald Trump’s ascendant degree and Ketu on 7th house cusp in the astrology chart. First we witnessed the US Missile attack on Syrian air base, then the MOAB attack on Afghanistan caves, and now we see a war like situation with North Korea. Astrologically the time is very sensitive for war until May 15, when Donald Trump will enter Jupiter / Jupiter / Mercury period. It may be better to solve this North Korea problem now, as there is some hope for diplomacy to work. In my opinion the period from March 2019 to March 2020 will be a very dangerous time for the whole world when Saturn and Ketu will be together for 9 months from March 2019 to December 2019, and then Jupiter and Ketu will be together for 6 months from October 2019 to March 2020.
April 15, 2017

Donald Trump launches military strike against Syria, as 7th house lord Saturn goes retrograde April 5th, evening. I had indicated in my 2017 predictions that April is a challenging month.
April 6, 2017

Michael Flynn tells FBI he’ll testify in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal in exchange for immunity, as Saturn is about to go retrograde next week on April 5th. I told you back on January 20th this year that April will be a very troubling month for Donald Trump. The 7th house lord Saturn will go retrograde on April 5th, can bring setbacks. Rahu is right on Donald Trump’s ascendant in Leo sign and Ketu is afflicting the 7th house cusp in Trump’s astrology chart. The Russian noose is tightening around Donald Trump. Trump’s approval ratings will drop further after Saturn will go retrograde on April 5th.
March 30, 2017

I had indicated in my article that many important events will take place in the months of March, July, and November in Trump’s first term. First Donald Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban failed miserably twice. Now the GOP does not have enough votes to repeal Obamacare and pass GOP Healthcare Bill. Last Monday we came to know the Trump Administration is under FBI criminal investigation for collusion with Russia during 2016 Presidential Election. Democrats plan a filibuster against Neil Gorsuch, Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court. Donald Trump is facing roadblock after roadblock, can’t get anything done for his supporters. Trump’s base erodes as approval rating sinks to new low. The approval rating at this moment is just 37%, as Rahu is coming right on the ascendant degree in Leo sign and Ketu is transiting the 7th house cusp. Saturn is about to go retrograde on April 5th, does not look very good for Trump.
March 24, 2017

Today is one of the worst day for Donald Trump, as FBI Director James Comey publicly confirmed for the first time that the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump and Russia. There is an investigation going on since July last year. James Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama. We also learnt that Republicans are mostly focusing on the leaks rather than the Trump Russia investigation. Donald Trump’s Gallup approval rating is now 37%, as Rahu and Ketu are approaching the ascendant degree in Leo sign and 7th house cusp in Aquarius sign, in Trump’s astrology chart. The approval rating will drop further after Saturn will go retrograde on April 5th. In the month of April, GOP will have to seriously evaluate whether to impeach and remove Trump or enter the 2018 mid-term election with Trump still in office, and no chance of rebounding in popularity. According to my 2017 Astrology predictions the month of April this year is the first opportunity when Trump can be impeached.
March 20, 2017

It looks like Donald Trump leaked his own 2005 Tax Return as Trump – Russia distraction. It’s only first two pages, and does not tell us the sources of income. Donald Trump knows how to manipulate media, and take their focus away from his Russia ties investigation.
March 14, 2017

Back in January this year, Donald Trump claimed that 3 million voters illegally voted for Hillary Clinton and wanted voter fraud investigation. The voter fraud investigation never took place. Now Trump doesn’t talk about voter fraud investigation, but is falsely accusing President Obama of illegally wiretapping his Trump Tower during Presidential Campaign.
March 8, 2017

At present there are 177 foreign ambassadors in the United States. The thing that surprises me the most is why Trump aides were more interested in meeting with the Russian ambassador in secret, during the Presidential Campaign and then later lied about it under oath during their confirmation hearings. It seems like Donald Trump has already become a liability to Putin. Trump is going to be under so much scrutiny that it will be impossible for him to deliver any favors to Russia, such as lifting of sanctions etc. If Putin merely releases the proof of Trump’s illegal financial ties with Russia, Trump is finished. Let us see if Trump faces impeachment by August / September this year or else we may have to wait until 2019 for impeachment.
March 4, 2017

As I had mentioned so many times that eclipses bring surprises, things that are hidden and private, come to surface during eclipses. The solar eclipse of Feb 26th was not good for Attorney General Jeff Sessions also, as we came to know Sessions did not disclose his meetings with Russian Ambassador during his confirmation hearings. It seems like Donald Trump’s Russia connection investigations will begin very soon, my guess around April 5th, when Saturn will go retrograde in Sagittarius sign. April will be a very turbulent month for Trump Administration.
March 2, 2017

We saw teleprompter Donald Trump today, more Presidential, subdued, and disciplined. President Trump made lot of promises tonight. We will see a year from now how many of those promises he will be able to fulfill. April is again going to be a very turbulent month for Trump as 7th house lord Saturn will go retrograde on April 5th. Rahu and Ketu are approaching the ascendant degree and the 7th house cusp. Rahu is at 9 degrees in Leo sign right now and the ascendant degree is at 6 degrees 40 minutes in Leo sign in Trump’s astrology chart. Rahu will be right on ascendant degree in mid-April, will be a difficult transit.
Feb 28, 2017

Speaking of Oscars 2017, President Trump probably thinks he should be given a lifetime achievement award for having learned that replacing Obamacare could be so complicated. Actually, everybody knows it’s complicated. That’s why Republicans in Congress have been unable to come up with a proper replacement plan in 6 years.
Feb 28, 2017

Donald Trump is trying to dismantle press, undermine the Judicial System and the Intelligence Agencies in U.S. When you look at history, the first thing dictators do is shut down the press. The chances of impeachment are very high by August / September this year, because Republicans will need a full year to recover before the 2018 mid-term election. The Republicans will lose the 2018 mid-term election, if Donald Trump’s poll numbers continue to decline, and Trump is not impeached this year.
Feb 21, 2017

February so far is a very challenging month for Donald Trump. We are approaching the solar eclipse on February 26th, that will again be problematic for Donald Trump. Eclipses bring surprises, things that are hidden come to surface during eclipses. That is why we came to know this month that Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during Presidential Campaign. Republican Establishment is still not in a position to impeach Trump, because their Base is with Donald Trump, not with the Republican party. Trump still enjoys 90% support from the Republican Base, although his approval ratings nationally is only 40%. But Republican Establishment will not hesitate to impeach Trump, if they feel Trump can harm their chances of victory in the 2018 mid-term election.
Feb 15, 2017

Another major blow to Trump Administration in less than a week after Jupiter became retrograde on Feb 5th, followed by Lunar eclipse on Feb 10th, as Donald Trump’s national security adviser Michael Flynn resigns over Russia links. I had mentioned in my 2017 astrology predictions that February is going to be a very turbulent month for Donald Trump.
Feb 13, 2017

A Major setback to President Trump as Trump loses court battle to re-instate travel ban. The Appeals Court rules 3-0 to keep travel ban on hold, as mahadasha lord Jupiter became retrograde on Feb 5th, followed by the Lunar eclipse at 0 degrees 35 minutes in Leo sign tomorrow, right on Trump’s ascendant sign in his astrology chart. I had indicated in my predictions that February is going to be a very difficult month for President Trump.
Feb 9, 2017

President Donald Trump is learning the hard way what democracy is all about with its checks and balances. Despite his executive orders which have created chaos throughout the country, Americans are fighting back and they’re doing it effectively.
Feb 4, 2017

I had mentioned in my 2017 astrology predictions for Donald Trump that the month of February does not look very good for Trump, can give him setbacks. Well a Republican Federal Judge just stopped Trump’s Immigration Ban in its tracks, as the mahadasha lord Jupiter in Trump’s vedic astrology chart is about to go retrograde this weekend. Jupiter retrograde is bad for Trump, this matter will be escalated to higher court, could go to Supreme Court.
Feb 3, 2017

As I have mentioned in the 2017 astrology predictions, President Trump is in 8th house and badhaka lord Jupiter mahadasha, and Jupiter is about to go retrograde on Feb 5th, so expect the unexpected. February is going to be a very turbulent month, there are two eclipses in February, the lunar eclipse is on Feb 10th and the solar eclipse is on Feb 26th, The third week and last week of February looks very bad, we will see many protests, law suits, and investigations etc. all over the country. President Trump’s so called travel ban to protect the “homeland” stops where his money is involved. Trump has carefully avoided those countries in his travel ban where he does business. The main criteria that is used in the decision making process is “Does Donald Trump have current or future business interests in that country?”
January 29, 2017

I have received numerous emails and phone calls from people asking me if I give astrological readings for individuals upon request? The answer is yes, please click the link given below to see the astrology reading types, charges and how to schedule astrology consultation with me.

Vedic Astrology Consultation with Gurmeet Singh

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Top Twenty Three Accurate Predictions by Mr. Singh

Donald Trump loss and Joe Biden victory in 2020 presidential election

Julian Assange arrest Prediction

2018 Mid Term Election prediction

Bill Cosby sentenced to 3 to 10 years prison

Jayalalitha death prediction

Donald Trump loss in 2016 Republican IOWA Caucus

US and China Tension in 2015

Oscar Pistorius sentenced to 5 years prison

President Barack Obama victory in 2012 Presidential Elections

Governor Mitt Romney loss in 2012 Presidential Elections

Jayalalitha Bail Denied and then Granted

Steve Job's Death

ObamaCare Predictions

Sandra Bullock Divorce

BP Oil Spill was fixed on the time predicted by Singh

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